And whoever does not receive you nor listen to your words, as you leave that house or city, shake the dust off your feet. Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment, than for that city. (Matthew 10:14,15)
We do not take scripture lightly like that. You can ask why we [the royal WE] do not do the same thing to BG [Bruce Gerencser] and MM [Ben Berwick], after all, they have not received our words nor the truth. We have only considered that action recently but we hesitate. [Tee wrongly thinks I give a shit. By all means dust off your sandals! It’s not that I haven’t received Tee’s words, I have. Unfortunately, Tee the man gets in the way of anything he might say.]
Not so much for BG as he is beyond hope [how does Tee know this? Did God tell him?] but more for his readers. We would not want to harm anyone who may still have a chance to be saved [what about those who are already saved? Scores of Christians read this blog.] As for MM, we do not do it as there is still a chance that he will see the light and see the error of his ways and come to Christ.
We do not want to shut down any opportunity he may have of becoming a believer, even though his hatred of the truth is a major stumbling block for him. [I can’t wait to see what Ben has to say about this!] In using this type of instruction we really have to be careful as when we use it frivolously we may not be in God’s will and harm someone that may still come to Christ. [Tee is delusional. His atrocious behavior has been on display on this site and his blog for all to see. He has written (well, I write, he steals) more than thirty posts about BG and MM since January 1, 2022. He has done more to keep people away from Hey-Zeus than I ever could.]
Shake the Dust by Fake “Dr.” David Tee
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Have you really receive my words? If so why don’t you email me and talk to me about them?
I’ve “heard” every word you said, even though you have not said one thing that is new, original, or persuasive. You have not said one thing I haven’t heard before thousands of times and said myself countless times. You seem to think that if people “hear” you that they will immediately fall on their knees, repent, and get saved. That’s not how it works, David.
Have you “heard” what I have said? Of course not. You have spent the past two years telling anyone who will listen that I am a liar, a quitter, someone who has nothing worthy to say. What you deliberately fail to see is that your ill-behavior colors everything you say. Stop being a judgmental prick, and you might get a hearing. As long as you shit on my doorstep, you can’t expect me (or any of the readers of this blog) to be interested in what you have to say.
You would have had a lot of worthwhile things to say if you came back to Christ that is allowed Christ to humble you. But as it stands, you are not saying anything Christians have not heard.
Seeing the trend in your life is not judging you, it is describing exactly what you have done. That is the problem, unbelievers have a different concept of what judging is.
Oh and I have heard what you have said. I have already agreed with you that you were once a Christian but do you actually think you will get nice things said about you after what you say about Christians, their faith and their God?
Be honest with yourself and look at how you treat Christians. You reap what you sew.
What does the Bible tell you to do? How are you supposed to treat your enemies/unbelievers? In what way does your behavior emulate Christ? What evidence do you give of the fruit of the Spirit? What evidence do you give that you are following the teachings of Jesus found in the Sermon on the Mount?
The Bible says, David, and based on your behavior you are not a Christian. Jesus’s words, Paul’s words, James’s words not mine.
Show me one verse in the Bible that teaches Christian behavior is dependent on how unbelievers treat you?
Please stop using me as an excuse for your Ill-behavior. You are a born again, Holy Spirit filled Christian. The only person to blame for your bad behavior is yourself.
Well, that made me lol, doctor dear. You’re a sewer? I plan to sew today at my sewing machine. I’m a keen sewist but if it warms up later, I might also go and sow some flower seeds in my garden. I’ve got a life, you see, unlike sewers such as yourself who don’t seem to have one at all.
First, if I sew, I reap a garment. Just saying. Also, “receive” as you wrote it above should have a “d” on the end. Again, just saying. You talk of allowing Christ to humble BG, but it is you who are being humbled. You have received responses to your anti-social posts that, while pointed, have been gracious, thoughtful, substantial, and evidence-based. Larry Barnett in the Next Gen Project from 2016 said, “Adults (and teens) who are…highly educated, knowledgeable, high-achieving, technologically engaged individuals who may have religiously diverse friends are the most likely to leave the faith.” You are seeing some of these highly educated and knowledgeable people here. People who leave the Christian faith are often brilliant and have strong social and leadership skills. This is highly desirable, and I am glad to be in such good company.
