Fake Dr. David Tee, whose real name is Derrick Thomas Thiessen, has been on a roll lately. Earlier this year, Tee said he was going to stop writing about me and Ben Berwick. Having written dozens of posts about me over the past three years, Tee concluded that I wasn’t listening to him; that there was no chance that I would see the light, relent, and return to Christianity. Over this time period, I have featured Tee in the “Christians Say the Darnedest Things” a few times. The rest of my posts featuring him were responses to articles he wrote about me; articles littered with lies, distortions, and attacks on my character.
Tee is known for his defense of child molesters, rapists, and sexual predators. By all accounts, Tee is not a good person. I’ve seen nothing in his behavior that suggests that he is a Christian. Tee shows no evidence in his life of the fruit of the Spirit, nor does it seem that he has ever read the Sermon on the Mount.
Recently, someone with a personal, intimate connection to Tee contacted me to share documents that show he has a secret past, that he fled the United States years ago, and he is now living in the Philippines under an assumed name. I have seen these documents firsthand, so any suggestion by Tee that they are third and fourth-hand information is not true. I know Tee is familiar with these documents and the person providing them to me, but has made no effort to defend himself. Instead, Tee claims that he is just like the soon-to-be-crucified Jesus standing before the Sanhedrin.
What follows is an excerpt from a recent post written by Tee titled We Worry About It Too. My response is indented and italicized.
BG [when writing about preachers who commit crimes, sexually assault children, rape teenagers, and take sexual advantage of vulnerable women (and men)] takes the low road and tries to embarrass, harass, and do many other negative things.
It makes him look bad when he puts out his red and black collar articles. As if Christians need his help in spotting bad preachers. But it is not his call (nor MM’s) who gets to minister in any given church.
BG = Bruce Gerencser and MM = Meerkat Musings, AKA Ben Berwick. Tee refuses to address us by our names. I suspect he’s too lazy to do so or it’s his way of showing disrespect. Either way, doing so is unprofessional.
After all, BG quit on God and MM never tried to be a believer. Both of these people and many others like them should learn to mind their own business They just do not have a better alternative to offer anyone. In fact, they have nothing to offer anyone and they have no real spiritual advice to say to anyone.
Tee continues to assert that I am quitter; that I quit on God; that I quit on the ministry. Evidently, no one is allowed to change his or her mind. Tee refuses to accept my story at face value, even though he has allegedly read numerous posts on this site. I have published over four thousand posts since 2017. The reasons I deconverted are clearly shown in post after post, yet Tee deliberately ignored these explanations. Instead, he continues to attack my character and smear my name. Such behavior is contrary to the teachings of the Bible; the book Tee says he loves, believes, and practices. I have pointed out these things to Tee over the years. His response? Self-justification or silence.
We [I] do not embarrass, belittle, judge, attack, or publicly humiliate anyone. We [I] write what we [I] feel God wants us [me] to write and leave the conviction to him. We [I] are [am] not judges, jury & executioners. Nor do we [I] call for anyone to fire these people. Not our [my] place.
Readers of this blog are likely on the floor laughing as they read Tee’s description of his behavior. None of what he writes here is true.
[BG wrote] Can any of us say that Tee is a good person?
It won’t be BG or MM, that is for sure. They do not know us [me], never met, talked, or spent time with us. Their big problem with us [me] is that we [I] will tell the truth and won’t join them in leading children to sin and disobedience to God.
LOL 🙂 No, I haven’t met, talked, or spent time with the fraud David Tee. Nor would I want to — ever. I have, however, been reading his writing for at least three years. His writing, along with information provided to me by people who personally know him, tells me all I need to know about Derrick Thomas Thiessen.
The reason I don’t think Tee is a good person is this: he is an arrogant, nasty, vicious, hateful, self-righteous liar. You are the problem, David, not your beliefs. I interact with Evangelicals all the time who have beliefs similar to Tee’s. Few of them spend an inordinate amount of time attacking me on their blogs. Tee fashions himself as some sort of prophet. On several occasions, Tee has compared himself to Jesus. It’s hard not to conclude that Tee has some sort of God complex. He has no church, and few readers, yet he sees himself as the conscience of Evangelical Christianity. He has spent years on the Internet courting persecution. Tee is known for leaving caustic comments on atheist and Christian blog alike. When he wears out his welcome — and he always does — owners of these sites ban him. Of course, Tee never considers what he might have done. Much like he does on this site, Tee blames others, claiming persecution.
They get 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand information, think it is the gospel truth, and then form their opinions about us [me]. We understand they do not like our [my] message and that is understandable. We [I] are [am] in two different worlds and unbelievers, as the Bible tells us [me], will laugh and scoff at the truth.
