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Evangelicals and the Gay Closet: Is Ray Boltz Still a Christian?

ray boltz

Most Evangelicals believe that once a person is saved, he is always saved; that nothing can separate him from the love of God (Romans 8:31-39). This belief, of course, causes a real problem for Evangelicals when they hear about people who were once Evangelicals and lived according to Evangelical interpretations of the Bible, but no longer do so. I was a once-saved-always-saved Evangelical pastor for twenty- five years. My lifestyle was one of devotion to Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit was evident in my life (Galatians 5:22,23). No one, at the time, doubted I was a Christian. Today, I am an apostate; a false prophet; an atheist. My deconversion poses a real problem for Evangelicals. If I were truly saved, I am still saved. If I can’t fall from God’s grace, I still have it. No matter what I say or do, if Evangelicals are right, I am still a born-again Christian. Out of the will of God? Sure. Backslidden? Sure. Awaiting God’s chastisement? Sure. But, I’m still a Christian, nonetheless.

Of course, such thinking is unpalatable for many Evangelicals. They can’t bear to think that a blasphemer such as I am is still a Christian. They can’t stomach the thought of me being an atheist, yet still getting a mansion — albeit a much smaller one — in Heaven after I die. For these people, the answer to their queasiness is to say that I never was a Christian; that I was wolf in sheep’s clothing; that I was a Satanic angel of light. This line of thinking is ludicrous for the simple fact that everything I said and did from the age of fifteen to the age of fifty said to the world that I was an out and proud follower of Jesus Christ. And I was indeed. As a person who knew me quite well years ago said, “If Bruce wasn’t a Christian, nobody was!”

While queuing up some music to listen to today as I write, I came across several songs by Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) artist Ray Boltz. You might remember some of his signature songs: The Anchor Holds, Thank You, I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb.

Video Link

Video Link

As a pastor, I found Boltz’s song, Thank You, quite helpful when I was doubting whether the work I was doing was making a difference. Boltz’s song reminded me that I would have to wait until I got to Heaven to see the fruit of my labor.

In 2005, Boltz retired from the Christian music industry and later divorced his wife. In 2008, Boltz came out of the closet and admitted he was gay. What follows is an interview Boltz gave about being gay and still being a Christian. Please take the time to listen to this video. Boltz is honest and open about his life, and is actually quite compassionate towards people who attack him for being gay.

Video Link

Boltz’s “testimony” poses a big problem for Evangelicals. Here’s a man who was loved, respected, and revered by Evangelicals, yet now he says he is gay. “How can this be?” Evangelicals wonder. “All those wonderful songs he wrote, yet he had “gay lust” in his heart the whole time! Stop! My head is hurting!” Evangelicals are forced to say either Boltz was never a Christian, or that he still is a Christian. Remember, most Evangelicals believe homosexuality to be a sign of a reprobate heart; that there is no such thing as a “gay” Christian; that there will be NO LGBTQ people in Heaven. This means, necessarily, that Boltz was NEVER a Christian — an absurd notion if there ever was one.

A 2018 Thought Co article titled, Christian Singer Ray Boltz Comes Out, Says He Lives a Normal Gay Life, details how many (most) Evangelicals view Boltz’s coming out:

Reactions from fans regarding Ray Boltz and this news has run the gamut of emotions. Some are heartbroken and feel like Boltz needs to pray harder and he will be cured of his homosexuality. Boltz did say in the article that he had been praying for change almost all of his life. “I basically lived an ‘ex-gay’ life—I read every book, I read all the scriptures they use, I did everything to try and change.”

Other fans view him as almost a victim of the devil’s lies, of society’s “everything’s good” attitude, of his own sin. Some fans look up to his decision to go public so that people can see that gay people can love and serve the Lord.

There are some that feel that his “giving in to the temptation of sin” and “succumbing to the homosexual lie” wipes out every shred of value that his music ever had in the world and that he should be “shunned from the body of Christ until he repents and changes his ways because he can not receive forgiveness until he actually repents from the sin.”

Boltz believes he is still a Christian, albeit one far from his Evangelical roots. He currently lives with his partner and attends a gay-affirming church in Florida.

Were you a Ray Boltz fan? Were you still a Christian when you heard about him saying he was gay? What was your response? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.


Read Boltz’s New York Times interview about his post-Evangelical life.

About Bruce Gerencser

Bruce Gerencser, 61, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 40 years. He and his wife have six grown children and twelve grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. For more information about Bruce, please read the About page.

Bruce is a local photography business owner, operating Defiance County Photo out of his home. If you live in Northwest Ohio and would like to hire Bruce, please email him.

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    I feel for him and for others like him who are shunned and judged and mistreated by the very church they loved. I used to fight with my mom about homosexuality – I was able to convince her that one cannot help to whom one is attracted, but I couldn’t get her past the idea that gay people should be able to have sexual relationships. The whole “no sex outside marriage” concept prevailed, and she passed away soon after same sex marriage was legalized nationally. It became a topic she refused to discuss with me anymore. I guess I pressed too hard on the idea of what kind of a God would create people to be gay and then forbid them from having sanctioned romantically loving relationships.

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      john gaither

      Sometimes it’s difficult to realize that feelings, and wants that we fell so strong about can be totally wrong! Sin at times can only be realized for what it is by it’s final results.

      A fallen mankind presumes that God made people shaped in sin, He didn’t , but being remade by Sin’s active measures to remake mankind into the Image of the Chief fallen Angel(Lucifer).The homosexual lifestyle can only bring death in it’s final conclusion, it can never breed life. Therefore it is parasitical because only persons of the natural male/female union can produce children.

      Otherworldly the Homosexual lifestyle have to steal naturally produce persons to have an relationship because their union cannot sustain their concept by themselves. Mr. Boltz is a Christian if the Savior called him, because he belongs to the list of Saints written in the Book of Life. He, like all of us must serve our Master while carrying our own personal Cross of Sin, and Yes Saints can live a of life of great sin.

      He will answer to the Savior for his faults as we have to do, whether sinner or saint.

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        J W

        John Gaither, the simpler, more reasonable explanation is that homophobia has nothing to do with God, but rather just the simple ignorance and prejudices of the ostensibly religious.

        You use words like “parasitical” or “naturally”, but seem to possess little actual knowledge of the natural world or the study of biology. Are you not aware that homosexuality has been observed countless times among other animals? By people who actually take the time and effort to study the natural world? That homosexuality is in fact entirely “natural”, despite attempts by people like you to abuse that word?

        Are you completely ignorant of the vast variety of different sexual and reproductive schemes used by plants and animals in nature? Have you not come across concepts such as hermaphroditism, gynandromorphism, asexual reproduction, or the like? Would your mind be completely blown by knowledge of such things? Or the fact that human beings are sometimes born possessing some of these characteristics as well? (For example, see: intersex)

        You speak of sin and God, but let me ask you this: why would I take the word on matters of God of someone who is completely ignorant of the natural world? Or worse, who is aware of such things and chooses to lie about it? Would that not lead one down the wrong path, assuming there even is such a thing as a valid path?

        Ignorance is not a virtue. Nor is taking the words–written or spoken–of human beings on blind faith alone. You can and are encouraged to investigate and double-check anything that I have written, too. Unless, of course, you’re the type who indulges in the sin of fearing the “worldly.”

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          brian davies

          The bible clearly states that anyone who practices homosexuality is sinning against God. Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:27 clearly state that a man lying with another man is committing an abomination. Galatians 5:16-17, explains this constant tug of war between the flesh and spirit and verse 18, tells us that we are directed by the Spirit we are under no obligation to give in to the law of Moses. Verse 19 of the aforementioned chapter 5, tells us it is only when we give in to the desires of the flesh that the results of sin become the result. These verses clearly indicate that temptations of every form as mentioned, are the reality of living the life of a christian. James 2:14-15, clearly indicates that we fall into sin when we are tempted and drawn into our own desires and drag us away which then give in to sinful actions which then eventually lead to spiritual death. James 2 explains this gradual process of being drawn from our initial desires which left unchecked lead to sinful actions. However, Hebrews 4;15 says that Jesus was in all points tempted as we are, yet he was without sin, and encourages us to come to him as our High Priest to help us in our weaknesses. Condemnation of the struggles of any person, by saying they were never a christian is not right in God’s sight and the bible clearly warns us against that, ‘Wherefore he that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall’, 1 Corinthians 10:12. However, that does not mean that as christians we should not lovingly warn a brother of what the bible clearly addresses as a sin. I personally always rely on God’s strength by daily coming to God in prayer and asking him to strengthen me and provide me with his grace to overcome temptation. Jesus says, if any man will come after me let he deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. A life of victory in Jesus is a daily life of coming to him and relying on his accomplished work. John 15:5 tells us that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, We are told to abide in him, in order for us to bear fruit and that failing to abide him him means we will wither, be cast off as branches. He warns us in John 15:5 that without him we cannot do anything. Only total dependence in Jesus Christ assures of overcoming as christans. It is the only way. And dear Sir, I would sincerely wish and hope that you could come back to Jesus. He is truly real, I know it from my heart.

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            Ok Brian. I will just be blunt. You are the voice of a hateful theology that can lead people into a very dark place of serious mental health issues, and even lead to them ending their lives in despair because they can’t meet your interpretation of gods supposed rules.

            And you dare to call other people an abomination, then try to pretend you have love and concern for them. This clearly shows the cruel, cold hearted, judgemental religious belief that so many like you spew daily. This is the same horrid screed that hateful bigots like a Steven Anderson screech from their pulpits, except you like to make it sound so nice and caring. At least Anderson clearly says what he believes, and doesn’t pretend to care.

            If you have issues with gay people, then just move along. It doesn’t concern you in any way. Many of us out here have no use for your god or the bigotry you throw at us. Christians go out of their way to approach people, shove a finger in their face and call them a sinner. The world would be better if you just minded your own business, and worked on your own sin, and left others alone.

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            Shaddup, mortal, and stop pretending that you’re qualified to speak on behalf of gods.

            And try using your brain instead of your heart to think, too.

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          Jerry Murray

          Bruce. God created all humans in His image; that is, In His moral image and In His Son, Jesus’ flesh and blood image. God did not create folks to be transgendered, transvestite, adulterer, nor any other lifestyle chosen by sinful humanity apart from what God ordered to be natural and normal; that is, male and female. One can live any lifestyle he/she chooses, but if it falls outside the bounds of God’s original design then there is promised the reaping of consequences of one’s disobedience and self-deception to God’s order. As Jesus said, “Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, I did this and that for you.” Then I will say, “Depart from Me you evildoers for I do not know you.” Examine yourselves to see if you are actually in the faith. Unless the Holy Spirit lives in and has sealed a person unto eternal life, that individual is not as Christian, nor has he/she ever been a Christian.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            What evidence do you have for your claims? Quoting Bible verses ain’t going to cut it. I can conclusively show that the Bible isn’t what you claim it is. Ready to rumble?

            You are just a typical homophobic (I use the word in colloquial sense) Evangelical who threatens those he disagrees with with judgment and Hell. What is Ray or any other LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 person doing that materially harms you in any way? Hint, the answer is “nothing.” Yet, you feel it your duty to tell the readers of this blog that Ray is headed for Hell, all because of who he fucks and/or loves. And don’t use the “I didn’t say it, God did” dodge. You are the one uttering hateful, homophobic words. Own them.

            As far as salvation/Holy Spirit is concerned, I was a Christian for forty-five years. I was as much of a Christian as you are. If I never was A Christian, neither are you. Can’t square that with your peculiar theology? Not my problem. My testimony is clear: I once was saved, and now I’m not.

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            Or…you can just let other people their lives as they choose, and you can go back to your like minded church friends who believe just like you do.

            It actually quite simple. Live your life and let other people live their lives. After all, according to your belief, god gave people free will. So why don’t you just leave non Christian’s in peace? I mean, if god, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit is not taking time to communicate with us, then why should you?

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      God don’t make guys sin does. In Romans chapter 1 Paul talks about sin of the gentiles in the last days and at the end of that chapter is say those that commit such sin will face God’s wrath.

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          Janice Fortney

          Is Ray Boltz still a Christian? Well only God and Ray really know. I don’t believe God takes away anyone’s salvation. God has given us free will to choose whether or not we will accept His free gift of salvation. He does not force anyone to ‘believe.’ By the same token, I believe He allows us to exercise our free will and choose to walk away from our salvation and there is Scripture to support this. Hebrews 6 is a good place to start. We are taught to frequently examine ourselves and see if we are of the faith. Is the fruit of the Spirit evident in our lives? Do we trust and obey God? So I say . .Once saved always saved? Only if you want to be.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            Sure, but you don’t think he is saved, right?

