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The Sounds of Fundamentalism: Stephen Hawking Before God by Donnie Romero

donnie romero

This is the eighty-first installment in The Sounds of Fundamentalism series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a video clip that shows the crazy, cantankerous, or contradictory side of Evangelical Christianity, please send me an email with the name or link to the video. Please do not leave suggestions in the comment section.  Let’s have some fun!

Today’s Sound of Fundamentalism is a video clip of a sermon preached by Donnie Romero, pastor of Stedfast Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas. Romero is the bosom buddy of Steven Anderson. Romero named his church STEDFAST instead of STEADFAST because the word is spelled STEDFAST in the King James Bible.

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  1. Brian

    Another shrill Anderson clone, a dim light basically busying himself telling his congregation that they must expect to be hated. What he does not have a clue about is the self-hatred necessary to become a preacher like this… Is there any better cover for hatred in the heart than to preach it as love?

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    If I follow his line of thinking then an unsaved quadriplegic, at the GWT judgement, will be restored just long enough for to allow him/her to ‘bow’ before god. Then back into the quadriplegic body and off to hell they go. Does that mean this person will only feel burning from the neck up?

    If this had been an audio clip I would have thought I was listening to a woman preaching. Pastor Steve better tell him to “Man Up!”

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    I have, for several years now, felt that Stephen Hawking is a major problem, of the paradoxical kind, for Christians, especially the uneducated and low intelligence type depicted in this video.

    Stephen Hawking was struck down with motor neuron disease when he was just 21, unusually young for MND. He has one of the most remarkable minds it is possible to imagine; he can make sense in his own mind of things most of us can’t even conceptualise. The technology required to build his means of communication didn’t exist before him, being developed pretty well exclusively for him, benefiting so many other people. He was not expected to live beyond the age of 24. He has broken every record in terms of staying alive with the disease; indeed he has outlived so many other, healthy, contemporaries.

    If I were a believer I’d say God was sending a message via Stephen Hawking, listen to him and listen carefully.

    As it is I wonder whether his longevity is related to his remarkable mind.

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    Is the Stedfast / Steadfast thing a joke??? If not then it proves beyond doubt that these guys are not only wrong but ignorant about their own religious text.

    If the ‘God Inspired’ apostles wrote the bible in Greek/ Hebew why is a 17th century English translation the only version we can use, and why is it the authority on spelling?

    And a funny fact – King James, who comissioned the translation, was a notorious homosexual. I wonder if Anderson knows that….

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