Two weeks ago, I received several comments and emails from an Evangelical Christian man named Donald. I responded to Donnie Boy’s “concern” with two posts, Yet Another Evangelical Asks Me Why I Am So Bitter — Part One and Yet Another Evangelical Asks Me Why I Am So Bitter — Part Two.
Today, Donald is back, except his name is now Fred “Uncle Fred” Mullins. Donnie Boy Fred has a grammatical tell, so I knew Donald and Fred are the same person. Further, I suspect Don and Fred is also Tom (please see IFB “Love”) and John I’ve dealt with in the past.
Fred, an anal sex obsessed coward who hides behind pseudonyms and fake email addresses as he rails against the Evangelical-preacher-turned atheist Bruce Gerencser, has abandoned all pretense of “love” and “concern,” with his latest comments. This time, he not only goes after me, but he also goes after Carolyn, my editor, and ObstacleChick, a friend of mine and a guest writer for this site. Fred, who gets an erection just thinking about atheists being tortured by God in Hell for eternity, must be desperate. Unable to reach me with his perverse “love” and “concern,” he’s now trying to threaten my friends into believing in his hateful, violent, homophobic deity.
Since my writing causes Fred to have erotic fantasies about me and my friends, I have blocked him from accessing this site. I am sure, much like a pervert seeking out porn at any cost, Fred will find a way to avoid my block, but until he does he won’t be able to leave any more comments.
What follows are the comments Donnie Boy Fred has sent me today:
Atrocious grammar and spelling in the original.
Comment One
It is highly obvious that Bruce’s heart was never transformed by the Holy Spirit.
A person can preach and profess Christ and still be lost if they are not trusting in him alone.
I’m not his judge but from what I have read it appears bruce was trusting in good morals [ too bad you are not] and his work as a minister. Rather than the shed blood of Jesus Christ through his death,burial and resurrection.
Salvation is by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
He suffered for you! He had his beard tore out his flesh beaten to shreds and spikes driven through his hands and feet.
He hung on the cross is agony for 6 hrs. Died to pay the penalty for sin and three days later rose again to give you eternal life.
Now the Bible talks about the great falling away in the last days. Does that describe Bruce?
I do not know.
God’s Word says he remains faithful to us even if we lose faith in him for he cannot deny himself.
I sincerely hope that Bruce was truly saved and just fell into deep satanic deception and will only lose eternal rewards and not his soul.
For the follower of Jesus Christ this cesspool of a sinful world that is getting worse by the day is the only hell we will ever know!
For the lost person (atheist,Anti-Christian,those trapped in false religions, those trying to earn salvation through good works and religion) this sick world is the only heaven they will ever know 😭
And if you continue with the choice to live and trust in your sinful self and reject the grace of Christ I strongly suggest you had best try to stay healthy and alive for as long as you can!
On the death bed spit,fart ,scream ,rip the sheets tear the pillow , chew the pillow ,etc to do whatever it takes to stay alive in this world! Because once you slip all the way through you will be in torment unimaginable and will wish your parents never did the deed!
Comment Two
Yes buddy boy God does exist.
And those who practice iniquity like faggot loving will be punished like that Agag obstacleagagchick
Comment Three
Hell is REAL! HOT! And VERY TERRIFYING AND FOREVER! And you and little Carolyn and obstaclechick who also never trusted Christ are not going to like it.
Comment Four
Satan (and yes buddy rough he is REAL) now has most of the USA and world convinced that this sick demonic atrocity is “Normal “. And “love”. While precious souls lost in homosexuality pour into hell and he and every demon laugh their heads off!! 😡😡
However Jesus Christ has saved many out of this trap! Two good friends of mine have been saved out of it. Through Christ using the XXXXXXX ministry.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Holy crap.
What a sick asshole.
I feel sorry for people like this, in that they have no lives. Healthy people have family, work, hobbies, interests, community connections (a church community can qualify, if it isn’t toxic) and so forth, so that they are primarily focused on positive things. That someone with a different worldview posts on a blog out in the netiverse is irrelevant to them. Even mentally healthy people who are under an enormous amount of strain because of circumstances, find something positive to think about, to sustain them.
But, but, what if the posts of this evil Bruce guy actually cause Christians to stray from the Lord’s path? Aren’t Christians like this guy obligated to engage with him? I guarantee you, if there weren’t holes in the theology large enough to drive a planet through in the first place, Bruce could produce a dozen posts a day, every day, and it wouldn’t matter in the least. Blaming the messenger is rarely a good idea.