Fuck you and fuck the Holy Spook, DDT. I, for one, want no part of your sick undead-rabbi-on-a-stick human sacrifice cult. Even if “salvation” were anything more than a tired old fiction, I’m not interested in spending eternity with your hissy-fit god
Do you listen to yourself? Perhaps, re-read what you have written before you hit the “send” button? This statement alone, makes you sound like a narcissistic, pompous, self-righteous jerk. You make it sound like you have some sort of magical ability for your words to be omnipotent and miraculous in nature; that every time you speak, the angels sing and the heavens open.
Your own self-imposed feelings of superiority are nauseating…
I’ve heard your words David. I’ve heard you call me a liar and an idiot because I presented facts and evidence in our arguments. I’ve seen you distort (to borrow your favourite line) arguments relating to discrimination, gun laws and the establishment clause. I heard your words when you refused to condemn what happened to George Floyd and I’ve heard you when you called the LGBT community selfish, purely because they want to be allowed to exist without interference from zealots like you. I do not want or need your version of the ‘truth’.
You keep doing that song and dance and I am sure you believe it but you are mistaken. Anyone can manipulate facts, statistics and claim they are telling the truth. No And I won’t condemn the actions against Floyd, I will condemn the riots, the looting and the injustice done against the police officers.
Floyd was a criminal stop trying to make him a hero. Your looking at that and other situations through rose colored glasses. The LGBTQ community is selfish. Just look at their words and actions and you will see it if you dare. Calling them wrong does not interfere with their lives.
When you and BG admit that there are standards of right and wrong that are better than yours, maybe you will see that fact. I have read your posts and I see where you lie and distort. You have a very narrow mind that tells you that only you are right.
Selfish …hmm.. let me process this….
I want to go to the bathroom without fear of being confronted: I am not sure that is selfish, its more of a need.
I want to exist and not be legislated into non-existence: Hmm.. maybe this is selfish? But then that makes everyone else selfish also. Of course, it could be a desire for basic human rights? Maybe? I would be happy to just coexist.
I want to go about my life without encountering hatred and vile comments from certain people, mainly from “good, wholesome, christian” manly men. Again, not selfish, just a desire to coexist.
I would like to exist without the concern and threat of being confronted, assaulted, or attacked by so called wholesome, godly, conservative people. Once again, not selfish. Once again, just a desire to be left alone and coexist.
I would like to go to stores and not be concerned about being kicked out by bigots who use religion to discriminate against people they do not like simply because of their appearance, or who they love. Again, not selfish. Again, a desire to coexist.
I would like parents to be able to support their trans and non-binary children, without fear of government operative descending on them and ripping their family apart, because the government doesn’t like something that they do. You know.. parents rights..medical freedom – your own political talking points? Again, not selfish. And yes.. again.. just coexist
Odd isn’t it? Your type want to eliminate me and others that are LGBTQ. My LGBTQ peers would be happy to just be allowed to coexist as equals in the world.
David, even if the LGBTQ community is selfish, didn’t your Lord and Saviour ask you to “turn the other cheeks” and “go the extra mile” so that you can be compassionate like your Father in Heaven, “who gives rain to both the righteous and the wicked”?
I’m tired of these rhetorics that gay or trans people are selfish because they’re asking to be acknowledged.
Look at how the current crop of “celibate same-sex-attracted” Christians are treated by the church. Even after they strive to follow the so-called historical Christian teaching, they’re often still treated as second-class citizens. I know of at least one celibate pastor with SSA whose calling to the ministry had been severely questioned by Christians like you just because they admitted to be “tempted” by homosexuality. Mind you, one of them doesn’t even dare to own private internet access lest he would be tempted to look at gay porn!
How many good Christian men you know go to the same length to practice Jesus’ injunction to tear one’s right eye out when it leads them to sin? Even some of the “great Christian men” you constantly try to defend – like the late Dr Z. – fail to keep their zippers shut when required.