            There are millions upon millions of Christians who disagree with your theology; that don’t believe we have free will; that salvation is a work of God from start to finish; that once a person is saved he can’t fall away. Everyone points to the Bible as their source of right beliefs. How do we determine who is right? So much confusion and contradiction. God seems quite schizophrenic; like a frail, fallible man.

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            Janice Fortney

            I’m not a Calvinist. Salvation is a work of God and all are invited to receive this free gift. How God’s sovereignty and my free will work together in my coming to faith in Jesus Christ is a mystery. Again, I cannot and will not judge whether or not Ray Boltz is saved. I know God is nothing like what you describe. Quite the contrary. But you are free to believe what you want to believe and so am I. God allows that. When you’ve taken your last breath on this earth, you will know whether or not you were right. So will I.

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            Janice, I for one reject this ridiculous “salvation.” A god that requires blood sacrifice is evil. A god that would send even one sentient being to eternal torment is infinitely evil, quite possibly insane, and utterly untrustworthy. A human who consents to someone dying in their place is craven. The price of this “free” gift – paid out in coin of utter moral bankruptcy – is much too high.

            In your other comment you said “When you’ve taken your last breath on this earth, you will know whether or not you were right. So will I.” I disagree. I believe that when you and I eventually die, neither of us will perceive anything at all, and will remain in that state of unknowing for eternity.

            Please don’t waste your life on a tired old myth that makes promises it will never be able to keep.

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            Janice Fortney

            I’m not wasting my life.Much to the contrary. I am as sure of eternal life as you are not. How sad for you. No hope beyond this broken world.

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            So Janice, what if when you draw your last breath you find that all your beliefs were induced by Satan, that only atheists get to go to heaven, and that you’ve believed a lie all your life? This is the trouble with living your life dependent on something you can’t possibly have any way of knowing is true.

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            Janice Fortney

            Your original questions: “Were you a Ray Boltz fan? (I liked his songs)Were you still a Christian when you heard about him saying he was gay? (Yes) What was your response? (I was saddened by it.) Please share your thoughts in the comment section.”

            Why would you care what a Christian believes since you are an atheist and don’t believe in God? Why are you trying to convince Christians they are wrong? You will never convince me that what I believe (the Word of God) is a lie any more than I could convince you to believe it’s true. You were a pastor for some time, so I see you as one who has fallen away from the faith and cannot be brought back to repentance. (Hebrews 6:4-6) If you truly believe a person simply ceases to exist in any way upon physical death, it should not matter to you that I believe otherwise. But some how it does, doesn’t it. Interesting.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            Your beliefs matter to the degree that they materially affect me and my family. What you privately believe and practice doesn’t matter to me. However, when you attempt to use the power of the state to force your beliefs on others or attempt to legislate your peculiar brand of morality, then I am going to object. Evangelicalism is a dangerous religious sect. Because I care about my children and grandchildren, I plan to do all I can to limit the theocratic tendencies of Evangelicals.

            Remember, you are the one who commented on my blog. When you did, you opened yourself up to people who disagree with you responding. That’s the way it works.

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            ... Zoe ~

            Janice Fortney: “I’m not a Calvinist. Salvation is a work of God and all are invited to receive this free gift.”

            Zoe: “salvation is a work of God” comes across Calvinistic Janice.

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            Janice Fortney

            How so, Zoe? Calvinists believe God chose certain people to be saved from eternal damnation and chose others to be forever condemned, that our destiny is already pre-determined by Him and we have no say in it. That is an erroneous assumption and does not at all line up with the character of God. Scripture clearly teaches that salvation “is a work of God” in that not one person could every earn favor with God (salvation) by our own works. It is a gift of God for those who accept by faith Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross as payment for their sin—a debt they could never earn or pay themselves. Jesus did the work for us because we are incapable of doing it ourselves. That is a merciful work of God. But by faith you must receive His gift or remain forever lost. This is not Calvinism.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            Actually the Bible teaches salvation is the work of God; that no one can be saved unless God saves them. I am more than happy to have this discussion with you.

            The Bible teaches predestination. Even Arminians believe in predestination—chosen in Christ from before the foundation of the world. Do a search for prevenient grace.

            No sect has a coherent plan of salvation. Ask ten Christians how you become a Christian and you will get twelve different answers. Every Christian thinks he or she is right. Every Christian uses the Bible to prove his or her claims. Yet, you expect us to think that your peculiar plan of salvation is the right one; that you have the faith once delivered to the saints.

            Could Judas have been saved?

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            Janice I’m sure your comment makes sense to you but to most it’s nothing more than superstitious mumbo jumbo. It makes absolutely no sense in the field of reason, on many levels (even apologists struggle to explain the atonement), and is why it’s getting almost impossible to have discussions (as opposed to controlled, moderated debates) between apologists (the likes of Kent Hovind, Ray Comfort, and the like have even given up trying) and secular atheists.

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            Janice Fortney

            GeoffT. I have no desire to debate with atheists as it would do nothing to change their beliefs, nor mine. God has nothing to prove to anyone. Only those who are seeking to know God, or entertain the possibility of God’s existence and goodness, will have any understanding at all. Neither do I have any desire to poke fun at their beliefs. If any of you truly care to know why I believe what I believe, be free to ask. Consider my response. Accept it or reject it as you choose without derogatory remarks. Otherwise, please move on,. I respect your right to believe what you want to believe. Please respect mine.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            That’s not how it works. You are the one commenting on an atheist’s blog. Did you really think you weren’t going to get pushback.

            If you are not going to interact with others, it’s time for you to withdraw and move on.

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            Janice, I’ll accede to your request not to continue the discussion but I do want to comment on your phrase ‘believe what you want to believe’. I do not choose what I want to believe, I believe in what a near infinite number of factors force me to believe. To change my beliefs there would have to be a substantial change in those factors.

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            Janice, I have kept quiet because I have no real desire to debate the various beliefs of a religion I find extremely oppressive and manipulative. But then you wrote “ Only those who are seeking to know God, or entertain the possibility of God’s existence and goodness, will have any understanding at all.”

            That is nothing more than a stereotype projected onto people who are not Christian, it just implies there is some special, super cool, super secret, inside knowledge that only the good kids know. All just because your infinitely wise god only chooses to share it, through one of the three gods your worship, with with the saved people who say the right words and live following whatever set of rules that your sect deems to be proper.

            But the reality is that many people have been deeply committed to Christianity, seeking the will of god diligently, living this life for decades, and denying self in ways you will never comprehend. This drive to learn and follow this god was so strong that they changed their life, their person, their very essence of existence to follow Christian belief. I can assure you that many of us have had a vast, life long, very committed relationship with god.

            But then we found that our struggles, pain, mental suffering and self loathing were caused by the teachings of this allegedly loving god. For my case, once my eyes were opened and I was able to step into the light of day, I could clearly see the evil darkness in which Christian belief kept me hostage.

            The fact is that my freedom came from casting off the chains of Christianity that kept me bound to a damaging belief system. And now that I am free, I am free to live life as I was created to live. If god doesn’t exist and this is just my natural,state, then i am living as nature intended. If some god exists and created me this way then I am living as it intended.

            No, it accurate to claim that I do not understand or have not had the word revealed to me. I, and others like me, understand very well, and find Christian belief to be lacking or even dangerously oppressive.

            So if it works for you, then you should do your thing as a Christian. Just leave me out of it because in my life christianity has no place or value. In fact, it seems most of christianity stands opposed to my existence.

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            Karen Dillard

            I’ll weigh in! So I’m reading that the Bible nor God is your source of moral authority or any type of authority,for that matter, on anything. Got it! That’s entirely up to you! So let’s talk about where YOUR moral authority comes from , then. Do you believe there’s a right or wrong? If so, who told you lying is right or wrong? Who told you stealing is right or wrong? Who told you to teach your kids not to be selfish? Where did they learn to be selfish,( or not) did you teach them? Why is being selfish wrong or could it be right? Selfishness is a character flaw but how do we know that? How do we know? How do you know cheating on your wife is wrong? Could it be wrong for you but right for someone else? … On and on…. If you are your own moral authority ,or believe our government is your moral authority, how do you know you are right or the government is right and why should I believe you? How can you say Ray Boltz is right or wrong in his own belief system? Does the Universe tell you these things? Does the culture/civil society teach you these things but how do you know that if right, not wrong? Or is there some hidden moral code/authority that only atheist’s are privy too? Inquiring minds want to know…..

      • Brian Vanderlip

        It ain’t the wrath of God I fear, John boy, it’s the ignorant wrath of men like you who would gladly harm me if some preacher said go do it. And your president too, his boundless ignorance with a Bible makes him fit in perfectly with people like you, so shallow in vision, so mean at heart.

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      our opinion does not matter at all with regards to truth nor our experiences. the bible has the sole authority of truth. we cannot afford to believe what we believe is true for all men are liars. what the bible says is only true. read what the bible says: ‘ They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” WHAT YOU ARE SAYING HERE MR BRUCE IS IN OUTRIGHT CONTRADICTION TO WHAT GOD SAYS. NOW, EITHER GOD IS TRUE NOR YOU

      • Bruce Gerencser

        Well, there is no God, so what he/she/it/they thinks is immaterial. It is evident that YOU think you are God — judging who is and isn’t a Christian. Based on your peculiar interpretation of the Protestant Christian Bible, you judge others, determining whether they are Christians or not. I am so glad you stopped by to render judgment upon billions of people who think differently from you. We so needed a deity to stop by and set us straight. Hopefully, you are able to recognize sarcasm.

        You have said your piece, Jane. Time for you to move on. On this blog, I am God, and I have determined you are a judgmental, bigoted ass. God bless your sweet heart, Jane.

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      Ray Boltz’ songs affected me much when I first became a believer, and I was very sad to hear that he put his desires (feelings) above Jesus and the gospel (faith in the truth). He sees the one side of God that is love, but he has forgotten that God did judge and will judge again. Whether he could be a Christian, it doesn’t seem possible to reject God’s intended plan for sexual relationships that is so beautiful and God’s intended way to be fruitful and multiply the earth. Deep down, I know he knows that this is not what God has for him or anyone, for it is not the way God made us in His image and no one can be fruitful and multiply the earth in a homosexual relationship.

      I still listen to his old music and watch His old videos and it seems too impossible that he was not a believer, but I cannot say; God will judge that; I just pray that he sees that sin is a serious thing. He rejects that judgment is coming for those that don’t repent and he is deceiving many who are not believers which is very sad, I pray for him and his family and pray he could once again make an impact for the gospel as he did before 2004. Jesus did not die so we could be free to sin; He died so we could be free from sin. Ray, God was using you mightily; come back to the foot of the cross and see and teach the truth once again. Let Him give you back your tomorrow and be used to lead people to Jesus.

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          I am not judging Ray, I care for him and God has burdened me deeply for him. I listen to his old music and pray for him continually.

          I was in a situation in my life that people judged me for and I know what it feels like to be judged. Although that judgment was painful, it was that judgment that showed me that I was no longer in the so called “good” category. At first I judged those who judged me, but later I realized that it was that judgment that caused me to realize that I was wretched and truly deserving of hell, just as the Bible says – it was this that caused me to call out to Jesus to save me from my sin.

          Goodness doesn’t make us a Christian, everything is based on God’s goodness, nothing is based on us or what we do. Believing comes from promise: we repent and put our faith in what Jesus did on the cross for us, and it is by faith we call out to Him and believe what He says. I came to Jesus twenty-eight years ago in much pain and sorrow over my life and I called out to Him out of sure need. I was like a drowning person with no hope of saving myself; and He pulled me out and saved me! I trust in Him, His Word, His truth not because I am good or better than anyone else; but only because He promised that if I come to Him, He would in no ways cast me out. I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR JESUS! Without Him – I am nothing; have nothing; can do nothing; and have no hope. I love Him only because He first loved me!

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            Painful judgement changes you? Good…very good. I will come back to that…

            It’s great when people can look inside and see how their life was lived for false beliefs and come to that day of reconning. They can then lay everything out, exposing it to the cold, hard truth, and then admit their own failures and finally start to live a life free from sin, finally living in the light of a new day, after coming to terms with gos.