Wow, the magical power of ALL CAPS is strong with this raging homophobic prick (what is buried in his closet). 7 x’s in a row, he does know only 3 are required for what he truly desires. He at least left out clobber verses in parentheses like they will magically change our thinking. What an asshole, he is peas in a pod with with our “good friend” tewsnbn.
As for Satan, is he talking about the Lucifer version or the South Park version because those are the closest to being real.😂
Good lord, what a weirdo. My grandpa was a Fred, it makes me sad this guy is sullying the name.
Buddy, there are no demons, no devil, and no burning hell. If it’s useful to you to believe there is, then I fully support you doing so; but don’t expect the rest of us to adopt your beliefs just because you said so in a comment on a blog post.
That dude is building himself quite the resume or rap sheet, depending on your point of view.
Bruce, Polly, Carolyn, ObstacleChick and me: He’s gone after a man with disabilities and that man’s wife and friends. Polly is also a mother and grandmother. If I’m not mistaken, Carolyn and Obstacle Chick are, too. They, Polly and I are also some men’s daughters, sisters and nieces.
Oh, and for good measure, he wrapped himself in an additional layer of cowardice by attacking me without naming me.
That dude wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in my old neighborhood.
This Fred Mullins character sounds like a depraved, backwoods hick !! He doesn’t present God as believable, because for one, he lacks any dignity. A ruined personality and a raging fanatic. This comes through regardless of what is said about gay issues. He’s just not the one for such a job, remonstrating with anyone, anywhere. Sounds like broadcasting from Grandma’s basement to me.
What can one really say about someone as sadistic and damaged as Donnie/Fred/Tom? There’s no reasoning with such a broken individual, and one can only hope that he only tries to hurt people on the Internet and not in the flesh-and-blood world.
One more for the “I never knew ye” list.
How do I know Freddie boy is a liar? He refers to ‘two good friends’. He has no friends.
“While precious souls lost in homosexuality pour into hell and he and every demon laugh their heads off!! 😡😡”
I just don’t understand where Christians get this idea that Satan and his minions are assigned as the wardens of Hell. As far as my understanding goes, Hell was originally prepared for “Satan and his angels”. They will suffer there as much as unbelievers.
Even Islamic sources understands that the ones administering punishments in Hell will be the angels of God. Fred’s idea seems to resemble that of Dante’s (you know, a supposedly unsaved Mary-worshipping Catholic).
What a sicko.
This is an example of why I find christians repulsive. Their hate is justified by their god belief and they have no concern about abusing others for their gods glory.
I have a very hard time respecting any Christian, because very few of them stand up to people like this. Most just stand by in silent agreement. They may not be so vocal and vile, but they still share these horrid beliefs and thoughts.
Yes, it’s personal with me and i have no place in my life for these assholes. I feel no desire or need to be nice or respectful, because they have no respect for me.
Fred’s god, has no power over me. And I won’t stand by while they attack and harm vulnerable people in the LGBTQIA community.
Well fuck (if you’ll pardon my language). This guy has gone off the deep end. Why is it fundamentalists think this kind of hateful aggression is a good look? Don’t they have any understanding of how it makes them and their religion look?
Bruce and Carolyn, I’ll bring the wine to our Eternal BBQ in Hell. I make an excellent guacamole if one of you wouldn’t mind bringing the chips. I feel honored to be in your company for the BBQ. We can hang out with Hitchens and Hawking – free eternal seminars on the knowledge of good and evil.
Bless this fellow’s mean-spirited heart (I will leave it to the readers to determine my meaning – Southerners know how that term is used).
I’ll bring the chips. I LOVE guacamole. I might just bring some jalapeno poppers as well. They are bacon-wrapped and should sizzle nicely in the fire. I want to spend a bit of time with Mark Twain, among others. I particularly can’t wait to meet you and Bruce.
Carolyn, jalapeño poppers are awesome, especially with bacon. There’s the added bonus of offending some additional deities with the pork. I look forward to meeting you and Bruce there, along with some of the other apostates from this blog, as well as numerous writers, scientists, philosophers, and regular folks who aren’t evangelical Christians. Should be quite a diverse crowd. Sounds a lot more fun than evangelical heaven where most folks are white, straight-laced, bowing and praising their savior all the day long.