In the end, if one is gay or trans, one is set to a higher standard in sexual purity than your run-of-the-mill Christians. Christians LOVE to act superior to LGBTQ individuals, including those who follow traditional church teachings – “Dear Lord, at least I’m not like those sinful tax collectors!”
And what happens to those gay Christians in your church who strive to be celibate? Does your church provide support for single unmarried people and cherish them? Or are they an afterthought, the forgotten half in the “Pairs and Spares” equation? In the end, too many people like you just love to lay heavy burden on another person’s shoulder without ever bothering to lift a finger to help.
The thing is, you suggest the facts and information I present is manipulated, but you cannot demonstrate that the statistics and information I’ve used in my arguments is false. Therefore your claims I am mistaken are rooted in absolutely nothing – no counter-arguments, no facts of your own. When I have proven you wrong on subjects (which has happened several times), you return to your usual bluster and quietly run away.
As for your refusal to condemn the actions of the officer who knelt on a man’s neck until he stopped breathing, that is rooted in racism if you ask me. I never claimed Floyd was a hero but he did not receive justice (one of your buzz words) when Chauvin knelt on his neck, and anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion would realise this. Unless you’d care to explain to everyone as to why a counterfeit note justifies what Chauvin did to Floyd?
The LGBT community isn’t selfish. You have never been able to justify this assertion and I doubt you will do so now. It’s an empty statement from you, and it masks the truth – you don’t feel they deserve equal rights due to your bigotry. It’s not merely a question of calling them wrong – you don’t feel they should exist.
When you admit that your standards of right and wrong are not nearly all they’re cracked up to be, maybe you will learn true compassion and not be so determined to be dishonest. Deceit is hardly a good Christian trait either, I hope you learn that one day.
“Dr. T”. I have been a long time reader of this blog. I am a long time non-believer of anything supernatural. I am a long time Humanist and served a number of years a president of my local Humanist association. I regularly listen to so-called “Christian Radio”, listen to a number of “Christian podcasts” like that of Poo-Flinging, Misogynist, Homophobe JD Hall. Though the years of listening NOT one of you has ever convinced me that your “god” exists and that your religion is a better way of life for humans. I tried reading your site and gave up after seeing you have nothing different from the others. Bruce and Ben have faced the metaphorical “demons” of religion, like many of us and found nothing there, just another bunch of humans who think they have all the answers. The internet has helped many people to be able to investigate and confront religion. Many will leave religion today and more tomorrow. I left when I found that none of the versions of Christianity has anything real to it.
You’re welcome to rage against us, however you’ve all the fury and power of a mouse fart. Go find other things to rail against, how about starting with the evil Vladimir Putin and his murderous war. Or point out that Putin supporter Donald Trump and his followers are out to destroy democracy in this country. There are plenty of subjects that you can apply your alleged wisdom. In the meantime, we’ll keep being human and enjoying life while we are here. We’ll keep pointing out the bad of religion and working for a better place for humans.
The only people wiping out democracy are the democrats. They are doing exactly what they accused Mr. Trump of doing. YOU are doing the same with your final remark. YOU are trying to wipe out freedoms and trying to put your own ways into place so no one that you disagree with can have freedom.
Plus, you and your friends are attacking the wrong things but you can’t see that.
Ah, that good ol’ fundagelical false witness. See you in [nonexistent] hell, DDT.
Really, cheap insults and bad threats. You’ve got nothing. You and your fellow religious travelers have nothing. And your counter of “the democrats are worse” is lacking in facts and substance. You and the other so called “Christians” are doing more destroy our country with your war on gays, women and books. All you have to offer is authoritarianism. Go back to preaching to your choir.
DDT lost the instant he said “The only people…” That’s black-and-white absolutist thinking, and it’s falsified by a single example. Just. One.