            I spent years on the wrong path, chasing what I now know are wild ideas, always looking for the next high that would keep me going or doing things so the people around me would accept me and like me. Sadly i was raised in a household where this stuff was all around me, readily available. My father was deeply committed to the stuff he pushed and my mother supported it. This was demonstrated to me every day, every night, in their life, and they expected me to join in – demanded it actually.

            I could consume as much as I wanted. There were things on dining room tables, bookshelves, even the bathroom, just everywhere…there was no way to avoid it. And my father influenced others to join in, meeting up with them to spread this poison. What chance did I have? I was already hooked, deeply indoctrinated to this stuff, when I was 7 years old.

            All the while I denied what I knew to be true deep inside. Now I look back and wonder how I was so blind, but I know I was misled. Years of self hate and mental suffering were the result, and it impacted me long into adulthood. When everything started to feel overwhelming, and I could no longer make sense of it all I desperately called out to god to show me they way. I read the Bible, struggled with understanding, and prayed harder than ever.

            And that’s when it lol finally happened and I managed to break free of the darkness I had lived in for decades My prayer and diligent bible studies finally revealed the truth.

            Hopefully you are still reading, because this is the most important part of my religious transformatIon.

            I realized god was a horribly false story that had cause of so much suffering for me. I finally realized I was so lost in the mind control of christianity that I even hated my very existence. I realized it was all a lie.

            Finally, I am able to be openly be myself, and live as a non binary person. I am free from the controls, manipulation, and soul rending guilt of christianity. Now I live free from (and free of) sin, and have a much happier life.

            As a final note, since you respond so well to harsh judgement, I see in your writing a lot of self righteous, cold hearted, uncaring, thoughtless bigotry disguised as concern and love. You think have the only answer that everyone should follow and you come here to tel Ray Boltz, and by extension people like me, that we are wrong, sinful, doomed, bound for painful judgement, and need to be fixed.

            I am fine, very happy to live as I was born. I am sure others here feel the same. Your judgment and prayers have no power here.

      • Avatar

        Anonymous, there is nothing “beautiful” about denying one’s sexuality in order to be in the good graces of a judgy-ass god that needed a fucking human sacrifice to forgive humans.

        And stop lying to us. You have judged Mr. Boltz, and your posts here are the evidence.

  2. Avatar
    Dave O

    While earning my Bachelors degree at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana (circa 1982 – 1986), I attended the same church Ray Boltz attended. I remember him singing the song “Thank You” for the congregation before it became a hit.

    He was an honest Christian, eager to serve the Lord with his music. My few interactions with him were positive and affirming and he encouraged me to seek the God of Truth.

    I cherished his music and his song “Seasons Change” is still my favorite ‘life song’.

    What surprised me when I learned Ray had come out of the closet was how he was instantly vilified by the very people who once looked up to him. I read so many blog posts that cast him and his music into the pit of hell because he was ‘now’ gay.

    What amazed me is that Ray Boltz did not wake up one morning and decide to become gay. All that music he wrote which become mainstream worship music was written and recorded while he was struggling over the fact he was gay and yet still drawn by God to serve Him when the church declared that that it is impossible to be gay and a Christian at the same time.

    After he came out, I came to understand that we as Evangelic Christians are some of the most unloving and judgmental people.

    I felt for him and defended him. Not because I knew him while at college but because we are Christians, who have the very nature of the God who is absolute love in our hearts, should extend to him love and support and not demonize him who we once worshiped beside.

    Do I still believe he is a Christian? Yes. He exhibits his desire to serve the Lord, even after all his ‘brothers and sisters’ proclaimed him apostate.

    • Avatar
      John Arthur

      Thank you for the compassion and kindness of your remarks about Ray Boltz and that you see him as a still being a genuine Christian.

      When my wife and I were attending an Evangelical church (several years ago now. I am now an atheist.), a young man in his thirties who was a very keen Christian came out. He received utter rejection from most of the members of the church. He committed suicide. I believe that the rejection by the so-called holy joes of the church once he came out drove him to end his life.

      I didn’t expect the church members to support same-sex marriage but I did hope that they would try to understand his position and show compassion and kindness towards the young man. He was no different a person after he “came out” than he was for the several years before he came out and for the long time that the church members knew him before he declared his same-sex orientation..

      • Avatar

        Hmm, now I know where you are coming from (an atheist). So, sorry for those who are struggling and groping in darkness, you are all victims of the wiles of the devil.
        The truth is this; Christianity is not a religion but a way of life that can only be lived by the Spirit of Christ Jesus. This is only possible when one gets the revelation of Jesus Christ and Him crucified to death, buried and raised back to Life all of his or her sake in order that he or she should have a new life in his or her mortal body ( ROM. 6). Simply put, Christianity is being possessed by the Spirit of Christ and allowing the Christ’s Life in you to be making use of your mortal body in order to be living His Life but through you.
        Man is a created being, his creator created him for HIS own purpose and not the “created’s” purpose. Believe it or not, when the creator decides man goes back to him. No human being can control that, and should you decide to argue, whatever points you may advance, when you close your eyes in death you shall definitely see yourself somewhere. The question is are we not suppose to be preparing ourselves for that place (whatever it may be).
        Surely there is a place to go after life on earth, God who is the creator, created human beings initially in His own IMAGE and LIKENESS, intending that out of all creatures, mankind should be like HIM, God, different from the rest. So, there is no bases comparing man with other animals (evolutionary theory has been proved wrong long ago). God has shown us His own stand on homosexuality and or gay or lesbianism and the likes; for these He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, and would not hesitate in our own time and generation.

        Be that as it may, as Christians we are not to judge our fellow brethren but to pray with and for them. I know that the devil is always out to kill, steal and destroy, our brother Ray Bolts is but another victim of his. And so I pray:

        Oh Lord God, the devil has gotten one of us, he, Ray, is ever here with us struggling with the devil’s bondage, and we didn’t know. He has being struggling alone, and now he is tired of struggling thus has given in to the devil. Father have mercy on us, the body of Christ and rescue our brother Ray and several others who are in the net of the devil. All that even Ray himself wanted was to be delivered, we his brethren were not sensitive, we were carried away with your gifting over his life while he was all the while he was struggling all in his closet. We ought to be one another’s keeper but we have failed. Father, arise in mercy and rescue us from this onslaught of the devil, deliver Ray and all the others from this bondage. Thank you for hearing and answering as I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

        • Bruce Gerencser


          Jeremy says “as Christians we are not to judge our fellow brethren,” yet does just that.

          Jeremy says “ God has shown us His own stand on homosexuality and or gay or lesbianism…He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, and would not hesitate in our own time and generation” yet God does nothing. Why is that? Evangelical Homophobes rage against Ray Boltz, yet God does nothing, despite their imprecations. Either God doesn’t exist or he is a-okay with LGBTQ people.

          • Brian Vanderlip

            Jeremy is John, George, Ringo, Roseanna-Roseanna Danna, Henry, Felicity and so forth…. meaning, Jeremy is nobody particular. The drivel he drools here is homogenized and has no human individual personality. He spouts words he has picked up as he shed his own skin and heart and brain to become an evangelical product, made most likely in USA. There seems nothing left of the man at all; he sounds exactly like so many dozens who pass this way, ghosts of themselves, Kool-aid salesmen going door to door. What was that guy’s name again? Gerber-me? Jeff? George?

        • Avatar
          ... Zoe ~

          Arrogance Jeremydega. You thank your God for hearing and answering your prayer assuming your second entity of the Holy Spirit will. Be sure to come back when you can provide evidence that Jesus delivered Ray.

          In the meantime, stay down there on your knees and pray for your own deliverance.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            Me thinks Jeremy might want to focus on his own sexuality. Rage against the gays because I can’t own my own sexuality due to my religious beliefs, is common among Evangelicals.

        • Avatar

          “He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, and would not hesitate in our own time and generation.”

          First, that is a myth. There is no evidence of such a thing occurring outside the error-prone and fantastical writings of now long-dead people.

          Second, what you’re describing is an act of an Evil being, not something worth worshiping. You speak of railing against the devil, and yet you support and promote something so monstrous and vile.

          Third, you reveal your utter cowardice and lack of Virtue in not standing against such a thing. The only value you seem to espouse is saving your own hide from whatever bogeyman your pastor and their predecessors cooked up.

          There is nothing Heroic, Just, or Good about what you’ve written, Jeremydega. However, let me thank you all the same for reminding me that there are more than just logical reasons for rejecting such rubbish.

        • Avatar
          John Arthur

          Wow! What a screed! You assume that of the over 40,000 different views of Jesus floating around the Christian churches that yours is correct. A subjective experience of any Jesus is not objective evidence for his so-called resurrection.

          You also seem to assume that the bible is the Word of God but how can a book which has much of it written by barbaric, bloodthirsty, violent and ignorant savages be any Word of God? “Sin” is a religious construct and only because you believe that bible basher, Paul, can you say that the gentiles at the so-called “end times” (Romans 1 doesn’t even mention the “end times”) will homosexuality be a “sin”. Wasn’t homosexuality a “sin” in the first century as well? This use of the concept of “sin” only increases the bigotry of Christians.

  3. Avatar
    Tyler H

    I was a freshman in High School when I heard he was gay. I was a christian, and listened to nothing but christian music for years, sang in the choir at church, was really going places spiritually according to my church family at the time, and I believed it. I loved listening to Ray’s music, it really touched me. Especially “Thank You.” I cried many tears listening to that song. Little did Ray or anyone know, was that I was struggling with homosexuality in my own life. Hearing Ray’s story deeply touched me and solidified my decision to live my own authentic life. I decided that Love was the true message of God and that, even though I self identified as Christian, that I would no longer pretend to believe what most other christians believed. No longer would I be silent about who I am. Now, ten years later, even though I don’t consider myself christian (I identify as agnostic) I still believe that loving people no matter their beliefs, affiliations, sexual orientation or overall identity is the only “religion” worth following. I am completely out about my sexuality and partly because of Ray Boltz, I am completely happy. He is an inspiration to me.

  4. Avatar

    I remember over the years my Evangelical friends and family absolutely vilifying any Christian entertainer who divorced or slipped up in any way, but coming at as gay was the worst sin of all. It fell into the Ephesians 5:12 category (“too shameful to even speak about”).

    That interview touched me. I’m so happy for Boltz and for those he inspires.

  5. Avatar
    Luke Steenkamp

    1 John 2:19 King James Version (KJV)

    19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

    Here is your answer Mr Bruce Gerencser…Truth and time go hand in hand…given time the truth will come out!

    • Bruce Gerencser


      Memo to Luke: maybe they didn’t continue because they didn’t want to associate any longer with arrogant, self-righteous, Bible verse barfing assholes. Look in the mirror and you will see one of the many reasons people deconvert.

      • Avatar
        Jim Barnhart

        I have discovered in life and in my walk with God that when challenged, the demon of the true root of sin within will come out. Your reply to Luke, Mr Gerencser, is a perfect example of that….Thanks for the confirmation of my belief….

        • Avatar
          Hugh D. Young

          I discovered that the vast majority of X-Chee-Ans were little demons in disguise. Puffed up with pride, ego ,and self righteousness, they sure war ship their Maggot Lord well on Sunday mornings, but are real insolent sons of bitches the rest of the week. It’s really a shame that so many of us have seen thru the SHAM innit, Jimbergh? Thanks for continuing to serve as a superb reminder of why I got the fuck out of Dojjj!

        • Bruce Gerencser


          You sent me the following in an email: “For your sake, Mr Gerencser, I really hope there is no hell.”

          You don’t really believe this. Hell justifies everything you believe, say, and do. It’s Hell that will one day prove to the Bruce Gerencsers of the world that Jim Barnhart was right and they were wrong. Without Hell, Evangelical churches would empty out tomorrow. Sorry, Jim, but you need Hell.

          The good news is that there is no Hell after death, nor is there Heaven. It is in this life alone we have Heaven and Hell. One of my goals as a writer is to encourage people to make this life as Heavenly as possible. How about you, Jim? Or are you with Luke, going from website to website preaching at former Christians, thinking you could possibly say anything we haven’t heard countless times before?

          I wish you well.


        • Brian Vanderlip

          “The demon of the true root of sin within…”
          Might be a phrase asked in the DSM as a question to ascertain the level of derangement exhibited by a subject far enough ‘gone’ to hear whatever he likes in whatever is said. Way to go Jim Barnhart!
          Question to the subject being assessed: Can you speak a little about the demon of the true root of sin within?

