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Hanging Out With the Squirrels at Riverside Park, Findlay, Ohio

One of my favorite spots to sit and relax is Riverside Park in Findlay, Ohio. Opened in 1906, Riverside Park used to have amusement rides, including a carousel and train. Currently, Riverside is home to a pool, band shell, and numerous well-kept buildings that can be used for picnics and parties.  Sitting along the Blanchard River, Riverside also offers delightful trails, observations areas, and boat rentals.

Recently, my wife and celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary. After eating dinner at Red Lobster on Tiffin Avenue, we headed to Riverside Park to walk off our meal. Riverside is home to numerous squirrels, two of which graciously “posed” for me.

You can view the rest of the photographs at Defiance County Photo.


  1. Avatar
    That Other Jean

    What wonderful squirrel photos! You have really captured what makes squirrels such attractive, entertaining critters. Thanks.

  2. Avatar
    That Other Jean

    What wonderful squirrel photos! You have really captured what makes squirrels such attractive, entertaining critters. Thanks!

  3. Avatar
    Karen the rock whisperer

    Love the photos. I enjoy watching the squirrels in my back yard, especially when they interact with the other suburban backyard critters. I have watched a squirrel indignantly tell off a domestic cat snoozing under the squirrel freeway (telephone line) for twenty minutes.

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