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OMG! Dr. David Tee Has Challenged Me to a Street Fight

kangaroos boxing

Dr. David Tee, whose real name is Derrick Thomas Thiessen, is upset at me, so much so that he has challenged me to a street fight. 🤣

Thiessen has written five posts about me in the past week. Think of all the subjects he could write on, yet he is obsessed with what I say on this blog, becoming more hysterical with every post he writes. I fear he is going to have a stroke or hire a Christian hitman to kill me if he doesn’t change the channel.

I can’t stop him from raging against Bruce Almighty. I can either ignore — which I typically do — or rebut his nonsense. I’m in a rebut mood, so Thiessen can expect me to respond to him, if warranted. The following excerpt from his blog post, There is One Statement, requires no response. Thoughtful readers will see his post for what it is:

In BG’s [Bruce Gerencser’s] response to our Prove It article we [I] will address [what, exactly?].  It falls right in line with what we [I] were [was] saying in that article:

[Who’s keeping anyone from believing anything? No, what…is afraid of is people learning that he is peddling a lie.]

All we [I] can say in response is PROVE THE CHRISTIAN FAITH IS A LIE. He has failed to do so and has failed to produce any real, credible, and verifiable evidence supporting his assertions and claims.

Put up or shut up BG [Big Gonads]. Your time of reckoning has come. [I am laughing hysterically as I read this.] You have spouted off for 11 years, give or take a year [seventeen years], now it is time to pay the piper and put your ‘evidence’ on the table to be examined by those who are experts in this field. [This doesn’t apply to Thiessen because he’s not an expert on anything other than personal attacks and fallacies.]

Or are you too chicken to show your readers that you can’t do it? [Im still laughing.] Your word is not enough so let’s see what you have that shows the Bible to be in error and that Christ does not exist. [Christ does exist, Derrick. I have never said otherwise. He lived, he died, and is buried in an unknown grave.] Follow the guidelines we [I] posted in our [my] Prove It article. [Dammit, Derrick, quit asking me to expose myself to you. Disgusting, Dude.]

We [I] and the rest of the world are waiting. [The only person waiting is Thiessen. The 5,000 posts I have written on this site speak for themselves.]

{Oh and by the way, while spelling errors may exist, Grammarly and us [I] do not always catch them so give it a rest already}. [Thiessen has repeatedly claimed that Ben Berwick and I have edited his posts, comments, and emails. This, of course, is untrue. This is why I always say that any quotes from Thiessen’s site are his alone, complete with bad grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I use Grammarly too. It is a good tool, but I still need an editor to proof my writing.]

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Ami

    I could almost feel sorry for him, but then I remember he ran out on child support, has been under scrutiny for some very questionable things and is generally a shitbag. He has no right to be a sanctimonious prick, but yet here we are.

    From this post:

    “Thiessen committed domestic violence, illegally used another person’s social security number, and attempted to commit voter fraud. If these things are true, we now understand why Thiessen has been holed up in South Korea and the Phillipines for years.”

    Yeah. Whatta guy!

  2. Avatar
    Jeff Bishop

    Bruce – You obviously no better than me. (I do admire your qualifications to argue with Evangelicals, it must be frustrating for them when you cut off every one of their well versed anti science talking points).

    If I may be so bold to address “Tee” regarding PROOF.

    D-TEE: Here is the PROOF: Starting in the late 14th century and then extending, into the present day, a new field of inquiry developed among humans to explain the Natural World – It’s called “Science”. This sinful concept (Science) has led you D-TEE to use, everyday: Motorized transportation, Electric Power, Television, Cable, The Internet, Fast Food, Radio, Air Travel, Microphones (for preachin), and an endless litany of items to make life today a good bit different than say, 2,000 years ago.

    Interestingly, this same style of inquiry led to HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of persons to engage in fields of (LEARNING) usually at academic institution(s) dedicated to providing historical documents, academic tools, collective thinking, field research – (something called archeology), Geology, the study of the earth, Astronomy, the study of space outside the earth, and countless other fields.

    These institutions typically use something called the “Scientific Method” – Which roughly defined is an experiment that yields similar results, over and over and over again. When similar results are repeated enough times Scientists
    will typically “publish” the results, that other scientists or researchers will continue to test, repeat and either verify or refute. This is called “PEER REVIEW” D-TEE.

    I know that your rigid cultism will not allow you to even consider this concept, but humans with clear minds that are not rigidly controlled by persons such as yourself, are allowed to review the data and to reach their own conclusions.

    This is where, D-TEE, you and your cult fall desperately short. You expect us to adhere to, and believe in, absolutely, and without equivocation, written words by MAN, that supposedly, and without proof, your cult claims to come from a supernatural being that your cult calls GOD.

    It has been established, even by scholars of your own cult, that NOBODY can confirm WHO the actual writers of the Gospels were. The earliest Gospel fragment ever found, in Egypt, post date the death of Jesus by something like 50 years.

    It is also a FACT D-TEE that the Gospels so not even agree with themselves! I can read D-TEE, I don’t need your “spin” on that particular little problem.

    I do have a question for all Christians. If God is all powerful and all knowing and can change the Universe in an instant, why not just put the Gospels in the Atmosphere, in very large letters, for all to see? Why does GOD need men, to write things down?

    Or, D-TEE are you just another in a long line of control freaks that does not want your personal male dominated clutch of “fish” to know the truth about anything outside of what you TELL your flock?

  3. Troy

    Cue “West Side Story” Rumble music.

    (P.S. I notice Doc T went back to addressing himself in the plural after I mentioned the lack of it in a previous comment.)

  4. Avatar

    Im pretty sure the leader of the ffrf came up with this challenge but Derrick can prove the Bible is inerrant by giving us one complete story of every event between Jesus’ death and ascension using every detail in the bible. Every detail must be included. I want to know who was where and when for every event and why they happened if reasons are given. Surely there would be no contradictions for arguably the most important events in christianity. Good luck Derrick, you are going to need it.

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      Ah yes, Dan Barker’s “Easter Challenge”! The Gospels can’t even agree on the last words of Jesus, let alone what supposedly occurred at the tomb.

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    I only read “T” to where he repeats his mantra which is “prove a negative”. If he ever offers anything new I’ll read it. Otherwise he is like a nuisance-barking dog, repetitive, uninformative, uninteresting, annoying and unworthy of attention.

  6. velovixen

    His claims of Biblical inerrancy and that “only Christians (as he defines them, anyway) know the truth” have no evidence to back them up.

    Likewise, his claim to moral authority has no basis: He has abused, defrauded and abandoned people who trusted him.

    No wonder he’s, in Ami’s words, a sanctimonious prick.

  7. Avatar

    Tee challenges Brucs to come up with evidence and proof, but Tee also contents that non-believers are incapable of understanding Christianity’s truth due to being unsaved. So…..where is Bruce supposed to go with this? Any evidence Bruce supplies will be judged by Tee as being wrong anyway, some sort of deception by Satan or whatever Tee’s boogeyman-du-jour is.

    I love that Pic of dueling kangaroos, BTW….

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