          • Bruce Gerencser

            I find it amazing how some Evangelicals refuse to accept Boltz as he is, choosing instead to demonize him. I suspect their behavior says more about their sexuality than it does his. So many repressed gays in Evangelicalism.

  6. Avatar

    Friends, I am a 57 yr old “Christian” raised strongly Methodist in the deep south (so really raised with godly, not worldly intent) however I have learned after 4 wives (gasp) 5 children (gasp) and a dozen grand children, that I know nothing of Gods plan and if I did I am not strong enough to follow him of my own accord. I have many questions for Mr. Boltz, none derogatory, insensitive, or disrespectful, mine are questions of faith….of how this man, this human being, who “had it all, was at the top of his game” had the courage within and without to make that truly life changing revelation to his family, wife and world, knowing certainly that the “shame, mocking, and non-literal death” of his fame, fortune, career, would forever be altered and that, if one takes many christian ( but not christ like beliefs) points of view his soul be damned forever, what a human being, what a truly forgiven person it takes to amend all his former life by remembering…”We walk by faith, not by sight.” Mr. Boltz, if you happen upon this lowly testimony would you be kind enough to lend me your ear sir ? As for some other writers of comments, ” Who so ever among you is without sin cast the first stone” hmmmm?

  7. Brittany Green

    Mr. Gerencser,

    You asked Mr. Steemkamp what he thought, by,,”What are your thoughts?”. Also, being a part of a Christian is a follower of Christ, not our own opinions. He wasn’t even giving you his own opinions, but a tenet of the apostles, who were with Jesus himself, and went by what he said. As you may know, Scripture is the authority of a believer, and our thoughts would be what the Bible states.

    Usually, most atheists blame science for their deconversions. But, you say that it’s those who speak about God’s word? Well, there is truth to that. Matthew 13:20-21 states as much, and that is given by Jesus himself. John 8:31-32 says as much, too: in short, there is a difference between professing and true believers. Sure, eternal life is eternal: if you are a real believer. But, if not, well, 1 John 2:19 explains it.

    On another note: why should it matter to you? I mean, you stated that the Bible is just a scores of myths? What does it matter what an Evangelical thinks of you? If you consider Christianity to be such a constraint to quote Psalm 2, why worry about what you claim is nothing more than some mythological battering ram? Why care about what they think about your eternal fate? If your about to kick the bucket and croak in about 10 or 20 years on average, and be nothing more or less than just ecological material (dust) from rigor mortis, and there is nothing afterwards, why care? It’s not like any of these things have any form of existential value in your belief system: if nothing else is there, we are just pontificating time, especially if it’s just a superstition? If these are just myths, why even care to treat homosexuals morally? Ethically? I mean, if I believe in Classic Darwinian evolution, they are defective individuals that need to be exterminated, because they can’t naturally reproduce. But, even the strong survive ethic becomes null and void. Nihilism automatically gives way to atheism: for, if there is no lawgiver, there are no laws. But, laws do not come out of a vaccuum….so? Could there be a merit to what the Christian states? Is that why you are so anxious for their opinion?

    • Bruce Gerencser


      You are wrong about my reasons for divorcing Jesus. Please take the time to read the posts on the WHY? page if you really want to know why I deconverted. No need for you to continue on in ignorance.

      You comment shows that you know very little about atheism. Most atheists I know are also humanists, and it is humanism that gives them a moral and ethical framework to live by.

      After 12 years of mindless drivel and bullshit from Evangelical zealots such as you, I am not, in the least, “anxious” for the opinions of Christians. It’s been years since I have heard a unique, original, or new argument from a Christian. All I hear is the droning of a ceiling fan on a hot, humid July day. That’s why Evangelicals are given one opportunity to say whatever “God” has laid upon their hearts; one opportunity to put in a good word for the man, myth , and legend Jesus; one opportunity to back their Bible dump truck up to my door and dump a load of shit. You’ve had your opportunity, Brittany. I hope you said everything the Lord laid upon your precious little heart.

      Thank you for commenting.


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          ... Zoe ~

          If the devil is good at deceiving people Connie Williams, and there is a hell, and Bruce is deceived and therefore headed to hell . . . why is it that you hope God has mercy on Bruce when in fact you know/believe (apparently according to what you say here) that God will show no mercy.

          Why do you bother to say that at all?

          Is there some sort of hell spectrum, and somehow or other God arranges for some of the hell-bound, a wee bit of mercy as the flames consume them eternally?

        • Brian Vanderlip

          May Connie have mercy on Connie and not be duped into thinking she is some kind of helpless victim needing a magic source to save her. Evangelical religion is so good at harming people.

    • Avatar
      Hugh D. Young

      You know the #1 reason for MY deconversion? A ‘god’ who quite clearly showed me over an almost 8 year period that he quite obviously loved his AUTHORITY & RULES far more than he did PEOPLE. I wouldn’t obey, nor worship that fucking MONSTER if science proved he existed tomorrow!

      Anything else you’d like to share with the group since you’re obviously so smart, and seem to know it all…..or so you seem to think, anyway??

    • Bruce Gerencser

      First, what does your comment have to do with this post?

      Second, you assume I have never “checked out” Francis Collins or Biologos. All these examples show is that smart people can and do believe/act irrationally. The majority of scientists do not believe in God. Why? Because that’s where the evidence leads. Francis Collins is a fine gentleman. I even like him. However, his attempt to wed Christianity with science fails miserably. I would argue that science and Christianity are incompatible — especially Evangelical Christianity. There’s no possible way to reconcile Evangelical faith and science without a hell of a lot of cognitive dissonance.

      If you have not done so, please read Jerry Coyne’s books: Why Evolution is True and Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible.

      Thank you for commenting.


  8. Avatar
    Sam S

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume anything. Its just something I discovered recently that has made me rethink my own beliefs. I was an atheist for a long time, now I’m not so sure. I’ve always been a big fan of Ray, it is aggravating that he has been judged like he has.

  9. Avatar

    Bruce, God loves you so much. You can’t even begin to imagine how much He loves you. Yh, I know it must have been very hard for you in your years as a Pastor. But I wish to challenge you Bruce. Since you have made your decision, there should be no stone left unturned so no matter what, you know the decision you have made is right and you don’t even have to defend yourself.
    I wish for you to put away all those customs and beliefs from church. And just take about 12 days and I want you to just try to read the bible and talk to this ‘God’ Believer’s believe in. Not because you believe in Him but you just want to leave no stone unturned. So just read the bible and talk to Him, and ask Him that if indeed He is real, He should reveal Himself unto you.
    Just do this for 12 days, and if nothing happens then you can boldly say that the God of believer’s is a fiction and be a proud atheist.

    • Avatar
      Hugh D. Young

      RIGHT…….Because ‘god’ loves us soooooooooo much, he created an eternal hell to send us to, just in case we decide we don’t love him back…..GOTCHA!! 🙂

    • Avatar
      John Arthur


      For those who believe in god or gods, did you know that you are likely to become like the god or gods you believe in? The God of Fundamentalism is a moral monster who is heartless and cruel because he burns people in hell forever with endless torture for finite “sins” committed in finite time by finite persons. He is completely unjust. He lacks a heart of compassion, tender mercy and loving-kindness. He commands his children to love their enemies but fails to do the same himself.
      He is one big hypocrite.

      The bible is one of the most barbaric books ever written. It was inspired by bloodthirsty, very violent and ignorant savages who created God in their own likeness. If you want people to treat one another with dignity, I suggest that you give up reading the bible and become a compassionate and caring humanist who loves other human beings.

  10. Avatar

    Since you admit to being an atheist and unbeliever why do you bother? Jesus is the Word of God and if one doesn’t base their life on His Words – then one is not a believer… hence why bother bc we are all at an impasse!

    • Avatar
      John Arthur

      Is Jesus the Word of God? This is the claim of the anonymous author of the Gospel according to John which was written about 70 years after Jesus’ death. If the Word of God is God, then Yes. We should base our lives on Jesus. But if Jesus is not God, why bother?

      If God is omniscient than why does the anonymous Gospel according to Matthew, probably written about 50 years after Jesus’ death, say that he didn’t know the day nor the hour when he would come again. Only the father knew! So the author of this Gospel does not think that Jesus was omniscient. The unknown author of the Gospel according to Luke (probably written in the 80s of the first century CE) says that Jesus grew in wisdom and knowledge. So he wasn’t omniscient.

      Although Jesus was possibly a historical person (although mythicists do not believe that he actually existed), he was fully human. Do human beings walk on water? Do human beings walk through walls? Can any human being feed over 4000 or 5000 human being from a few fish and loaves of bread? Can any human being levitate into the sky against the laws of physics? Aren’t these stories more likely to be myths that grew up around the story of Jesus? Didn’t the early church change him from an ordinary human being into a god to be worshipped?

      How can a virgin give birth? Isn’t it more likely that someone got Mary pregnant? This legend is found only in two gospels written in the 80s. Read books written by biblical scholar Bart Ehrman .

      • Avatar

        John Arthur you raise a good point.

        (Matt. 24:36), “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”
        I agree with Matt Slick who had this to say…..

        This statement is found in the gospel of Mark and Matt. 24:36. The answer is simple. Jesus is both God and man (John 1:1, 14; 20:28; Col. 2:9), and during His ministry in Jerusalem, He was cooperating with the limitations of being a man. As a man, Jesus walked and talked. As God He was worshipped (Matt. 14:33; 28:9; Heb. 1:6), prayed to (Zech. 13:9; 1 Cor. 1:2), etc. This is called the Hypostatic Union.
        During His earthly ministry He moved in the power of the Holy Spirit and did His miracles by the Holy Spirit and not by His own divine power. This is because He was made for a little while lower than the angels (Heb. 2:9) and had emptied Himself and taken on the form of a man (Phil. 2:7). This would explain why in Matt. 12:22-32, when the Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of the devil, Jesus said that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would never be forgiven? Why? Because Jesus, as a man who was ministering completely as a man under the Law (Gal. 4:4-5), did His miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit. This demonstrates that Christ was completely human and dependent upon God and that He was cooperating with the limitations of being human. That is why He said He didn’t know the day or hour of His return.

        However, we see that after the resurrection of Christ that it is said of Him that He knows all things (John 21:17) and that He is omnipresent (Matt. 28:20). Therefore, after His resurrection and glorification, the Lord Jesus did know all things.

        So i’d say yeah… we should base our lives on Christ!

        • Avatar
          John Arthur

          I don’t agree with any hypostatic union theory. If Jesus was both God and human, how did he have only one will? If he was completely human wasn’t his will human? If he was God, then wasn’t his will divine? Yet if Jesus is one person, how can one person have two different wills?

          Isn’t it far simpler to say that the theological gymnastics required to reconcile the NT are gobbledegook? And isn’t it more likely that the miracles that grew up around the story of Jesus are myths? Why base your life on myths?

          • Bruce Gerencser

            James Barnhart sent me the following reply to John Arthur:

            But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him…….
            Hebrews 11:6

          • Avatar
            John Arthur

            To James Barnhart,

            How does faith make the theological gobbledegook of the hypostatic union theory true? How can faith please a non existent being? How can a non existent being reward those who diligently seek him? What evidence is there for the existence of God or gods. God or gods are invisible beings much like Satan, angels, demons, fairies, leprechauns and unicorns. How does faith in invisible beings mean that they exist?

    • Avatar

      Why do you bother to read and comment Bevy?

      Who is at an impasse? You?

      Bruce is sharing his story, his journey both as a Christian and later as an atheist. Many people can relate to his story, learn from it and gain understanding.

  11. Avatar
    Bob Victor

    Shawn Boltz probably had a rotten relationship with his Dad causing deep seated issues.. His new partner looks exactly like a father for him. Get counseling next time and get set free, through power of Holy Spirit.
    Bruce appears to be a very sensitive guy who has gotten his feelings hurt a lot. He got bitter and withdrew, reading atheist crap as his revenge against God and man.
    Next time try forgiveness and keeping your eyes on Christ, not people. Quit taking people and your feelings so seriously… Just turn your eyes on Jesus and His Word… and the things of this world will grow strangely dim. He is able.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      It’s Ray not Shawn.

