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Hoppy Hoppy Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Hoppy Hoppy Easter! Here’s a batch of photographs I took while my granddaughter Gabby was preoccupied with hopping from one paving stone to the other. Enjoy!

hoppy hoppy easter (3) hoppy hoppy easter (4) hoppy hoppy easter (6) hoppy hoppy easter (7) hoppy hoppy easter (8)


  1. Avatar

    What a lovely egg to find on Easter…. thank-you, Bruce G.

    no wonder
    no glory greater
    the sight of a child
    at play.
    Eternal life in-deed
    a moment full-bloom
    at Easter
    I saw a child dance
    I saw a child fly…

  2. Avatar

    Very cute! Children have a way of looking at the world that most of us lose as we get older. Thanks for posting these!

  3. Avatar

    The delight in a young child being alive and my memory of looking into the eyes of my son when he came into the world show the lie of “original sin”. Your grand daughter shows that being human comes from enjoying our senses and bodies in the light and that a smile does more to improve our lives than any Bible verse. Looking into my son’s eyes I saw the interest and vulnerability of a newborn looking for me to help him with what is to come, not someone looking to waterboard those who disagree with him.

    Again, thanks for sharing your family and your life. It is the human journey.


  4. Avatar

    How fun! I don’t have any children in my life, so stuff like this is a real treat. I was at a medical building the other day, sitting outside on the concrete rim of a planter box, waiting for a friend. A pair who were presumably father and daughter came past. The little girl gave me the most amazing smile I have seen in a long time. It absolutely lifted my mood.

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