Tee is referring to recent information I received about his nefarious past. This information comes from first-hand and second-hand sources, particularly a sworn deposition in Thiessen’s own words. Tee continues to say, without justification, that the real issue is his beliefs. Nope, on this issue, it’s YOU, Derrick. Certainly, Tee has horrendous beliefs, i.e., his recent posts about forcing a ten-year-old rape victim to carry her baby to term. Even worse, Tee said that even if the child was five-years-old, he would force them to have her baby. I can’t think of a more vile belief than this one. And since you cannot separate a skunk from its smell, I have concluded that Tee is a despicable man; a man who would rather see a rape victim die if it meant he was being true to his Fundamentalist religious beliefs.
Then, the Bible says that no one is good and by no one, it means us as well. So technically, without Christ, we [I] are [am] not good people. We [I] do our [my] best to live the Christian life and we [I] are [am] not perfect. however, unbelievers and even Christians will hold your [my] mistakes over your [my] head forever and refuse to forgive even though the offense did not happen to them.
Much like many Fundamentalist Christians, Tee uses his theology to hide bad behavior toward his family. He fled the United States to hide, hoping he could start over without anyone ever knowing what he did. Well, the chickens have now come home to roost. Tee wants people to forgive him and move on, yet he refuses to own his behavior, both in the past and present. Much like serial sexual predator David Hyles, Tee hides behind the unconditional love of God and the blood atonement of Jesus. Jesus has forgiven him, so should everyone else. Until Thiessen admits that he has been living a lie and makes things right with those he has harmed, I’m not inclined to give him a pass. Confession, David, is good for the soul.
We [I] have written about how tough it is to be a Christian. BG should know that, he could not handle the Christian life and quit on Jesus. He and MM have no moral or other foundation to cast the stones they cast. Nor do any other unbeliever or former Christian.
Tee continues to assert that it is “hard” to be a Fundamentalist Christian. It’s not. After all, you don’t have to think, you just have to do. Instead of owning his behavior, Tee continues to disparage me and Ben Berwick, along with every non-Evangelical (the only true Christianity according to Tee) who reads this blog.
Instead of hanging in there, they all gave up and then blame or blamed other Christians for their decisions. Christians can be as tough or tougher than unbelievers and really make it difficult for some believers to succeed.
The more BG talks about his ministerial experience, the more we [I] understand why he failed and left the faith. He lacked a lot of wisdom and understanding. he didn’t realize that taking a sabbatical was not quitting on God.
It was a biblical thing to do as one needs to wait for the Lord to renew their strength. A sabbatical is just one way to be obedient to those words. We [I] see this time and again when BG talks about his ministerial life. He didn’t follow God during his ministry, he followed his own ideas of what he thought God wanted.
Tee concludes his screed by going all MMA on my ass. I am a quitter, a failure, weak, I lacked wisdom and understanding, and I followed my own ideas instead of God. Refusing to accept my story at face value, Tee has constructed a caricature of me in his mind, a straw man that bears no resemblance to the real Bruce Gerencser. Such is the nature of the Internet.
I don’t plan on having a renewed battle with Tee. That said, when he attacks me by name, I will respond. In time, Tee will return to his lair, lamenting that no one would “listen” to him; that he is being persecuted for his beliefs. All he is really doing is harming the cause of Christ. Based on Thiessen’s behavior, who would ever want to follow in his steps and become a Christian?
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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“We [I] do our [my] best to live the Christian life and we [I] are [am] not perfect. however, unbelievers and even Christians will hold your [my] mistakes over your [my] head forever and refuse to forgive even though the offense did not happen to them”.
I see some symbolence of an admission in this statement. Sort of. Cluster B personalities always weave their sins into regular conversation thinking they are smarter than everyone else.
He reminds me of someone I personally know, who takes gas lighting to the extreme. A narcisist with anti-social personality disorder and substance abuse disorder. Does and says things to get a reaction and when you react, they pretend to be the victim instead of the perpetrator. Sick people do sick things and are highly abusive to those around them. This guy is no different. His ramblings have a “poor me” tone, as if he is the one being picked on.
Lacy: “I see some symbolence of an admission in this statement.”
Zoe: I do as well Lacy.
Tee’s predictable response, titled Ha! Ha! Ha!
BG can dish it out but he cannot take it. His latest response Dr. David Tee Attacks My Character for the Umpteenth Times, Thinks He’s Just Following the Evangelical God’s Leading has been more of an attack on our character than what he says we have done for him.