It’s been said many times before, the idea of an eternity with folk like our guy here is repulsive in the extreme. As you say, ObstacleChick, there are so many great people I would look forward to meeting in that other place, like Bruce and so many of the commenters here.
Sir Ian McKellan said not long ago that half of Holywood is gay, so the floor shows will be sparkly, fabulous and spectacular too. A factor in my deconversion 7yrs ago was the assertion by some fundy leaders whose blogs I used to read, mea culpa, that the x-tians in heaven would be able to enjoy watching the heathen being tormented forever and could laugh, sneer and jeer as they saw it.
Another issue that I have with some white men who are upset that people who are not white men are speaking up and out and being heard is that they tend to try to demean us by using patronizing and condescending terms. When Fred called Carolyn and presumably me “little” that was not an accident; indeed, it was his way of trying to diminish as speakers and our messages. Typically, when people are trying to diminish a woman, they will often attack her looks, size, sexuality, or level of aggressiveness instead of engaging with her ideas. An example of this is Trump calling Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman”, or Trumpers referring to our current President and Vice President as “Joe and the Ho”.
As someone who has a female body but does not identify with traditional gender roles – or a gender in general – I have never (even as a child) understood why people treated me as lesser despite the fact that my academic records far surpassed most of my male counterparts, or beyond school, people would look at me as a vertically challenged relatively attractive person who must be xxxxx because she is female.
Fred is like those insecure white males who can’t handle the fact that LGBTQ people, women, atheists, people of color, non-Christians, etc, are claiming space as equals. Instead of appreciating new ideas that come with diversity, he is lashing out with ad hominem attacks instead of showing intelligence through discourse. That behavior does the opposite of gaining my respect.
I was going to bring the salsa and chips. Oh well. Lasagna, perhaps? Or my sorta French chicken with Brussels sprouts and pears in a vinaigrette sauce? For dessert I could make a claifoutis aux cerises–or maybe I’ll be brave and make cannoli.
Oooh! May I come to the Infernal festivities? Pleeeeeze? I’ll make my fabulous broccoli casserole. I’ll only need a few seconds to bake it in the Hell’s Kitchen oven. Is anyone bringing Devil’s Food Cake, by the way?
Can I come, too? I can bring the Devil’s Food cake, with good gelato to scoop on top of the slices. Also, nachos from my favorite Mexican place. (I’m sure DoorDash delivers in Hell, given the way they treat their employees.)
Satan is currently tempting me to pray for Fred.
aw, poor donnie. Just one more christian with his sadistic fantasies unfulfilled.
Nothing like a Christian showing exactly how vile the cult really is.
Is homosexuality THE unpardonable sin?
There is no such thing as “sin”, so no. Theologically speaking, the unpardonable sin is blaspheming the Holy Ghost.
To Anonymous :
No homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin.
Jesus Christ shed his precious blood on Calvary’s cross to pay the penalty for the sin of those trapped in the atrocity of homosexuality that is being glorified today. 🤮
He rose from the dead to give them eternal life and salvation.
I know two people personally that Christ saved out of homosexuality and atheism. Their lives were changed drastically!
If Bruce says that “there is no sin”. Which is beyond absurd. If you don’t think so go out at 1 or 2:00 am and find a street gang and slap one of them in the face or spit in their eyes and see what will happen!
Bruce may have “preached” the gospel years ago. But it’s obvious he was trusting In himself and his works and not Jesus Christ 😭.
Especially if he got to the point of being a full blown Anti-Christian atheist.
I encourage you Anon and anyone else reading to realize you are a lost sinner.
Admit your sins Believe sincerely that Jesus Christ suffered agony and died and rose again to save you.
Trust and receive him now.
“Dear God I know I am a sinner and I cannot save myself I believe that Jesus Christ suffered and died for me and rose again vicariously. Lord Jesus I trust in you now and you alone thank you for loving me forgiving me and saving me in Jesus name Amen”.
God bless and Merry Christmas!
Fred/Tom/John/Donnie is obsessed with homosexuality and anal sex. Much like David Tee, I suspect there lies sexual secrets buried deep in his closet.
