Somewhere in a dank, dark basement sits an Evangelical man who calls himself Revival Fires masturbating to a bloody picture of Jesus on the cross. Over the past two years, Revival has attempted to comment numerous times, without success. Thanks to a mistake I made two years ago, Revival Fires, using fake email accounts, sends me emails, much like the one below. He lustily enjoys describing in detail what Jesus is going to do to me after I die. I have added a few comments, but outside of that, what follows is Revival Fires in his own words. All spelling and grammar in the original.
The southside humanist group of NEA took a trip to the mountains for a weekend retreat that would feature several Christian and atheist speakers.
Boris Grinder [Bruce Gerencser] was the leader an older man who was a pastor turned atheist.
First day went well.
Day 2 the group went on a hiking trip.
Bus loaded up around 3:00 and on was
Boris -pastor turned atheist after 30 years of ministry
Tom- a young agnostic but doubtful
George-camp Evangelist/Gideon.
Maria- girl with the humanist group that trusts Jesus
Annie-believes God and the gospel but wants to “live a little” first and believes she is good enough for heaven.
On the 2 hour drive.
George shares the gospel 🙂
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23
Sin separated us from God.
God sent his only Son Jesus Christ to die for us and through his death and resurrection we have eternal salvation and forgiveness of sin.
“For I delivered unto you that first of all which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures ” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Admit you’re a sinner
Believe sincerely that Jesus Christ died and rose again
Receive him now.
Will you trust in Jesus and be saved today?
Pray sincerely,
“Lord Jesus I am a sinner and I cannot save myself I believe that you died and rose again I accept you now I trust in you and you alone in Jesus name Amen “
If you prayed that and meant or God has saved you! [I just prayed this prayer! I am now SAVED!] 🙂
Several in the group prayed.
Maria with tears in her eyes said “I allowed Jesus to remove Satan’s doubt! I am free!”
Boris said “that’s a crock of S&”!? [shit]“
“There is no evidence of any of this baloney “
“I preached for 30 [thirty-five] years”
Annie said ” I know in my heart I need Jesus but I have plenty of time. Besides that I have never like killed anyone “
Tom said, I wish it were true but I highly doubt it”
1 hour into the bus ride back to camp….
The bus hits a baby deer and flips through a guard rail and down the mountain embankment.
No one survives the fiery crash! 😭
George and Maria and the others who accepted Jesus Christ awaken in a place so beautiful that cannot be described in words! [The Bible does not teach this.]
Angelic 🎵 singing 🎵 and praises to God!
A reunion of many who had gone into eternity in Christ took place. Love like they could not comprehend! They saw Jesus face to face!
He welcomed them home to heaven! As they are covered by his blood (spiritually speaking) for all eternity.
JESUS: “Well done thou good and faithful servants “.
Boris and Tom and Annie found themselves in a place of darkness and foul smell. [The Bible does not teach this.]
They heard growling and moaning and deafening screaming !
Their bodies (yes new bodies) ignited in flames!
ALL: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Fire 🔥!!!!!
Some time later they appeared before the throne of judgement.
JESUS CHRIST: “Depart from me ye cursed”
BORIS: wait no!!!! I preached for 30 [thirty-five] years and accepted you when I was 15!
JESUS: Your heart was never right before God and you like Judas never truly accepted me and followed after the evil one. Bind him hand and foot and throw him in the lake of fire!
BORIS: NOOOOOOO!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭 AHHHHHHH!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!
Annie: (CRYING) I thought I had more time!
JESUS: the Apostle Paul wrote “Behold now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation ” 2 Corinthians 6:2. Throw her in the lake of fire 🔥
They experienced pain indescribable!
They remembered every sin they ever committed.
They remembered every chance they had to receive Jesus Christ.
They curse the day they were born.
They despise the second they were conceived!
Millions will be in the same situation as Boris and Annie and Tom one day.. 😭
Be wise and accept his gift like George and Maria and others did!