BG likes being seen as a victim. When he can he twists people’s words so he looks like the innocent good guy unfairly attacked. If you read his posts you will see that he does far worse than we could imagine doing.
But this is par for the course. He, MM, and other atheists do far more character assassination than all Christians combined. We are not dignifying his words with a response. We just thought we would mention this latest rant because BG is not getting what he wants.
He and MM are sad figures, lost in their sin and trying to make others miserable so that they have more company. Both MM and BG continue to try to read our minds and place actions and thoughts we never thought of in our words or writing methods.
We do not like that as their readers believe every word those two write and actually think they are getting the truth. The truth is, we never think of either person once we have stopped reading their articles.
They are not that impressive or memorable. They do not have anything to offer anyone and that is what all believers need to realize. We do not listen to unbelievers because, one, they are not in charge; two, they do not have a better plan of salvation, and three, they do not have the truth.
The Christians are the light unto a dark world. The unbeliever is not a light unto the Christian. Sadly, too many Christians fall into the latter category and let the unbelievers tell them how Christianity should be lived.
Only Jesus tells Christians how to live right.
Tee does not link to my article, nor does he respond to my factual claims.
“Can dish it out but he cannot take it” “Likes being seen as a victim” “Twists people’s words” “Sad figures” “Not that impressive or memorable”
It’s remarkable how every accusation is a confession with this guy.
“ We are not dignifying his words with a response…”
Ummm…yeah..well done
All he ever does is respond, and usually in a contemptuous manner. I wonder if he sees his hypocrisy, or if he is blind to it?
Isn’t there more productive ways of passing time for this guy? Doesn’t he have an entire bible to expound upon instead of stirring the pot over here?
“The truth is, we never think of either person once we have stopped reading their articles.
They are not that impressive or memorable. They do not have anything to offer anyone and that is what all believers need to realize.”
Funny how he spends so much time and puts in so much effort to write about you and your blog, even including your followers, but makes it seem like he’s uninterested in it. I’d say, Tee is a liar and lying is a sin, according to his big book of nonsense.
I think he’s afraid of you Bruce. You know his philosophy, you know his thinking, and he’s terrified of that. You, more so than anyone else, have poked so many holes in his positions (along with the positions of other Evangelicals), and he can’t handle that, so he responds with his childish name-calling.
Tee wouldn’t recognise truth if it came running up to him and slapped him. His whole life is a lie which he couches in the pretence over his faith.
My favorite line from Dr Tee: “BG quit on God, and MM never tried to be a believer”. No, Dr. Tee, both people concluded that the central tenets of Christianity weren’t true, based on observable evidence, and they pursued life accordingly.
A guy who fled the country in order to avoid the consequences of his behavior is criticizing Bruce for “quitting on God?” You can’t make this stuff up.
@MJ Lisbeth: oh, no, it’s better than that. He got into the U.S., overstayed his visa, committed domestic violence against at least two women that we know of … one of whom he used to try and anchor himself to the U.S. long enough to gain citizenship, only the whole “domestic violence” thing kind of screwed that up … and stole someone’s identity so that he could perjure himself when filling out an I-9 for whatever job he would hold for about 20 minutes.
Non-U.S. citizens: an I-9 is paperwork you have to fill out when hired at a U.S. job, to verify your identity and your eligibility to be employed in the U.S., which is why he needed the stolen Social Security Number. The fake identification, sadly, is not that hard to come by, but a valid SSN is a little harder.
So, yeah, AFTER doing all this … and then fleeing the U.S. to escape a civil judgment hanging over his head (couldn’t evade it because the judgment was granted in favor of someone who knows the fake SSN) … after all that, he had the audacity to write, “Most human understanding of love allows them to encourage non-citizens to enter the country illegally and violate different laws … Those actions are not love towards one’s neighbors.”
“… and stole someone’s identity …”
No wonder he refers to himself as “we”.
@Zoe No … there’s an explanation for that, too, but I’m keeping that in my back pocket for right now.
I suspect I could give it a guess, however, I’ll leave speculation in your back pocket too.
@DavidTeesDoseofTruth I look forward to the day you reveal it.
I’m not going to reveal names, but I am 99% I know who ‘David’s’ wife is. There are some other details I’ve learned as well, that make his hypocritical comments about my parenting skills all the more infuriating.
@Ben, I unfortunately do not have a way to contact you privately, but Bruce does have my contact information and I am the source of his recent information about Derrick. Would you consider reaching out to me so that I can confirm or deny any of the details you might have?
I’d be very interested in doing so – I’m more than happy for Bruce to pass on my email.