And I doubt very much that an obsessive ass-wipe like Tee has what it takes to acknowledge his false witness for what it is, and therefore feels no need to repent of it. If he also sincerely believes that he’s led by the Holy Spirit to say such things, according to the Bible he has now committed the Unforgivable Sin and has pissed his precious “salvation” into the gutter.
All because he couldn’t STFU about Bruce’s blog and move on with his life.
DDT- What is wrong with you? Are you so deeply entrenched in your indoctrination that you HAVE to come to this man’s page and make your annoying and repulsive voice heard?? Or perhaps you are toying with the idea that your religion got it wrong, but just don’t want to admit it?
You need therapy.
Don’t you have your own blog in which to rant on about all us sinners? Mind your goddamn business and move the fuck on!! You seem to have an obsession with this man and his page and I sincerely hope you don’t have a wife and family that waits for you to get your crazy ass off the computer and come to dinner! I mean, doesn’t your version of Christianity like to gloat that your kind exclusively holds the key to family values?
Meanwhile, your nutty ass is here on this blog waiting for the opportunity to express your feelings of superiority and condemn the rest of us. You are one disturbed MF, and you can pat yourself on the back for re-affirming my decision to renounce religion.
Now, get off your computer and go eat your pot roast, Nutty Nelly!
Christians read your blog? I mean, other than those who read one section and “feel called” to witness their narrow minds to you? Yo, Christians, what do you get from Bruce’s blog?
Yes, lots of them. Hundreds of Christians do searches and come to this site every day. Many of my regular readers are liberal/progressive Christians. Many of the doubters are Evangelical Christians. Some Christians love the fact that I challenge Evangelical beliefs and practices.
Yup. Gaslighter is here for me. Yippy.
DDT- just fuck off and find something else to do with your time, life is short and your casting your (very poor grade) pearls before swine. We frankly have zero fucks left to give about anything you say because it is all the same bullshit ad nauseam. Now I will join Bruce in the list of people beyond hope as I am a god despising gay atheist liberal hack who hates what has happened to the church caused by the twin relics of barbarism, money and power. Please find me some conservative church media that actually does a damn thing to actually help people. You have wasted more time ruminating on this blog and Ben’s and could have put all that effort into helping the poor and homeless, something Jesus said to actually do.
Dr. Tee, LGBTQ people and black people want what everyone wants in our nation whose Constitution extends freedom to our citizens – to be treated with respect, to not be treated as pariah or criminals or inferior just because of the color of their skin, who they love, or how they express their gender identity. If you personally do not like people of color or LGBTQ people, then leave them alone if that is all you can handle. My hope for you is that you can befriend people of color or LGBTQ people so you can appreciate people for being people rather than judging them exclusively by a label to which you have assigned your own expectations. Are there some people of color or LGBTQ people who break the law? Sure, just as there are straight white people who break the law. People who break the law should be afforded the opportunity to legal representation and go through the due process of law, as proscribed in our Constitution. If there are laws that do not meet the standards of today, we should work to have those laws changed, through due process.
When you paint all people of color, all LGBTQ people, all Democrats, or any other label that you don’t like, with a negative paintbrush without examining nuance, you aren’t opening up a forum for discussion. That leads people to be defensive, or to go on attack, because you’re making a broad statement that’s inherently false without recognizing that you have ignored nuances that do open up the floor to conversation.
And please don’t tell me I am going to hell for not agreeing with you. Playing the hell card is proof that you don’t want a discussion, you want to monologue your thoughts without hearing a response from another.
I do not believe in your deity, but if I did, I would pray that your deity would find a way to teach you to be more compassionate to those who don’t agree with you. Listen to them. It’s OK to say that we disagree about topics X, Y, and Z, but perhaps – and probably – we can find some topics where we can have a great discussion and make a connection as human beings. There are people in my life about whom I care a lot, and we make a point of finding common ground on a whole variety of topics instead of creating a bigger divide about the topics on which we disagree. I bet if you wanted to, you could find something that you and Bruce both enjoy discussing. Maybe it’s a sport, or photography, or a beautiful place you have both visited or would like to visit. I think you could make a positive human connection.
DDT- I like that one !! It fits only too well. 😁