      You read ONE post on this site and came to all these conclusions. Truly you are a perceptive man, someone gifted with great insight. I too have these gifts. Ready? You are just another judgmental asshole for Jesus. Now go away.

    • Avatar

      OMG another Christian genius who just magically appears with the power of a know it all and comes down upon Bruce’s blog and all hail the know it all analyzes Bruce and Ray and voila, praise Bob we’re all saved.

      Jesus wept.

      Hmm. Jesus why don’t you stop taking people and your feelings so seriously? Bob Victor wants to know.

    • Avatar
      John Arthur

      “Turn your eyes upon Jesus and His Word…”

      Do you mean that book that has large parts written by bloodthirsty, violent, barbaric and ignorant savages which you call the Word of God? This book has Yahweh command the Israelis to slaughter of little children and babies. It’s completely immoral and this is the God that you are worshipping. No thanks!

  12. Avatar

    Hi Bruce- I came across your essay/article/blogpost via Wikipedia. I was Ray’s wife, and I’m probably throwing red meat to the wolves, but here goes.

    Only Ray and I know the full story, and deeper still, the story is only Ray’s. But I (and our 4 grown kids) know that we lived all the expectations and heartfelt commitments to God, as we knew from the Bible. Our faith was real. When Ray finally realized that nothing had changed, he came out to me and our kids (the youngest was a freshman in college).

    Since that day, I changed. Rather than think like the church people (in 2004/5) I decided to listen to Ray and others who were and are LGBTQ. I chose to understand, release Ray, and continue to love him.

    My life has changed immensely. I lost much but gained compassion. I made new friends, keeping only those who could accept me (and Ray) in a new light. I thank you for this post, and the outspoken stand you make as a former Christian. ❤️

    • Avatar
      John Arthur

      Thanks for writing this Carol! Thanks for your compassion and kindness that you have in your heart and that you display towards your former husband.

    • Avatar
      Bruce McDonald

      Really liked what you shared Carol. And really appreciate this article Bruce. Ray Boltz is one of my favorite Christian singers. I have no problem whatsoever saying he is a Christian still. He says so with his own mouth. His songs speak volumes about His deep faith in our Lord. We all have struggles in this lfe..Christian and non Christian alike. That is reality. We are all sinners and still Christ saves us if we call on Him. And when He saves us He saves us forever..thus we receive eternal life. i’ve sang Ray’s songs in Church many many times. The Anchor Holds being one of my favorites. Again thanks for the article Bruce..really made me think. Be interested to hear more on why you left the faith. i’m a big fan of apologetics and the evidence we have for the faith. I’m sure you have studied that over the years. It’s the evidence that has made my faith strong. Anyways God bless you for sharing Carol and thanks again Bruce.

      • Brian Vanderlip

        Bruce McDonald said, “We all have struggles in this lfe..Christian and non Christian alike. That is reality.”
        Would that Mr. McDonald could have accepted this simple human condition and not completely ruined it with Christianite insulation wrap covering that simple truth over until it becomes a moot point.
        Bruce Gerencser has written at great length about his graduation to Reason and this blog is full of fodder for thought, Mr. McDonald. I would encourage you to go looking and to read it all with an open heart, as it was offered, and to not preach nonsense here.

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          Bruce McDonald

          Been reading through his blogs…yes, very interesting with a soft tone to his writing..not abrasive at all..Bruce believed exactly like i believe so i am sure he completely understands where i am coming from..was not trying to be nonsensical or preachy so a little confused by some of your commentary. Curious how much Christian Apologetics Bruce has studied. Probably not too much since he walked away after serving so many years. It is the the overwhelming evidence i find for Christ by studying the evidence that makes my faith and trust in Him so strong..30 plus years and going stronger than ever..because of the evidence..Messianic prophecies and their fulfillment being the best evidence we have..God bless you guys..great article Bruce…and I have so much respect for Carol..i believe she is still a believer..i know Ray is.and i just love that

          • Bruce Gerencser

            I’m quite familiar and schooled in Christian/Evangelical apologetics. It’s not like Christians have had a new or original thought since I left the ministry. ‘Tis the nature of a closed, ancient religion. Solomon said, there’s nothing new under the sun, and that applies to apologetics too.

            For many of the readers of this blog, your “overwhelming” evidence is anything but. Many of us, myself included, walked away from Christianity because we no longer believed the claims of Christianity to be true. In other words, Christianity no longer made sense.

            Thanks for commenting.


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            Even the most devout of legitimate bible scholars would disagree with your use of the word overwhelming when it comes to Jesus. The reality is that there’s a perception in western societies that, because of the central nature of Jesus to the faith of so many, that it must be based on strong evidence. It isn’t. The evidence for the very existence of Jesus is extremely weak, though I think there’s just enough to suggest there really was some sort of preacher on whom the legend is based, but the evidence is very strong that anything other than existence is untrue. No nativity, no miracles, and no resurrection. May have been crucified mind you.

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            Bruce McDonald

            GeoffT, you say “Even the most devout of legitimate bible scholars would disagree with your use of the word overwhelming when it comes to Jesus.” That could not be further from the truth, Almost every Christian Apologetic book and article uses the word overwhelming or a word very similar to it to describe the evidence. and I have almost all the books myself. So i know it for a fact. They say this because the evidence really is overwhelming. All kinds of it. I favor the prophetical evidence and the evidence for His Resurrection as some of the strongest irrefutable evidence we have. The manuscript evidence is amazing. The historical evidence also. Josh McDowell has written exhaustively on that. I could go on and on. So much evidence
            that i don’t simply believe it I trust it with all my heart and mind. It’s worth investigating. It will encourage your faith in Him greatly!! It has much so I can’t even describe it. It’s overwhelming! 🙂

            “Although there is overwhelming evidence that the New Testament is an accurate and trustworthy historical document, many people are still reluctant to believe what it says unless there is also some independent, non-biblical testimony that corroborates its statements.
            In the introduction to one of his books, F.F. Bruce tells about a Christian correspondent who was told by an agnostic friend that “apart from obscure references in Josephus and the like,” there was no historical evidence for the life of Jesus outside the Bible.[1]This, he wrote to Bruce, had caused him “great concern and some little upset in [his] spiritual life.”[2] He concludes his letter by asking, “Is such collateral proof available, and if not, are there reasons for the lack of it?”[3] The answer to this question is, “Yes, such collateral proof is available,” and we will be looking at some of it in this article.. ”

          • Bruce Gerencser

            You are leaving out a word, the modifier “Evangelical.” “Almost every ‘Evangelical’ Christian Apologetic book and article uses the word overwhelming or a word very similar to it to describe the evidence. and I have almost all the books myself.”

            That you mention Josh McDowell speaks volumes. Some of us have read authors outside of the Evangelical rut; authors who don’t have a theological facade to maintain; authors who don’t start with presuppositionalism and inerrancy.

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            What I love about McDowell is he was very skeptical of Christianity until he thoroughly examined the evidence. Many Christian apologists have a similar background. Lee Strobel is similar. My biggest doubt about the Bible was the idea of God sending people to Hell to be tormented forever. It mentions that in the very metaphorical book of Revelation. And then they bring up the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. And a few more of Jesus’ teachings. And now everyone who rejects Christ burns forever. Just because of those few passages. That is not how we are to interpret Scripture. We must take the whole Book in it’s context. Where in reality it says we PERISH without Christ. As in John 3:16. Eternal Life and Perish are the words contrasted. I am a believer in conditional immortality..we become immortal through the gospel. Without Him we perish. To say God torments people forever makes God look like a monster. This teaching is in the minority. My view of Christians is not the greatest myself. A lot of them go on feelings or what they are taught without questioning. Well I question everything. Everyone should.

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            Bruce, I can’t reply, for some reason, directly to a comment you left below, but it’s one where you mention Lee Strobel. Oh dear! I’d like to be charitable about the guy but I saw the film, or at least as much as I could stomach, about the case for Christ, and it is awful. He claims to have been a skeptic, an atheist even, but I have little doubt that this is untrue. Josh McDowell similarly pretends skeptical credentials, then ignores all the evidence in its entirety.

            Look, the evidence to which you refer is terrible. The New Testament, and especially the gospels, are so bad that the best that can be gleaned from them is the occasional matching with something known to be historically true, though it’s tiny in the extreme (for example Nazareth probably didn’t exist at the time of Jesus purported birth, and Herod died prior to it). We are left with just one thing; extra biblical evidence, as provided by Josephus and Tacitus. Nobody else. Diddly squat (there are other claimed references, but they are all second hand). If you really are interested then read Bart Ehrman. But don’t use overwhelming to describe something that is substantially less than flimsy.

  13. Brian Vanderlip

    Thank-you for your input here, Carol. As the now retirement-age son of a Baptist preacher, I understand what the atmosphere can be among believers who are challenged with new, honest witness. I am sorry you had to go through such difficult times but I very much respect your ability to love and change. You are an example of what I admire as human love, not Christian magic but painful, real caring. That you come to this blog full of non-believers like me, is another testament of your character, your human character. My best wishes to you and yours…

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      Bruce McDonald

      I am glad you at least have studied the evidence Bruce..that is very good all are welcome to a group i am in called -Christian Apologetics- on Facebook..we have a nice mix of Christians and Atheists, etc..thanks for letting me share in your world..feel free to come share in mine..i am sure we all love truth..or what we think is truth..maybe we can learn from each other..who knows..blessings,- Bruce

    • Avatar
      Bruce Mcdonald

      I am glad you have studied apologetics Bruce..that is very good all are welcome in a group I am in called Christian Apologetics on Facebook..we have a nice mix of Christians and Atheists in the group..thanks for letting me share here..feel free to come share there..maybe we can learn a little from each other..who knows? 🙂

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    Nick Christopoulos

    doesn’t matter what we think.. what matters what God says and thinks… I am not going to judge.. but God will and that’s what he needs to worry about…I do not believe you can lose your salvation, BUT there are scriptures where it says 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. so he shouldn’t worry about what I think.. i have No power over him.. he needs to worry about the word of God, which speaks about homosexuality…

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      Nick, I don’t believe for an instant that anything in the Bible is “the word of God.” It is, in my opinion, the writings of mortals pretending to speak for a god.

      It’s not surprising that a homophobic culture would write scriptures condemning homosexuality, but humanity has moved beyond that and simply does not need scriptures to dictate morality.

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      J W

      Lines like “what matters what God says and thinks…” always seem so very ironic. I mean, do you really, though? Are you really interested in what God says and thinks, if such a being exists? If you’re going to put (your interpretation of) scripture above all the things that we’ve learned about human sexuality or nature more generally, then it’s not really God that you seem to be interested in or worship, but rather just scripture.

      Personally, I’d rather look at the whole picture or more simply just let God speak for himself, rather than blindly accept whatever words some human being attempts to put in God’s mouth.

    • Brian Vanderlip

      Nick Christopoulos (November 10, 2019 at 6:08 pm):
      One of the very best dodges of personal responsibility in Christianity is the one you just danced, the rubbish about how you won’t judge but God does. Next we would get the ‘it is actions I condemn (with God) not people’. Perhaps because you feel uncomfortable with human sensuality, you choose to sink into a comfortable denial with myriad others (not just Christians either) but your dodging your own deep feelings does you no good. It makes you less human, not more.
      But if you are garbage and born in sin and useless without God, then the whole conversation becomes moot because you have given over your independence, your human right to choose, to the God Delusion. Nothing can be said to entreat you to consider others then, because God.

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      Hugh D. Young

      It’s truly AH-MAAAAA-YAAA-YAAAA-YAAAAAA-ZINNNNG just how much we’re told that we need to ‘worry and fear’ concerning our standing with a ‘god of LOVE’, isn’t it Nick?

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      John Arthur

      What’s this “word of God” to which you are referring? I hope it’s not the bible. This is a book, much of which, was written by very bloodthirsty, violent and ignorant savages who created god in their own barbaric likeness. You do know that the book commands the wholesale slaughter of the Amalekites for what they did to Israel about 400 years beforehand. Not only are combatants to be slaughtered but non combatants, little children and babies. God is alleged to have commanded this butchery. If you think this is the “word of God”, then you God is a moral monster. Give me a compassionate humanism, any day.

      So if the bible promotes immorality, why do we take what it says about homosexuality as any “word of God”? It says that same sex oriented people should be executed. What kind of morality is that? If two same-sex oriented persons love each other and are kind to each other, why should they be executed? Why should any God of compassion burn them in hell with everlasting torture? Isn’t such a God barbaric? If you believe that the punishment should fit the crime, what crime have same-sex oriented couples committed?

