There is a very personal contempt in my heart for “Pride Month”. But it is God Himself that the LGBTQ “community” is in complete conflict with anytime they proclaim their pride in their lifestyle. Scripture denounces self-aggrandizing pride in one’s self and self-glorification. God detests it.
God’s word has plenty to say on the subject of pride.
Many who identify as LGBTQ claim to love God, but in reality, they are enemies of God. They don’t know Him or His word. They only twist and manipulate His word so that they can feel better about themselves and somehow feel they are worthy and deserving of God’s favor. The thing is, none of us are worthy of His favor or His grace. And anyone who marches and waves a banner of pride in their sin is making a mockery of God and His word.
Only belief, repentance and putting faith in Christ can save any of us. If there is no repentance, there is no forgiveness. If there is no forgiveness, there is no reconciliation with God. You have no part with Him. We cannot take pride in our sin and be counted as righteous. It is impossible. Pride in sin is hatred for God. Period.
Please, during this “Pride Month”, make it a priority to pray for those in the LGBTQ lifestyle, that they would be led out of that life and into the truth of life only found in Christ, and please pray for the families who have loved ones living in this lie about themselves they have bought into and are sadly celebrating boldly this month of June.
— Robin Self, A Worthy Walk, Pride Month is Hatred for God, June 1, 2022
Funny. LGBTQ people are living an “evil” lifestyle, even if they are kind to their partners, children and coworkers. Even if they do good deeds all day everyday. But our typical fundies are angry at people unlike themselves, and also practice many, many other “sins” such as gluttony, gossip, coveting, blah blah blah. In the end, fundagelicals excuse the beams in their own eyes, while pointing out the so-called mote in others. (So-called as there is not one thing wrong with being in the LGBTQ community.)
You forgot the 700 or so Southern Baptists and no doubt countless others of other denominations who have sexually assaulted kids or other adults, not to mention the wife & child beaters, probably some embezzlers too. But they still think a gay couple raising a family & minding their own business is somehow a worse sin.
There appear to be many evangelical pastors who really need to take note of that.
That’s what I thought when I read that line. 😂
If god’s against it, it must be good, pass the wine and cookies.🌈🦄☀️
Revival fires, get out of your closet and live a little, the world is a lot more fun when you join in the revelry instead of yelling at everyone that we are going to hell. Plus, Jesus seemed to have a lot followers who were tax collectors and prostitutes
Given the historical context “tax collectors” imply “collaborators with the Roman regime, thus traitors of the Jewish nation”, it is even more remarkable that Jesus, a Jew, allowed them among his followers.
Revival Fires: dfgdfgljdfgldfgfuckoffkjnsdfnsdfnre!
First, I must say that although I’ve marched in the NYC Pride March, I don’t have “pride” in being transgender. To me, being proud of being trans makes as much sense as being proud of the color of my eyes or the shape of my legs. I was born with all of those traits (OK, cycling has helped my legs!) .
Which brings me to one of the infirm pieces of real estate on which the edifice of Robin’s hatred is built: Being in the LGBTQ “rainbow” IS NOT A “LIFESTYLE!” It is part of our being, as I mentioned earlier.
Then, not surprisingly, Robin gaslights us. Some LGBTQ people, like me, don’t believe in God. Many more believe, in whatever fashion. But nearly all of us—myself included— simply want to love and be loved. But folks like Robin give us the opposite: threats of the wrath of a vengeful, jealous God (Exodus 34:14) who may or may not choose us even if we spend so much time on our knees that we damage them more than any hors de categorie climb in the Tour de France or career as a point guard ever could.
MJ, we all know the evil LGBTQ agenda mwahahaha…to work, have friends, find love, help other people, in short, find meaning and love in this world…despicable! Honestly, though, my gay/trans family and friends are MUCH BETTER PEOPLE than nearly any fundagelical I know, more caring, more compassionate, in short, the kind of people the Bible says we should be. Funny, innit?
MJ, you make a good point about “pride”. It is really not about pride such as a person may have in accomplishments air things they own. It is really a way of saying I am not ashamed to be what I am. But Not Ashamed Month doesn’t have the same ring as Pride Month 😁
Pride, at its basic level, is simply a statement of existence. We are here and won’t be shoved back into hiding or allow others to dictate how we live or even exist. People like Robin, at best, misunderstand the meaning or, at worst, choose to twist the meaning to fit their own narrative.
Sage—Great point. I’ve participated in Pride events mainly out of solidarity and, well, for fun. (Us queer folk really do live up to one stereotype: We have better parties!😉) Perhaps we could call June “Solidarity Month” or “Love Month.”
BJW—Shh! Don’t reveal my secret agenda . And don’t tell anybody you saw me rubbing my thumb and forefinger together over that pot of chicken soup I brought to my elderly neighbor!
