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Out On the Town With the Polly Celebrating Her Sixtieth Birthday

gerencser family 2018
Bruce and Polly Gerencser and Family 2018

Polly celebrated her sixtieth birthday on Saturday. Our children, their spouses, and Polly’s parents joined her at Mancy’s Steakhouse in Findlay, Ohio to celebrate. Awesome food, generous libations, and great company made for a wonderful evening.

Here are several photographs I thought readers might enjoy.

polly mom and dad 2018 (2)
Polly Gerencser, with her parents Lee and Bonnie Shope 2018
Bruce and Polly Gerencser 2018

I got four “you look like” comments:

  • Santa Claus
  • Italian mob boss
  • Jewish rabbi
  • Amish man

So, I can bring you gifts, put out a hit on you, bless you, or build you a barn.




  1. Avatar

    Nice family pictures!

    As I’ve said before you are a Daniel Dennett lookalike, so I’ll add ‘compatabilist’ to your list (not that it follows generically).

  2. Avatar

    Happy birthday to Polly! It looks like you all had a great time together.

    I am going with sophisticated Santa. The Amish and Hasidim that I know of wouldn’t wear red – their religious rules would forbid it. But it would be fun to have a blessing from Rebbe Bruce….

  3. Avatar

    Your father-in-law looks like he’s doing pretty well. Of course it is only a photograph and he is sitting down.

    I love how your family maintains a continuum between dark and red hair.

  4. Avatar
    Becky Wiren

    Well, as soon as I saw yours and Polly’s delightful pic with you in your red shirt and hat, I started humming “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” That was actually a nice feeling, reminiscent of when my parents were alive and I believed in magic. So see? You are bringing happiness where you go!

    And like I said in Facebook, Polly looks very nice. And you look great too! 😉

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