      If your God tells you to love those that you consider to be your enemies and if he wants you to be compassionate towards the “ungrateful and the wicked”, why would he command the killing of little children and babies and why would he promote wars of aggression, including genocide? Why would he torture people forever for finite “sins” committed in finite time by finite persons?

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    Bruce McDonald: “I am a believer in conditional immortality..we become immortal through the gospel.”

    Zoe: So what. You present your belief which is another brand of Christianity and apparently you have the correct Christianity and the other Christians are what . . . oh, yes, perishing, along with the rest of us who are void of “Him.”

    Bruce McDonald: “Well I question everything. Everyone should.”

    Zoe: What of those of us who studied and questioned and came to a different conclusion than you Bruce McDonald? There appears to be an assumption on your part that we haven’t done it right.

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      Bruce McDonald

      Never said the other Christians were perishing..i just don’t believe for a second God torments unbelievers for eternity..He destroys them, yes..but that is much different than constant torment. Another group called Rethinking Hell on Facebook gets into the details and Scriptural evidence for this belief. That is not the God of love and mercy and justice I read throughout Scripture..some Christians don’t think we have free will..usually Calvinists..i don’t agree..does not mean they don’t trust in Christ..the only requirement for salvation. If you have trusted Christ for your have eternal are saved..and nothing can pluck you out of His Hand. Sometimes we get very weak in our faith. Does not make us less saved. If we could lose it..we all would. Thanks for letting me share. I know I’m getting preachy now LOL..sharing His Good News is what I do..God bless you all 🙂

      • Bruce Gerencser

        You said, “sharing His Good News is what I do.” That fine, but if you have read the commenting guidelines, you know that “sharing” and “preaching” is not welcome. For many of us, myself included, we are weary of hearing the same sermons and apologetical arguments over, and over, and over again. We get it, no need to tell us again. That said, I typically give Evangelicals one opportunity to “share” what Jesus has laid on their hearts. Who knows, the Holy Spirit might use what you say to bring Bruce back to Jesus, right? Ten years, countless interactions with Evangelicals, and yet I’m still an unrepentant atheist.

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        Bruce McDonald: “Never said the other Christians were perishing..i just don’t believe for a second God torments unbelievers for eternity..He destroys them, yes..but that is much different than constant torment. ” (Emphasis by Zoe.)

        Zoe: Oh wow, “He” destroys them. Doesn’t sound hellish at all. (Sarcasm implied.)

        You’ve got it right Bruce McDonald. How wonderful it must be to be you.

        You’ve been preachy right from the start. Pointing that out is what I do.

        • Avatar
          Bruce McDonald

          Just to be unbelievers that will be perish. As in John 3:16.. Not other Christians that don’t agree with this or that. All true believers in Christ have eternal life. This is more a debate between Christians. A lot of them(too many) teach that God torments unbelievers for eternity. I believe in conditional immortality. You can only live forever if you have Christ There is a group of believers on Facebook called Rethinking Hell that show this in Biblical detail clearly if any are interested in this. It has been very enlightening to me and has completed my faith. But this is an atheistic group so I wont comment no more. Thanks for letting me share. Was just trying to plant a seed of hope in Christ. God bless

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            I realise that this conversation has perhaps ended, but there is one issue I’d like to address. Belief.

            Everywhere one turns in the main religions, and their denominative versions, one sees the word ‘belief’. You yourself say that you can only live forever if you believe in Jesus. Well I’m sorry, but that doesn’t wash. If one really doesn’t believe something then no matter how hard you try you can’t alter that. I don’t believe the world is flat; if I said you had to believe that or you’d be doomed to hell could you change your belief? Of course not. It seems to me that the reality is that salvation can’t possibly rely on belief. It’s as simple as that. And if it doesn’t depend on belief then it must depend on sincerity, as in ‘it is my sincerely held belief’, and sincerity can involve believing that Jesus didn’t even exist. So maybe atheists will be the ones saved!

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            Exactly Bruce McDonald. And now you leave but finally you told the truth. Your mission right from the start . . . to plant a seed.

          • Bruce Gerencser

            Yet, you refuse to let me be an unbeliever. Can you not see how contradictory your beliefs are? In your mind, I am an atheist Christian, doomed to spend eternity with Jesus and his worshippers. Seems quite Handmaiden’s Tale to me.

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            Just to be clear Bruce McDonald, I knew what you meant. Thing is, in my experience and those of others, the issue among Christians arises with the very words you used here: “All true believers in Christ have eternal life.” (Emphasis by Zoe.)

            Then you say: “This is more a debate between Christians.”

            Yes it is.

            One many of us spent an entire life-time debating. We poured through the Scriptures, concordances, dictionaries,
            scholarly books, apologists books and listening to Christian radio. We attended seminars, churches, small groups, mega-groups, Bible school/college/seminary, coffee-house discussions, and family meetings. We held leadership positions, prayed on our knees and cried prostate on the floor. Searching for “true believers” and true believership. You don’t seem to understand that we’ve been there, done that. Have heard your presentation along with countless others. We’ve been directed to Facebook, to blogs, to books, to seminars to many many of those “true” places and discussions you are promoting.

            From my vantage point, I see you as sitting in the Seat of Moses. You believe you have arrived and have attained “true belief.” From my vantage point, I have met you countless times before in all the others who have come before you with your “Christian” authority.

            You don’t even see that you create division with your fellow believers when you talk about “true believers in Christ” and then to go on to say it is a debate with Christians. What are you debating Bruce McDonald? At the core what you are debating is whether your fellow Christians are in fact “true believers.” And if you follow your wonderfully lofty perishing concept that has brought you such completion, the truth is, you are dividing up amongst yourselves who is and is not a “true believer.” Take it to the conclusion. Yes, amongst yourselves you are placing some of your Christians in the perishing pile.

  16. Avatar
    Bruce McDonald

    No doubt you have made up your mind..i came here because I was looking up info on Ray Boltz and yours was the most recent. But this has been very interesting. Even shared it with my two apologetic groups on facebook and now they are questioning my beliefs on Hell LOL.. but it has started a great discussion on homosexuality and whether you can practice sin and still be a believer and be saved. I defend Ray’s Christianity..who are we to say who is saved and not??. Both you and Ray were very passionate about the Lord for many many years. And Ray still is. I don’t believe in people losing their salvation so i look to you as a brother who got very very weak in his faith. I think Ray is a very strong believer who has found a liberal church to condone his lifestyle. So are they all unsaved because they don’t see it like us?? I say who are we to make that judgement call??? If you believe in Christ from your heart you are given eternal life are saved. I believe you both have done that.

    • Brian Vanderlip

      Sin is a construct created as a business plan. It still works on the billboards of the present, even in fashion! And speaking of fashion, Bruce McDonald, your ‘liberal’ paintbrush for Christianity doesn’t hide the fact that your faith is a form of artist pentimento: “… a great discussion on homosexuality and whether you can practice sin and still be a believer and be saved…”
      That does not sound like a great discussion to me but a bunch of judgemental bipeds painting over what other painters have left behind. What you don’t get is that there are a million million ways the painting could turn out finally depending on who has the last dab of paint to change it one more time. Your ‘good news’ is a wolf in sheep’s garb.
      Your words about homosexuality are ignorant and hurtful. We have individuals on this blog who have been sorely harmed by your beliefs and so when you come here and say a person who loves someone of the same sex is sinning then I have two words for you, Bruce and they are Fuck off. No, three words: Fuck right off!

      • Avatar
        Bruce McDonald

        You are just a real class is what this whole article is about!!! ..I’m for Ray..he is my brother in Christ..I’m on his side you knucklehead..did you read anything I’ve read. i’m taking his side in the debate..i don’t agree with his lifestyle..and even Ray would understand that..he knows the Bible at what it clearly says about it.. but i don’t believe God has abandoned him for it..we all have something that we are dealing with that goes against His Word..and that is the point..and i will defend that to the end. He is a believer..He trusts in the Lord because the Lord has proven Himself to him. just like He has is no wish washy belief like someone on here implied. And yes I try to plant seeds of hope..wherever I go. There is hope and peace to be found in Christ. A hope overwhelmingly backed by truth whether you believe that or’s a fact!! You all brought up this topic. And I tried to not be so judgemental. Pretty brutal around here. I can only imagine how you treat other Christians who have a more firmer stance on this. must be fun to be you.

        • Bruce Gerencser

          You said in a previous comment ” I think Ray is a very strong believer who has found a liberal church to condone his lifestyle.” Are you not saying that you disapprove of his “lifestyle?” Do you think your God considers homosexuality a sin? I would love to see you exegetically square your views with what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11:

          Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

          And such WERE some of you, the good book says.

          You want to pass yourself off as an enlightened Christian who has cast off the harsh God and his eternal torture of non-Christians. I don’t care what you believe, but I have a hard time squaring your beliefs with what the Bible says. (And you are not the first annihilationist to comment on this site.) I’d love for you to square your once-saved-always-saved belief with the 600+ posts in the Black Collar Crime series. These men were “saved” when they committed heinous crimes, yet your theology says that they are still Christians. No thanks, dude. Even if I was still a believer, I wouldn’t want any part of a belief system that slaps child molesters on the wrist and says, “Don’t do that again. Your behavior makes Jesus sad.” You may say that I am oversimplifying your theology, but am I really? If once saved people are forever saved no matter what they do, does that not mean that there will be rapists, child molesters, murderers, and the like in Heaven?

          And yet, it’s atheists, agnostics, pagans, Hindus, Buddhists, and other non-believers who will be rounded up by God and tossed into a Hitler-like oven (a metaphor for annihilation, if you are missing my point). You think being annihilated is somehow “better” than eternal torture. Sure, its duration is less, but it is the same vindictive asshole God who is annihilating most of the human race because they had the wrong beliefs, were born to the wrong parents, or lived in the wrong country. (Religious belief is largely determined by environment and geography.)

          You seem to think that it is okay for you to plant seeds even in places where such behavior is not welcome. Forgive my crudeness, but doesn’t this make you a rapist for Jesus; “planting” your seed wherever you want, regardless of whether the recipients are “willing?” I have been blogging for a decade. Thousands of people such as yourself have commented on this blog. Long-time readers such as Brian have read shitloads of comments from Evangelicals. Same shit, new day over, and over, and over again. I hope you will understand, then, when Evangelicals ignore commenting policies, determined to plant “seeds” for Jesus, some commenters might object. Perhaps, instead of getting all butthurt, you might consider how offensive your comments might be to some people. Yeah, I know, the “gospel” is offensive to unbelievers. Keep believing that, Bruce, but what is actually offensive is not understanding where you are and how your “seedurbating” might be received.

          • Avatar
            Bruce McDonald

            Bruce, that verse is perfect..if you read through that list of sins..we ALL miss the mark for anyone to pick on one sin is ridiculous. Such as between unmarried people. Drop that word in a group of people bashing someone else for their sin and you could hear a pin drop lol. Hard to find someone not guilty of that one. And it’s best to just be with your spouse. It’s best for everybody. That’s why God is against it. It not like He is trying to kill our fun like people think. He wants us to get the best out of it. But we ALL fail Him. And that is my only point. to sit there and constantly lust after someone else while married is adultery of the heart..see how no one gets by and why we all need a Savior?? Yes rapists and murderers should be dealt with swiftly.I’m all for capital punishment. But should they burn in Hell forever and ever and ever? Should anyone?? I’m all for justice. The Apostle of history’s greatest evangelists was a murderer. David..a man after God’s heart was a murderer and God dealt with both of them. But we all fail and He still offers love and mercy to any of us. And that is the good news. What’s so offensive and bad about that? And all the evidence that backs Christ and the Bible is out of this world. No religion comes even where near it. And you of all people here should know that if you have studied like you claim.

  17. Avatar

    Bruce McDonald: “And yes I try to plant seeds of hope..wherever I go. There is hope and peace to be found in Christ. A hope overwhelmingly backed by truth whether you believe that or’s a fact!! You all brought up this topic. And I tried to not be so judgemental. Pretty brutal around here. I can only imagine how you treat other Christians who have a more firmer stance on this. wow.”

    Zoe: Like your blog host here Bruce McDonald, I don’t care what you believe. I care that you are honest about your intentions here. Your overall tone here is to present yourself as not judgemental, not spreading the gospel and thinking you’re the bees knees because you don’t believe in eternal torture.