I responded with this to the poor dear.
“No, Pride Month isn’t hatred for your god. It is being proud of what one is and knowing that what you are isn’t offending some god as humans who have no evidence would try to tell you.
Unsurprisingly, Christians can’t agree on what their god wants, so we have no more reason to think you know than the next Christian who doesn’t have a problem with LGBT+ folks.
Now, you say you “continuously pray” to get your way and you still haven’t gotten it. Since the bible says that prayers by the true faithful are answered quickly and with what one prays for, you seem to have a problem since your prayers fail. It is that your god loves the LGBT+ folks? does it hate you? or does it simply not exist?”
Being LGBTQ+ isn’t a lifestyle or choice, it’s just who people are. Pride Month shows that we affirm that LGBTQ+ shouldn’t be ashamed or live in secret for fear of being persecuted, oppressed, abused, or assaulted merely for existing. For some Christians, their vision of their deity loves and affirms its LGBTQ+ followers , the deity supposedly made them in its image, and the people are “fearfully and wonderfully madd”. Other Christians, like Robin Self, Revival Fires, and a whole slew of evangelical pastors, believe that their deity hates people being LGBTQ+ and wants them to change or go to hell.
It seems to me that Christians believe in different gods. One segment of Christians has a God that celebrates diversity, is affirming of a spectrum of differences, loves people for who they are and encourages them to be the best they can be. The other segment of Christians has a God that is severely threatened by humans that don’t fit into a certain box, wants his followers to wipe out anyone who isn’t compliant with a comprehensive set of rules, and demands unwavering submission and fealty.
they do indeed believe in different gods. It makes their appeals to popularity arguments even more ridiculous since there is no one Christianity that they can claim has “billions” of members.
Bruce gerencser was NEVER saved.
That’s highly obvious.
Really? How do you know? Because you are trying to fit Bruce’s life into your theology? Apparently, there are plenty of Christian theologies that claim Bruce was saved and is still saved. And there are Christian theologies (PLUS, the BIBLE) that say that hateful people (like you) will be thrown in the lake of fire. In other words, you’re the goat, not the sheep.
(Unless this is sarcasm and you mean, he was never saved because there is no Christian god.)
John, you’re not saved either.
No one is.
Salvation is a myth, and in the end we all wind up in the grave and stay there.
What does Bruce need saving from? What do the LGBT+ community need saving from? The answer, is obviously nothing.
Bruce’s critics need to have a listen to this. https://youtu.be/4Khn_z9FPmU And as someone who is a mosaic intersex XX/XY who has chromosomes from my stillborn twin & has “mixed parts”, raised female and attracted only to females it was I who was always there for both my parents, and I was the only one from our very large extended family who spent significant time with my grandmother when she was no longer able to drive till she recently died a few weeks shy of her 98th birthday. And I was the ONLY one who frequently visited and bought groceries for my elderly neighbor whose kids were in another state. It’s always the gay, lesbian or forever singles people who are there to help when no one else will bother.
Ange—What you say about LGBTQ people being there for family members and friends is all-too-sadly true.
I knew a gay man who moved in with his widowed father when his siblings were “too busy.” The man wanted to be there for his father but he resents that the rest of his family saw him as “single”—never mind that he’d been with his partner longer than two of his siblings had been with their spouses. Oh, and another sibling was twice-divorced. (This was in the days before same-sex marriage.)
Ange, I do relate to what you say.
My parents told me, and their friends, on several separate occassions, how impressed they were of my generosity in financially supporting my late great-aunt. She had fallen into hard times a few years ago due to sickness and my big family, which is technically full of Christians, were not that helpful.
But yet, as a single gay man, I will always be the selfish one for following “a sinful lifestyle”.
I resign myself to the fact that, for my parents, relatives, and their friends, I will never measure up to any straight Christian man with children, no matter what I do. Even being a “celibate gay man” is not enough.
I read that C.S Lewis, who firmly disapproved of homosexuality himself, correctly observed that, probably, the reason why a great many people of his generation regarded homosexuality as the vilest sin was because these people were never tempted by this particular “vice” to begin with. It is indeed way more satisfying to point your fingers at others than at yourself.
I looked at Robin Self’s Twitter page. She’s a pastor’s wife from Oklahoma. I woke. Waiting for a prodigal to ” come home.”. Read the woman’s blog, too. While the LBGTQ thing is outside my purview I found this Robin rather triggering in other ways. She’s got a shrillness about her. That Southern dogmatism that is so common in American churches. It was simply depressing. Yet she goes on about * peace through acceptance.”. Go figure right ? Understandable why the prodigal in question took off and refuses to come back.