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved “ Acts 16:31
[Orthodox Christianity teaches that when people die they go to the grave, not Heaven or Hell, to await physical resurrection and Judgment Day.]
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
I honestly can’t read everything RF says. To be so persistent for no reason, shows to me he is lost in his delusion.
Bruce, I’ve been visiting your blog for ages. My honest assessment of what I learned about you is when you knew better you did better. Through my therapy I’ve learned it’s all any of us can do fro survive.
Regarding RF’s fevered Napoleonic rapture ramble, oh my. It felt to me as if the writer had scrambled every Chick tract and spewed it onto the page as if to say Ha! I’m better than all of you!!’
Thanks for posting their manifesto. Yikes!
I think RF should take a horror movie writing course. Although his talent is very limited (okay, microscopic to the point of nonexistence ), a class would provide the right tools for RF to make do with what little he has. And RF would get the writing critiques he so desperately needs. He could then start a career writing third-rate scripts for crappy Christian Apocalyptic movies. God knows we need more of those. 😄
It be better to torture him with bad movies. I suggest the “Atlas Shrugged” trilogy. Six 14 year olds with cell phones can easily make better movies.
Scott, THAT would definitely be a hellishly cruel thing to do to somebody. 😄
Thanks! ❤️❤️
Heaven’s gates or hell’s flames, somehow he makes it even more stupid and revolting than it already is.
Revival fires will remain reviled. Now to flip a coin, heads is sigh and move on and tails is tell dumpster fires to fuck off and then move on. Either way I win🤣
Now this is quality! Take a look at this short clip from an amazing animated film by Nina Paley about The Apocalypse: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=infyJGl_N0o
Karuna: Perhaps he’ll make a sequel to “Apocalypse: Caught In the Eye of the Storm.”
I was no longer a believer when I saw it. But even if I were, it would’ve made “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians” seem like “Citizen Kane” or the first “Godfather” film.
MJ – here’s a sample from a quality film about the Apocalypse. It’s by the fabulous animator Nina Paley. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=infyJGl_N0o
What happened to the deer?
There’s always one in the crowd… and it’s usually me.
Geofft – The Sex Pistols tried but couldn’t find an answer to your question. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpPIcwIV46U
And RF – it’s a “fawn,” not “baby deer,” okay? 🧐
You know, every time I have seen ‘believe on the lord jesus christ’ I always laugh. Ever since I was a little kid. “Believe on?” I asked my mom. “Believe on jesus… is that like hop on Pop?”
She did not laugh.
Doesn’t matter, though. Still makes me snicker, even as an old lady.
Also, the guy who wrote that incredibly cheesy drivel up there ^^ needs to get a hobby.
Yes, I’ve often wondered about ‘on’. What on earth does that mean? It makes no grammatical sense. Though this is the least of the issues confronting Revival Fires, a person I envisage as extremely sad, one of life’s real losers, with a chip on their shoulder a mile wide, playing psychological games which pitches them as the hero of the show. When eventually they part this mortal coil they’ll face the reality that they’ve wasted the only life they’ll ever know, though of course they’ll have no capacity to realise this.
The message, “Love me or I will torture you forever.” does not sound like love to me.
Ah, obviously RF has sat through a lot of evangelical church services. How many renditions of “hit by a bus”, “had a heart attack”, “had a car accident”, “plane crash” scare stories did we all hear? The structure of the fear-inducing Chick Tract message is the same, with minor details shifted based on the storyteller’s preference.
I woke up in the dark with a foul stench last night. Turns out the beans for dinner didn’t agree with me…..🤣 Was that hell?
And what did happen to the deer?
Does he know how small a baby deer is?
Revival Fires, just like the used car salesman with his hand on your shoulder. Well since he’s trying to sell this old clunker it really fits. Well Mr. Fires, you should know heaven is hotter than hell, it’s actually in the Bible. http://paulbourke.net/fun/heaven/
Not quite as funny as a Chick Tract, but has some comedic potential.