    We’ve heard it all before. We’ve. heard. it. all. before. Countless varieties, wild diversity. You are hoping to plant a seed of hope yet you pretended it wasn’t really your reason for being here beyond your first comment by offering up conversation about Ray, homosexuality and still being a Christian. While doing so you sprinkle in your seeds of hope, hoping the unbelievers will pick up one of those seeds and find some fertile ground upon which to grow the seed.

    Some of us are not responding well to your words because as our blog host mentioned way back when, there is nothing new under the sun in what you’ve “shared” here. You can believe what ever you want. It does not prove your point any more than the countless other Christians who have stopped by to prove their point. That being that they also like you have the facts. Never mind that the facts do vary a bit.

    Actually the other Christians who have a firmer stance tend to be brutally honest with themselves and us.

    All around us every day Bruce McDonald people have hope and peace and they do not believe as you do. Hope and peace can and does exist without a “Christ” belief. That’s a fact whether you believe it or not.

    You tried to not be judgemental but failed at it because you didn’t like the response back to you. Yet we are brutal for applying our own discernment and judgement towards your words?

    Some of us do not find your evidence for overwhelming truth to be factual. It’s that simple.

  18. Brian Vanderlip

    Zoe said: ‘ I don’t care what you believe. I care that you are honest about your intentions here.’
    There is irony that cannot be ignored in these kind of exchanges with Bruce McD. and myriad others. The virus of evangelical faith persists in preventing self-care except through the blood of Jesus, the hook, line and sinker chomp on ‘being saved’. This can only occur when the victim is down and dirty, in trouble and badly needs support. This support comes via the triune God only when the victim admits they are dung and done without Christ, and that He is their new leader and God that gives them basic worth. This may be one method that the cloak is drawn over the eyes of Reason and decency, this self-destructive ‘faith’ that humankind is shit. It begins with the self denigration and then travels out on the great love of others offered by Christ, freeeely (sic). Bruce McD. means well as he sees it and just wants to share the light in his life. He does not perceive yet how he has abandoned his basic being and sold it for drugs. He would vehemently deny it because he is complete and happy with the faith.
    My dad was a Baptist preacher, Bruce McD. and I blamed Christianity for taking him from me, his son, for being distant and mostly relatiing to his son as a preacher and not a warm father, a connecting father. It was only later in therapy that I realized my dad was a loner and his adoption of preaching as a way of life was his way of staying a loner. I lost my dad before he became a Christian preacher, a job he did faithfully and with honor his whole life until he lost his ability to write sermons. I always loved my lost ‘saved’ dad dearly and spent years as a ‘saved’ son too but it did not change the fact that my dad was alone and wished to be alone. So when people come to me with the message of free salvation, it is not freedom to me, Mr. McDonald. I am not fallen and worthless without Christ and never was… When as a young teen I went to Baptist camp and did my campfire confession in tears and begged God to take over my life, I was high on Kool-aid. You probably won’t get-that but I did what I was supposed to do and was saved. Then in the cycle of ‘belief’ I spun for many years, I was diligent and gave it all I could but finally, I was still as I always was and the only difference was really that I had a community of like-minded folks in my church(es). It hurt me to lie, Bruce McDonald and the huge relief of telling the truth about it freed me from evangelical belief. That’s a short story about a much longer one but I wanted to share that with you because it is not ‘fun’ to tell you to fuck off, sir. It hurts. You hurt me with your big-heart bullshit, daddy. You were unreachable and Jesus was your armor. (Get the parallel?)
    Now, please don’t tell me that my dad did it wrong, Bruce McD. He did not. He stood by me as the preacher-dad he was to the very best of his ability and maintained his faith, as it was…
    There comes a time for some of when we have to take responsibility for ourselves, pick up the pencil and be honest, be the author, Bruce. I could not sustain the fantasy, though the feelings could come and go and the hymns were always full in me. So understand please, you do not bring light to me. Your message is one of denial of basic personhood, an embrace of addiction. Most of my family are closer to you in ‘faith’ and speak quite like you do. I too spent many many years inventing my own interpretation to survive-thrive as a Christian. Finally, I just needed to tell the truth.

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    Bruce McDonald

    And you all are free to come to Christian Apologetics on Facebook..there are a few groups by that name..and it is quite a mix of atheists and all different kinds of can share anything you’s a free country over there..LOL we just ask you don’t swear at people..and no personal attacks..been going round and round with atheists and skeptics for years..same old same old..but every once in a while one of them really looks at the evidence and it is them that becomes a true powerhouse for God.. and nothing encourages my faith more than when that happens..And it has happened a lot!!!!

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Comments from the Christian Apologetics site about this site:

      Bruce:Went on this atheistic blog because i was looking up Ray Boltz. One of my favorite Christian singers from the 80’s and 90’s. This man who did the blog use to be a Pastor for 25 years and then became an atheist. So anyways, Rays wife who use to be married to Ray before he came out and said he was gay commented on there. And then I commented on there. Now this is an atheist you can imagine what they think of me. [ah yes, a martyr for Jesus] Anyways thought this would be interesting to this group. I tried to share some apologetics on his blog..and they let me..but reject them of course. but maybe someone will be moved by the evidence. [Don’t hold your breath] Who knows?? God bless_

      Daniel: Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your willingness to engage and it is unfortunate to see that atheists still have such a combative and defensive spirit. I’m sure God is pleased with your witness to them!

      Bruce: Thanks Daniel..I really try to plant those seeds of faith. I try to be wise as a serpent..gentle as a dove. I try 🙂

      Bruce: His Word never returns void..I really believe that.

      Bruce: So water..but it is God who saves..who gives the growth..amen

      Bruce: I really believe he [Boltz]has a heart for God..just been struggling with homosexual tendencies his whole upsets me that he embraced it and gave in to it..and even says God is ok with it..I believe the ex- Pastor who wrote this article is still saved because i really believe he also had a heart for God..just got weak somewhere along the way..real weak..him and Ray are similar as far as that. Ray still says he believes. his music sure indicates he does. who am I to say he does not? Who of us has not struggled with sin?? Who of us does not struggle everyday?? If we are honest we can come up with something. Being real weak in your faith does not equal unsaved. And many out there are weak in their faith. This is why i love Christian Apologetics. It strengthens our faith.

      Steve: Bruce H McDonald so on top of an unrepentant practicing homosexual Christian you also have an unrepentant atheist Christian. These men are not Christians. The best you can say is that they were professors, but not genuine.

      Bruce: Steve Noel i can’t say that..i’ve read both of their testimonies..there is no doubt they both had a real passion for God for a very long time. Ray still does. He’s embraced a very liberal church that condones his lifestyle. But does that mean they all are unsaved because they see this differently than us?? I don’t think so. they are off Biblically no doubt!! But unsaved??? Who are we to make that judgement call?? Especially when one still professes wholeheartedly to believe. i don’t know about the ex-Pastor myself. I just see a brother who got real real weak in his faith. I don’t believe a person can lose their salvation when truly saved. I don’t care how weak they get. I’d rather they stayed strong though.

      Olaniyi: When a man after 25 yrs of preaching (what?) Becomes an atheist, it’s because he has always been an atheist, just that he was one who never confessed it with his lips. [liar, liar, pants on fire]

      This is why Scriptures warn us: Wisdom is the principal thing, so get wisdom and in all that getting, get UNDERSTANDING.

      May we not be foolish virgins, may we give our all to the faith which Christ has given and perfected, withholding nothing, and our profiting will be plain to all, for we would be established, immovable

  20. Avatar
    ... Zoe ~

    Comments from the Christian Apologetics site about this site:

    Bruce:Went on this atheistic blog because i was looking up Ray Boltz. One of my favorite Christian singers from the 80’s and 90’s. This man who did the blog use to be a Pastor for 25 years and then became an atheist. So anyways, Rays wife who use to be married to Ray before he came out and said he was gay commented on there. And then I commented on there.

    Zoe: See how wonderfully sincere I am. I was just commenting. No agenda or anything.

    Bruce: Now this is an atheist you can imagine what they think of me.

    Zoe: Ah yes. Bruce McDonald doesn’t judge at all.

    Bruce: [ah yes, a martyr for Jesus]

    Zoe: You place yourself as a martyr for showing up on this blog? Your ego is showing.

    Bruce: Anyways thought this would be interesting to this group. I tried to share some apologetics on his blog..and they let me..but reject them of course. but maybe someone will be moved by the evidence. [Don’t hold your breath] Who knows?? God bless_

    Zoe: In so many ways so many of us were Bruce McDonald.

    Daniel: Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your willingness to engage and it is unfortunate to see that atheists still have such a combative and defensive spirit. I’m sure God is pleased with your witness to them!

    Zoe: Dear Bruce McDonald. My God. You entered into the lion’s den and oh my you survived. Those very mean atheists. Listen, God is pleased and we are pleased with you and look, you take care of yourself okay?

    Bruce: Thanks Daniel..I really try to plant those seeds of faith. I try to be wise as a serpent..gentle as a dove. I try ?

    Zoe: Oh I needed your praise Daniel. Thanks a million. I did my best to slip in there unawares and use a subtle type of sincerity. My agenda is to always plant seeds. I try to make it look like it isn’t really my agenda. You know what I mean right? Friendship Evangelism type stuff. I try to be wise like the serpent in the garden disguised as a dove. I try.

    Bruce: His Word never returns void..I really believe that.

    Bruce: So water..but it is God who saves..who gives the growth..amen

    Bruce: I really believe he [Boltz]has a heart for God..just been struggling with homosexual tendencies his whole upsets me that he embraced it and gave in to it..and even says God is ok with it..I believe the ex- Pastor who wrote this article is still saved because i really believe he also had a heart for God..just got weak somewhere along the way..real weak..him and Ray are similar as far as that. Ray still says he believes. his music sure indicates he does. who am I to say he does not? Who of us has not struggled with sin?? Who of us does not struggle everyday?? If we are honest we can come up with something. Being real weak in your faith does not equal unsaved. And many out there are weak in their faith. This is why i love Christian Apologetics. It strengthens our faith.

    Zoe: Honest?

    Steve: Bruce H McDonald so on top of an unrepentant practicing homosexual Christian you also have an unrepentant atheist Christian. These men are not Christians. The best you can say is that they were professors, but not genuine.

    Zoe: Oops. Careful Bruce McDonald. Someone doesn’t like you toying with the idea Ray is still a Christian by his own testimony. Hell hath no furry like two Christians disagreeing.

    Bruce: Steve Noel i can’t say that..i’ve read both of their testimonies..there is no doubt they both had a real passion for God for a very long time. Ray still does. He’s embraced a very liberal church that condones his lifestyle. But does that mean they all are unsaved because they see this differently than us?? I don’t think so. they are off Biblically no doubt!! But unsaved??? Who are we to make that judgement call?? Especially when one still professes wholeheartedly to believe. i don’t know about the ex-Pastor myself. I just see a brother who got real real weak in his faith. I don’t believe a person can lose their salvation when truly saved. I don’t care how weak they get. I’d rather they stayed strong though.

    Zoe: You think you’ve changed their minds Bruce McDonald?

    Olaniyi: When a man after 25 yrs of preaching (what?) Becomes an atheist, it’s because he has always been an atheist, just that he was one who never confessed it with his lips. [liar, liar, pants on fire]

    Zoe: Liar. Now that’s rich.

    This is why Scriptures warn us: Wisdom is the principal thing, so get wisdom and in all that getting, get UNDERSTANDING.

    Zoe: Bruce McDonald, I’m warning you. You’re not smart enough and don’t possess the serpent’s wisdom. You aren’t enlightened enough. Get busy listening to your fellow Christians like me Olaniyi who are profoundly more wise than you in such matters. We are God’s spokespersons. You need to get understanding.

    May we not be foolish virgins, may we give our all to the faith which Christ has given and perfected, withholding nothing, and our profiting will be plain to all, for we would be established, immovable

    Zoe: Stop messing with those lying atheists Bruce McDonald. Get the hell out of there. You yourself are too weak spiritually to mix with the likes of those liars.

    • Brian Vanderlip

      Zoe’s spot-on translation of Bruce McDonald’s high-on-Jesus gave me a chuckle this morning as the snow falls AGAIN in the Thompson Valley areas of B.C. I get up each day to another three plus inches of pearly white sinless flakery! We are at a foot and a half on the ground at my place now and more to come, I hear. Made a couple of snowmen outside but they will soon become drifty mounds!

