Several years ago, I received numerous emails from an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) man too afraid to use his real name and email address. Here’s what he had to say in three of them:
Email number one
You are filth to it’s core:
You have about 50 brainwashed followers. Not the “thousands” that you claim to have. I have read about 50 percent of the content on your website. I also listened to the interview that you gave to the demon on YouTube (congratulations on your (1) thumbs up . Very Sad!
Which brings me to my topic. It would normally be your favorite…yourself! Look into a mirror and behold your idol: You do not really care about anyone other then yourself. I know deep down you’re thinking…he’s right. You never loved the Lord, or anyone else. As a fat, lazy, alt-left, anti-Christian, bigoted grub you “now” embrace socialism! How convenient. You couldn’t wait to send your wife out to work. How convenient. You can’t work because you are depressed. How convenient. You have (6) children and (11) grandchildren, and now you love the slaughter of the unborn (children)! How convenient. You claim that you need to have, all of the “maltreatment” that you have suffered at the hands of The Church “documented”, because you are now writing a book (I hope that it does better than your first big interview)! How convenient. One would need a good measure of “faith” too believe you! How inconvenient!
You know who should be writing a book. All the folks that trusted and PAID you, because they thought that you were representing The LORD Jesus Christ! They are the real victims…you disgusting fat pig! NOT YOU BRUCE! Not you.
Why don’t you write a blog titled “Why I hate Mohammad”??? I think you (we) know why Brucey! Because you are a COWARD! You pick on our counties weakest citizens! You put my IP address out there publicly? Too what end? Then one of your brainwashed, brain dead, sycophants, puts up a map, of a liberal “church” a 100 miles away! You are such a reckless, foolish putz!
I will pray for your family! Their husband, father and grandfather, is a little girl…in a man’s body!
Get on your knees and beg Jesus Christ for Forgiveness! REPENT! Get Baptized! Join a FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN CHURCH! After your conversation (God willing)…beg your family for FORGIVENESS, and for once in your life, get an honest job!
You truly have nothing to lose.
Very Sincerely,
A worm who Christ died for.Email number two
You are a fat, lazy and pathetic COWARD! I been on your Facebook page, which by the way, is a complete failure, much like your YouTube channel. Why no posts about fundamental Islam? Are you afraid Bruce?Surely a big mouth like yourself, must dislike something about a militant form of their religion???
You like picking on people that you KNOW are peaceful Bruce! Because of you, Christian children are mocked in school Bruce! You send your low I.Q. wife out to work, while pretending to have a photography “business”! Why is this “businesses” website stagnant Bruce? You may fool your dumb wife, but most of your poor family knows who and what you are! This no-show job, gives you plenty of time to write your filth about our counties weakest citizens while stuffing your fat face, ALL DAY–BRUCE!
You think that it is funny…smearing the LORD JESUS CHRIST’s HOLY NAME! I have some advice for you Bruce. I know that you hate advice and correction. You have more rules on your anti-Christian, alt-left, fake news blog, then any church does:
Get down on your face, and BEG the LORD, Jesus Christ for forgiveness! REPENT! Get Baptized! Join a Fundamentalist, Christian church! Tell your wife and family that you DESERVE HELL, and so do they (so do I)! Publicly apologize to the thousands of people that you have HURT !
You truly have nothing to lose!
Very Sincerely,
A worm who Christ died for!Email number three
You are a disgrace to your country, family and yourself! I know that you hate too hear it but… you were NEVER, EVER, Saved! Your god is your belly!
You are the most selfish person that I never met! You desperately need to really get Saved! Fall down on your face and beg Jesus Christ for Forgiveness! Repent! Get Baptized! Join a Fundamentalist Christian Church! You are a slob, and have been your entire sad life! Get out of the wagon and help the rest of us pull it!
Give back the money that you stole: pretending to be a “pastor”! I Will be praying for you, but your family, really needs the prayers much more! How can you look your children in the face! You are SATANIC for the misery that you have caused them!
Think about it…you truly have nothing to lose!
