This is the sixty-fourth installment in The Sounds of Fundamentalism series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a video clip that shows the crazy, cantankerous, or contradictory side of Evangelical Christianity, please send me an email with the name or link to the video. Please do not leave suggestions in the comment section. Let’s have some fun!
Today’s Sound of Fundamentalism is a clip from a sermon preached by Kevin St. John. St. John is Canadian street preacher associated with a Calvinistic ministry called Calgary Peacemakers.
When christians say that athiests supress the truth about God this means they know there is a God but they don’t want to submit to him so they convince themselves he doesn’t exist.
But what about non orthodox christians who believe in a different God – or the same god but believe different things about him. Why would they supress the truth about Yahweh/Jesus only to believe in a different god who also tells them what to do and demands they submit to him?
How does a person achieve that level of mindfuckery?
Because us Christians love you so much, fuck you if you don’t fall in line…. you will suffer eternally.
Dimwit Koolaid for sale…
How pompous of him. But, I held the same views for a long time.
God is love, buy he’s holy, too. That means he will punish people for the rest of eternity for not believing in him for 70 years. He will punish people who had no choice (since he is a Calvinist) because Adam sinned. Nope, that’s not the god for me.
It only takes one contrary instance to disprove this fruitcake’s claim. I am that contrary instance.
So am I.
Do these guys even think before they make these sorts of senseless assertions? “People who don’t believe that God exists secretly know that God exists.” Wait, what? Seriously? If somebody said that about any other topic — unicorns, U.F.O.s, whatever — everybody in the world would assume, correctly, that they must be utterly deranged.
And that’s setting aside a whole host of other problems with that sort of assertion.