Daniel Kluver continues to share what God has laid upon his heart to tell me. Here’s what he sent me tonight:
You are the one making an ass out of your self! If all you can talk is shit then go talk It to the devil. A devil did speak through in a lie yesterday. You claimed to have demonic power yesterday [evidently Kluver doesn’t understand sarcasm] but the fact is the devil in you was just boasting about himself! You have no power and your garbage that you dump into the world will soon be over according to your testimony about your health [ah yes, another passive-aggressive threat]. Sometimes when people are infested with evil spirits they don’t even know what is wrong with their selves. If that’s the case with you then you still have a chance for the evil spirits to be flushed out and then you won’t have to keep living like the guy in mark chapter five.[the demon-possessed maniac of Gadera] I have learned how to get demons to manifest in people like you and that is evident.
Any further messages from Kluver will be added to this post. It is time to put the Daniel Kluver saga to bed. If you have not already done so, please read my previous posts about Kluver’s emails, comments, and social media messages:
Evangelical Man Messages My Wife on Facebook
Another Facebook Message From an Evangelical Zealot
Yet Another Facebook Message From an Evangelical Zealot
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
I think i have had enough fun with the clown! Bruce you are a typical Calvinist. You are still lost as a rat turd in a barrel of rice and. Maybe you should join the Church of Christ! They love to argue. You will make a good campbellite!
I’m an atheist, dude. Not a Christian, not a Calvinist, not a Campbellite — an a-t-h-e-i-s-t.
I’m not arguing with you, Danny. I’m using your comments, emails, and messages as reminders of the anti-Christian rot found in Evangelicalism. You claim to be a Bible believer, yet your behavior suggests otherwise. I encourage you to measure your behavior by the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5-7. You and I could have had a thoughtful discussion. Instead, you decided to go after my wife and attack me personally. What’s next? Are you going to attack my children, grandchildren, dog, and cat? If you ever want to talk, Danny, feel free to contact me.
You sound totally uneducated and unable to understand what is going on. Bruce doesn’t pretend to be what he’s not, and he’s not a Calvinist, but an atheist. And for someone supposedly Christian, you write angrily and viciously. Stop. You aren’t impressing anyone with your lack of eruditeness. The more you respond, the worse you look to everyone reading this blog. Give it a rest, man.
FOADOC19, Danny.
poor Danny, yet one more delusional and not very bright self-described Christian who is a religion of one since he can’t even get other christians to care about his nonsense.
The poor thing can’t even show he is a real Christian. No ability to get his prayers answered, no ability to heal people. Tsk. Just a fraud wanking off to his sadistic fantasies.
Yup, Danny’s just another religion-besotted poseur who can’t deliver the divine goods but loooooves Lord, Lording it over people.
Danny Boy, we hardly knew ye ! Using obscenities, for a supposedly devout Christian makes YOU look like the proverbial rat turd ! You reek of twisted incel pride. Do you know what the word ” incel” actually means ? One can almost imagine your appearance, so typical of your ilk. A dime a dozen, those of YOUR kind ! And the main reason for U.S. churches losing congregants ! Proud of that,are you ? The more you post, the more you resemble a clown yourself, of the IT genre’ a la Stephen King,lol😆
As a lifelong ChurchaChrister, should I be offended?
I couldn’t help but have a bit of a smile at this Ozymandias.;)
When I was young we were warned not to allow ourselves to be called Campbellites (after Alexander Campbell) but this might be the first time that ever really happened.
In IFB circles, we used the Campbellite label for CoC churches. I knew a good bit about the sects history/beliefs.I pastored in southeast Ohio for a number of years. Lots of Church of Christ preachers. I went round and round with them. I’d send them sermon tapes, they’d do the same. It was fun, but it was also petty. 😂
Gimminy Christmas! I didn’t think Christianity was full of such narcissistic, arrogant, foul-mouthed, pieces of trash! The rage & anger that fuels this guy is obviously all he has. Clearly, he’s very poorly educated & has nothing but a vindictive personality. He sounds like he’s been mocked by everybody he comes into contact with so he stays up on the Internet, at 11:41 in the night, raging and throwing garbage. What’s next?
Wow, Bruce is really living rent-free in your addled little bit of a brain, isn’t he. Poor you, not having anything better to do than harass a former preacher on Facebook and his blog!
Oh oh!! Let me respond!
Danny, the devil whispered in my ear this morning. He said, “Watch. That teeny dickman Danny still thinks it’s GOD telling him what to do! He’s in for a shock when I poke his ass with my pitchfork!”
Also, you’re setting a terrible example of unconditional love.
Once again showing those of us who have escaped religion that it was all bullshit in the first place. And in the second place, too.
Dude just does not know when to shut up, does he? He could have made a better case for Christian belief by saying nothing.
Ah but in his first attempt to Bruce directly he indicates: “In case you haven’t realized it yet I asked God to use me and instead of street witnessing like I used to he is using technology.”
So initially anyway he wasn’t planning on leaving too soon. I do wonder though if God got back to him after he asked God to use him? He doesn’t say.
I think you’re safe, Bruce, because if Danny were really transmitting a message from you-know-who we’d have seen the word ‘reprobate’ by now.
I grew up in the South where our response to Danny would be “bless your little heart”.
What’s with evangelicals never removing the mote from their own eye?
Bruce, is that the non-instrumental Church of Christ? I have a whole slew of relatives in the South who are members. Some of them seemed to be lovely people but wouldn’t you know, they all supported Trump which 100% negates my previous impressions of them.
It’s probably me and my people he’s talking about. The Churches of Christ have a love/hate relationship with evangelicalism. We never have an American flag in the “Auditorium.” But the white members are trending more and more toward the E-label. My church (suburbs of a large Southern city) has about 30% black members so, at least publicly, we keep politics out of most discussions,
Bruce, if you’re infested with evil spirits, you–and they–are doing good work, sticking to facts and refuting the fantasies of far-right-wing preachers/ministers in their efforts to control their congregations’ lives, and yours. All y’all keep up the good work!
Bruce, if you’re infested with evil spirits, you–and they–are doing good work, sticking to facts and refuting the fantasies of far-right-wing churchgoers in their efforts to control their congregations lives, and yours. All y’all keep up the good work!
Hey Bruce. That last comment of mine to “Danny” was, to say the least, really over the line there. I had a feeling you might remove it. You did. I’m not surprised. In the future, I’m going to practice being a lot more diplomatic about the way I express myself sometimes. I realized the possible liabilities there. Its a good thing to maintain a tight control of your blog. Whew! But, to put it bluntly ……
The Fundies made me do it !
In considering 🤡 clowns, Kluver the Klown really does apply here, ha- ha !