Very Sincerely,
Just another day among God-loving, sin-hating assholes for Jesus.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Gee, he’s so loving and surely exemplifies God’s love by being hateful. Great example, can’t wait to join his church. /OBVIOUS MASSIVE SARCASM
how not surprising. a coward, a liar and a failure who relies on nonsense like pascal’s wager. Alas, the poor ignorant fellow’s prayers will fail just like they all do, showing that he’s not a true believer, per his very own bible.
I read this week that the difference between an atheist and a fundamentalist is that the atheist is honest about not following the teachings of Jesus.
This guy is in serious need of some help.
So this guy calls himself a Christian then goes on to insult your wife. Sounds like a typical Baptist man; the ones I’ve known mostly treated women worse than livestock or indentured servants. And as for all these Republicans that claim they want to “save the babies” why is it the ones screaming against abortion never adopt any of these unwanted babies? Why is it they also fight against food stamps for children, WIC and free school lunches if they care so much about the children? Why do they not support help with childcare so the mothers can go out and work so she can afford to feed the unwanted children the Republicans want to force her to have? And if they care about children why do they never say a peep against all the nasty Baptist pastors and youth ministers caught raping and molesting children?
Good points there, Ange ! That guy’s a pooper anyway.
It must be pathetic to have no life, so the only thing one can do is send others hateful emails. He probably goes to bed satisfied, “Boy, I sure put them in their place!” Alas, the fool is oblivious to how he sounds.
I’m reminded of a comment I once saw, purportedly on a school report
“This guy has two brains. Trouble is one’s missing and the other’s out looking for it”.
I know I’ll be turning to Jesus because of this guy’s wise and gracious counsel. What an absolute turd.
So very many Fundamentalist and Conservative Evangelical people are just like those who wrote to you. Their speakings are words of hate and abuse. Who teaches them to behave like this? Have they never read the King James Bibles they hold in such high esteem? You never see Jesus shouting such abuse at members of the general population in ancient Judea. The only times he did was when he was speaking to the high leaders of the Jewish faith and the Scribes and Pharisees—–all people who behaved like today’s Christian Fundamentalists and Conservative Evangelicals. I still marvel at how the fundies of today cannot see themselves in Caiaphas,the Scribes, and the Pharisees. One fundie even tried to inform me that Jesus hated the Scribes and Pharisees so much because they were “the Jewish liberals” of their time and place. And finally, such fundies seem to believe that various forms of verbal abuse are what gets the average man and woman to warm up to them and into heaven. What they deserve is a swift kick in the ass—–like the ones their mothers would give them at home for behaving like a bully to people.
well, Charles, this jesus simply kills people who he doesn’t like, per this bible.
Jesus is God. God is Jesus. I agree with clubschadenfreude. Doesn’t matter the Bible one uses. The story is the same. Old Testament – New Testament. God is Jesus. Jesus is God.
Ah yes, mean and insulting screeds are almost always successful in winning others over to one’s side. What is the saying? You win more flies with vinegar than with honey?
My wife and I had a conversation about this sort of behavior. Assuming God the father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit exist, if a person claims to be a christian, being saved through the sacrifice of Christ and subsequently indwelt with the Holy Spirit, could they actually be a nasty, aggressively offensive person. This sort of behavior flies in the face of the example Jesus purportedly displayed during his earthly ministry. Christians can use justifications like “not perfect, just forgiven”, “a sinner saved by grace” or “but for the grace of God so go I” all they want. I just can’t see how, if the very spirit of the loving God has taken up residence within someone, they could be in such rebellion against it as to behave the way so many of them have shown in this blog and in society at large.
Again assuming the Christian faith is true, it seems all of these arrogant, offensive, hostile people cannot possibly be indwelt with God’s spirit. The rotten fruit displayed by these jerks proclaims them to be non-christian according to their very scriptures.
In case we needed further proof that conservative Christians are hateful bigots, worm here proves our point. Along with all the defenders of Trump and Sean Feucht.
One thing about the Catholic blue-collar men I grew up with: They would never insult a man’s wife or family the way this guy did.
Now I’m going to channel Tina Turner: What’s love got to do with him—or his God?