The decision to have children should be made long before the couple has sex and long before they get married. As believers of sex after marriage, we do not accept adulterous affairs of any sort. However, we recognize that they do take place.
But, those adulterous affairs do not change the status of the new life developing in the mother-to-be. If the men are going to participate in out-of-marriage sexual encounters, then they need to be prepared to care for the life they have generated. The same thing applies to women.
Everyone knows by the time they are 16 what happens when a man and a woman have sex. They should be strong enough to hold off temptation and prepare themselves for parenthood. Unfortunately, the West and some countries in the East have placed such a high priority on sex that too many people fall to temptation.
They have ignored biblical teaching to pursue their own desires and we are left with the family mess we have today. If you think the Bible does not relate to today’s culture, think again.
The biblical instructions apply to all cultures no matter where they are located. In reading the Bible, specifically the verses about Jesus’ interaction with Mary Magdelene and the verse that says Jesus was tempted in all areas of life, we have come to the conclusion that Mary was his adultery temptation. [Did Jesus get a boner?]
— Dr. David Tee, TheologyArcheology: A Site for the Glory of God, When Does Life Begin, July 24, 2024
What is it they say about opinions? Opinions are like ar.eholes in that everyone has one, and Tee loves to share his with anyone who’ll listen (opinion that is!)…which, to be fair, is almost nobody. It’s interesting that he has an almost balanced view on adultery, at least insofar as acknowledging it happens. It’s funny how personal experience frames and tempers one’s life views!
I don’t know how old my husband’s great aunt was when she had her daughter, but she swore she did not know how she got pregnant. This was back in the Thirties in England. As it turned out, the daughter’s grandson was the spit and image of the village gigolo back when she was born.
If religion is a social construct, then so is marriage. That is not to say that one shouldn’t get married, but that it should be a choice, just like having children.
Knowing what I know about history and cultures, I would venture to say that as many, or more, children have been out of wedlock as in it. One reason is that the institution of marriage is a more recent phenomenon than most people realize. Another is that when people lived only 30-35 years (in most of the pre-Industrial Revolution world), girls would start having children not long after they went through puberty and had many children because only half—if that many—would survive. And, in many cases, their fathers didn’t: They might not come home from a war or hunt, or they would be claimed by one of the myriad of illnesses for which we now receive vaccines.
So, “Tee’s” notion of marriage simply wouldn’t have worked in most of the world 200 years ago—and wouldn’t work in some places today.
(Interesting, isn’t it, that a man with his history should pontificate as he does about marriage and sex?)
Yes, I used to ponder about the social construct of marriage when fundy, cos Genesis says god created Eve to be Adam’s wife. So when was the wedding ceremony? Where’s the marriage certificate? Who were the witnesses? (Sorry, feeling facetious right now about the absurdities of other stuff I’ve been dealing with from crazy fundies this week!)
I’ve wondered the same things. Where did Adam and Eve apply for a marriage license and such. Fundies also like to claim that the definition of marriage in the Bible is ‘one man, one woman’. Anyone who has ever read the Bible knows that’s horse hockey. By and large it was one man with lots of women.
Tee Time: “They have ignored biblical teaching to pursue their own desires and we are left with the family mess we have today.”
Zoe: Projection?
Yes, Tee’s every accusation and complaint about others suggests a confession. Projection defined. Let me see. Who else does that define? Oh I don’t know but it occurs to me that Tee could run for President. Projection seems to work on a subset of American voters.
Tee encompasses sex education in five paragraphs. What a genius. I’ve heard similar pitches more times than I can remember. “Just wait until you get married kids!”. So what happened? We were given a false concept of married life. Many of my friends got married far too early with the impression that sexual bliss awaited them after the wedding ceremony. My best friend followed this path and his marriage lasted two years because the focus was on ‘sinless’ sex and absolutely nothing else.
But wait! Who added the comment in brackets about Jesus’ boner? Should I be amused or appalled? If it was added by Tee, that’s mocking God which ain’t allowed. If it was added by Bruce, it’s amusing sarcasm.
I did. The words in [ ] are always mine, added to clarify or as snark. 😂 If Jesus was tempted by Mary, I do wonder if he got a boner. 😂😂 Dare we ask if the Son of God masturbated? 😂😂
My goodness gracious, hot turd on a city sidewalk! Jesus had a boner! If only I had known that in grade 5 with a stiffy buldging down my leg in Miss Ellingham’s class. I could have been an evangelizer! Instead, I suffered in silence, not realizing I was inspired to reach out! Bruce Almighty, GOD has used you again to embrace the unwashed! A bit stinky, I know but think of the great reward, okay?
I bet Tee is against sex education being taught in schools. There are kids who don’t actually learn anything about sex education. I went to fundamentalist Christian school where there was NO SEX EDUCATION. In fact, the mammalian reproduction chapter in our biology textbooks were literally cut out with a knife before they were given to students. We were told “don’t have sex” but weren’t told what sex was. There were some girls at school who got pregnant (and they were expelled).
Fortunately, my mom told me and gave me some books, but there were things she didn’t know like the best types of birth control (which I had to discuss with my doctor).
Doesn’t Tee allegedly have a child he abandoned?