Maybe Fred has a Santa fantasy. Sorry, I’m spoken for. I will send Fred nekkid photos for a price. Please contact David Tee to learn about the quality of my photos. 😈😈😂😂😇😇
This is to Fred. I’m not convinced that there ever was a person on whom the stories of Jesus were based. Even if there were an itinerant preacher at the time who gave rise to the legend, it is undoubtedly true that most of the traditional stories about him related in the gospels (which are inconsistent and contradictory) are untrue. The nativity is obviously entire fiction, as are the miracles, and the resurrection isn’t even convincingly told in the gospels. After all, if someone came back to life in the way claimed then people would have been talking about it at the time it happened, which they weren’t.
Homosexuality is simply a case of human nature. You are heterosexual and can’t imagine being homosexual, so you shun those that are. I feel desperately sorry for your so called ‘friends’ (if you’d been a real friend you’d have accepted them as they are). I don’t believe your claim that they were ‘changed’. You, and others in your cult, bullied and oppressed them to the extent that they made the pretence of change, but don’t make the mistake of thinking it was anything other than pretence.
Fred, I have read your book nd. I suspect that you can see sin by simply looking in the mirror. You might want to read those red words in your precious book.
I don’t have Bruce’s patience, but if you want full blown anti Christian…..I’ll be your huckleberry. You are a repulsive, bigoted, hateful, fear mongering, self focused, abusive cunt who uses your god as an excuse to spew your narrow minded screed on the weak and vulnerable people of the world. Once you get your talons into them, you berate and manipulate them until they feel worthless. And when they fail to meet your particular rules for your particular vile interpretation of your precious book, you berate them again until guilt brings them to heel.
You are the textbook example of why I detest nearly all christians. There is no real love, only judgement. If your god did exist, it would be banging it’s head against the pearly gates in frustration with your overwhelming ignorance.
Anonymous, if you are truly questioning, then there are people out there who can help you. You do not need to listen to the hate rhetoric of bible humping cunts like Fred. (Yes I did indeed mean bible humping). You can come join the rest of us in the LGBTQ community where you will find more love, support, and concern than you would with people like Fred. Being gay is not evil and not a sin. Gay, lesbian, and bi people do not need to feel guilt for being who they truly are deep inside. Churches will manipulate your thinking and use guilt to control.
Whoa Sage! You’re on fire, the good kind and not the hell kind. 😉
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Ah, I almost forgot about the Christian love speech mixed with the hateful, judgemental insults and scolding. And now adding nasty emojis. Such a toxic mixture. It’s people like you that drove me from Christianity. Forever. Get a life!
Fred, didn’t you get the memo? The Sinner’s Prayer is the real Mark of the Beast. 😀
Suffice to say that I’ve never recited it, although a Bible-botherer tried to convince me to do so approximately 40 years ago.
And why do you think that letting someone die in your place is a good thing? It’s pure cowardice.
Astreja, even when I was devoted to my version of Christianity I couldn’t understand why God would have to kill his son to make things right? I mean, he’s God, he could do anything! And yet, God being supposedly held to blah blah blah (it never made sense no matter what argument) so he had to kill his son to save humans. And then burn (or extinguish life from) humans for eternity? Funny how people turn out to be more forgiving than the Christian god.
Hi Fred,
Probably you should also start sending emails to those “ex-gay” leaders who are “falling into sin” left and right. Nowadays even the conservative ones admit that their desires never change and they probably would have to be celibate for the rest of their lives. Tough luck, especially since Christians nowadays are apparently allowed to marry anyone – there was a time when many good Christian people frowned upon miscegenation – and get divorced afterwards with wild abandon.
And don’t forget that social pressure can make people pretend not to be gay. I’m not saying that your friends are totally faking it – I don’t know them – but having read so many “failure” stories from the supposedly “freed” people, I can’t believe this kind of “testimonies” anymore. Well, even one of the most famous “ex-gay” leaders currently in circulation apparently admitted that he had sex with multiple men in the past year. So much for freedom.
People like you would think I’m a failure because I’m not an “ex-gay”, but at least I’m not a hypocritical liar like some of these “ex-gays” are. Even some of the supposedly normal heterosexual Christian leaders can’t keep their pants on when required to do so. Just look at the current eruption of sexual scandals in the Christian world, many involving abuse or concealment of abuse. And yet, I will always be lower on the totem pole compared to them, even though I have never (and will never) forced myself on anyone unwilling.
What Sage said!
Can you imagine Sage as a preacher? A sexular one, of course!
😁😁I learned a lot from my father in all of those church services. He probably wouldn’t agree tho…