    • Brian Vanderlip

      Well Hello Maria Chen! I am not sure I am clear about your statement regarding molestation. Are you simply saying that Ray Boltz is gay because of molestation in his childhood? If so, you are misinformed regarding same-sex attraction. Please read the blog entry and listen to Mr. Boltz’s statement on the linked video. He clearly shares that he was for some thirty years living the life of a Christian man, married with children but that his inner self was attracted to same sex not just while he was married but from early-on in his life. His orientation was not necessarily caused by harm. Same-sex attraction is common among us and maintains a certain percentage of the population over time. Listen Maria, if I was to suggest to you that it might in fact be you that was molested as a child and that is why you suggest Boltz must have been harmed to be homosexual? You have no evidence for your silly statement so perhaps something hurt you deeply when you were young and now you summarily judge people you have little insight into… That’s usually how it starts and on and on it goes.
      Maria, Christianity of the evangelical type encourages people to deny who they are and believe they are evil in their own hearts. Religion like this offers a drug of denial that is happy to see one turn against self and say that the preacher is the one to listen to and not one’s own heart.
      If there is/was/will be any God worth bothering about, that God be clear that It loves people just as they are. The self-harm of the salvation message to sinners will be left in the trash barrel where it belongs. Ray Boltz is still a believer but he has taken a step into Reason and been able to be more honest. I would like to say that about Maria Chen too but your words don’t reveal that at all. Try harder.

  21. Avatar

    I’ve always had a problem with gays saying that God made them that way. I don’t think a Holy God would make someone to have sex with someone’s sewer system. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Hmm, males use their penises to urinate, and women? Well their urethras are where? Evidently, you are only “fixated” on the plumbing parts that disgust you. You do know heterosexuals can and do engage in anal sex, right? No, what’s going on here is that you are looking for justification for homophobia. No worries, God made you that way.

    • Avatar
      ... Zoe ~

      I’ve always had a problem with a “Holy God” drowning the known world because he was pissed that his creation was screwing up, even though he knew they would, being all omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

    • Avatar

      Jenna, you ‘having a problem’ and struggling to make sense of something doesn’t change reality. And I can assure you that you are quite wrong. Just as some people are born left handed, some are born colour blind, and some deaf, so some are born attracted to those who share their biological sex. Get over it.

  22. Avatar

    Well u are correct on God loves everyone but, u are totally wrong if u think God is going to change what sin is just bc u have decided to embrace your sin!!!!! This is a shame to confuse others into thinking this is ok just bc this is the path u have chosen to take over the love that u say u have for Jesus. We all have sin that satan likes to use bc he knows our weaknesses. Your weakness was apparently having sexual tendencies for other guys. It’s NOT about love, it’s about SEX! U had 2 choices to make
    1. Actually follow God like you’ve been singing about and turn from your sin or……
    2. Give into satan and your sin and totally throw away your relationship with God.
    It truly is a sad situation that u put u and your family in. My family will be praying for u and yours.
    Hopefully u will come bk to the TRUTH that NEVER changes no matter what spin u want to put on it!!!!!!

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Or you could just wish Ray well and hope he has a happy life. Instead, you attack him for who and what he is, preaching the gospel of heterosexuality.

      If the “truth” never changes, why do so many Christians have different interpretations of the Bible? How do you know your interpretation is the right one? Why should any of us believe that you are speaking the truth and Ray is speaking lies? Coming to a blog and preaching a sermon is not the equivalent of truth. It’s a form of masturbation practiced by Christians who can’t accept that some people are different from them. I’m sure it “felt” good to set Ray straight, but all your comment did was add your name to the list of thousands and thousands of bigots and Fundamentalists who have commented on this site. Good job, Mendy.

    • Avatar

      Mendy, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with sex between consenting adults, be they of the same or different genders. You are also completely wrong when you say “It’s NOT about love.” You don’t know how to read others’ minds, and you are out of line when you pretend to know whether or not any two people love each other.

      You are in thrall to a particularly stupid mythology, you clearly do not understand the meaning of the word “truth,” and your writing is childish and lazy. Thank you for yet more reasons to not bother with Christianity.

  23. Avatar

    God is a holy God. He did not create homosexuality, we cannot embrace that lifestyle and go against God’s moral character. We need to repent of sin and turn away from it. God did not create pedophiles and they certainly cannot be allowed to embrace their attraction to children sexually. God does not approve of fornication or adultery or any form of srxual immorality. He cannot go against his own character which is holy, pure and moral. Satan perverts that which God declared good when he created the world. Sin came in and destroyed all that is good. We need a Savior. We need Jesus. Even if people struggle with homosexual thoughts, they cannot live out their sin. I cannot as a, single woman, have sex outside of marriage. Sex was created as a bonding method inside of a committed, respected and godly union such as marriage between a man and a woman. Sin destroys.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Lady, you need to get laid. Having sex will cure you of your homophobia.

      As far as “Sex was created as a bonding method inside of a committed, respected and godly union such as marriage between a man and a woman,” you are, from a Biblical perspective, wrong.

      Evidently, you don’t know your Bible very well. The Bible God created sex for the express purpose of making babies (procreation). The Bible also condones incest. Read Genesis. And having concubines multiple wives. See David, a man after God’s own heart, and Solomon, allegedly, the wisest man in the Bible. Lots of crazy sex going on in the OT.

      So, what was that about God, sex, virginity, and marriage again?

      Linda, you really need to think about these things. Ask yourself, why am I so obsessed with who Ray Boltz fucks? Why am I so obsessed with the sexual proclivities of others? Look deep into your heart-of-hearts, Linda, and ask yourself, why? I have a good idea what you will find.

    • Avatar

      How can “Satan,” let alone mere mortals, put a dent in the handiwork of a “holy God”? What a silly tale you spin, Linda.

  24. Avatar
    Rocky Favia

    its not a matter of what man thinks about homosexuality. Its what God thinks.either you take the whole word if God, or none at all. The Bible clearly states there will not be homosexuals in heaven!

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Sigh. You don’t know what God “thinks,” Rocky. All you know is what some unknown men said thousands of years ago about God/homosexuality/eating shrimp. You have no evidence for your claim that the Protestant Bible was written by God and contains his very words. You also have no evidence for your claim that there exists “somewhere” an eternal Heaven and Hell. You have the Bible, I have Harry Potter. May the best “book” win.

      The bigger issue is your Bible-inspired homophobia. Why can’t you be happy for Ray Boltz? Why are you so concerned about who fucks whom?

    • Avatar

      Not only will there be no homosexuals in heaven — there won’t be any heterosexuals, or in fact anyone at all. Heaven is a myth, Rocky, and it doesn’t matter what the Bible “clearly states.”

  25. Avatar

    I see being Gay (a sin) in the same way I see one would would commit Adultery (also a sin), or one would would hang out with some one live with a person be intimate with that person and have no marriage commitment (AKA Fornication, AKA living in sin) note that what i listed here is all connected (but still sin) in a sexual way. far as the other matters believer and saved or unbeliever and not saved?? only GOD almighty can know that…TRULY. sure we can guess or know what someone is saying but GOD looks at the deep inner nature or the person and knows, he don’t guess (obviously) he game us a brain to use to learn his teachings etc and it is written
    “Matthew 7:16-20
    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

    that’s not >>>MY<<< opinion cause I personally can be wrong sometimes about this and that all over the place. those are the word of GOD. and last but not least one should never call names about or to one who is in sin. be that sin “gay” or otherwise. treat them with respect and love…the same way you would any acquaintance or even who is a friend that cheats on their Marriage, or just has sex with whomever they like and say Marriage doesn’t matter. and that’s all I have to say really except have a good day

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Let me sum up your comment: “Hey Ray, you are going to burn in Hell because you are gay. I didn’t say this, God did.”

      Jeff, why are you obsessed with people fuck? Why the focus on the private sex lives of others?

    • Avatar

      No, Jeff — Your homophobia is definitely your opinion. This “God” entity is a myth until empirically demonstrated, and mythical beings can only hold mythical opinions.

      Furthermore, you decided at some point in your life that you would use Christian mythology as a basis for your worldview, and I hold you 100% responsible for the hatred you are publicly expressing towards LGBT individuals. Calling it “sin” does not excuse you.

      May you lose your faith and never regain it.

    • Avatar

      So by your logic, if gay people are married then it’s not sin, since it is neither adulatory or gasp fornication? At least that’s how I rad you post.

      I don’t care what god says, I care what people like >>>YOU<<< say. In spite of years of searching on my part, god has never made any effort to tell me I am living “in sin.” People like >>>YOU<<< however, never miss a chance to tell me my life is wrong. People in >>> YOUR<<< circle have passed laws to eradicate me in the past and are gleefully hoping to start passing laws again if they get a new Supreme Court justice.

      I should also point out that, assuming god exists, he made me non-binary. He didn’t make your friends adulterers or “fornicators.” That is a choice they made. Being gay is not a choice.

      By they way, you can’t call out someone who is gay for living in sin then say “ last but not least one should never call names about or to one who is in sin. be that sin ‘gay’ or otherwise. treat them with respect and love…”. That is sort of self accusatory, isn’t it? I’m not seeing much love and respect in this post.

      • Avatar

        People like Jeff always seem to go after the easy targets – isolated individuals from groups that are struggling for equality, rather than people “sinning” egregiously in large numbers.

        Essentially it’s a rather transparent attempt to flaunt social power at the expense of someone who is not well positioned to retaliate.

  26. Avatar
    Johnny Varghese

    Hi from India. Came here looking for some information about Ray Boltz (Got what I was looking for, so thanks). I don’t know about “evangelicals”, but there are no problems with what the Bible says about people. With our inability to see others’ hearts, we have difficulty fitting them into the Bible’s categories. But we don’t need to, because we won’t be judging the world; God will. We have what we need: instructions about what to do (as a church) when a professing Christian sins and does not repent.

    It’s easy to see contradictions and hypocrisy in others, but perhaps not in oneself. If there is no God, it does not make sense to solicit money. Missionaries solicit money from people who share their mission or vision to spread the faith. If there is no God, no worthwhile mission exists because truth does not matter. So not only should you not solicit money, you don’t have to bother with articles like this.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Dearest Johnny,

      Take your passive-aggressive bullshit and shove it up your ass; that is if you can unpack the Bible from your colon. Please, Johnny, make room for rational thought. I shouldn’t solicit money or write because if God doesn’t exist, there’s no reason for me to do so? Are you really that stupid? Thousands and thousands of readers share my beliefs and want to see me spread it to the ends of the earth. Some of them even support me financially, so much so that I just bought a Lear Jet, a Mercedes, and a .99 hamburger from McDonald’s.

      Thank you. No more comments from you.

      Bruce Gerencser

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Let you think I am being too harsh with Johnny, here’s a snippet from his blog — which has been accessed a whopping 75,000 times in 12 years:

      The Main Message

      Before we get into the details, here’s a claim: Truth is objective, absolute and accessible to all. Truth about man is determined by logical considerations, external evidence and personal experience taken in total. Any objections?

      What’s my source of information? While I have my personal experience, the authentic, trustworthy source of knowledge about who God is and what He wants from us is the Bible, His message to man. The Bible is the ONLY book in the world to claim that it is God-breathed, absolutely pure and true, and capable of making a person “thoroughly equipped for every good work”. The Bible is also the ONLY book in the world to claim to be a record of this universe. Got any questions or objections?

      I will be referring to the Bible extensively. The Bible consists of the Old and New Testaments (Covenants). Both testaments have books, and each book is divided into chapters and verses. For instance, John 3:16 refers to the book of John, chapter 3 and verse 16. If you hover your mouse pointer over Bible references in this website, a balloon appears showing you the text. Since I am referring to the Bible, I cannot avoid associations with “Christianity” and “religion” – two terms with a lot of negative connotation. This website endorses only the Bible, not all that passes off as religion or Christianity. Some clarifications

      The following message is called the “gospel” or “good news”. It has also been called “The greatest story ever told”. It is the primary or first message that the Bible has for humans in general.

    • Avatar
      ... Zoe ~

      Johnny Varghese wrote: “[…] you don’t have to bother with articles like this.”

      Zoe: Well there you go. Johnny has spoken. Thank goodness he stopped in and set us all straight.

  27. Brian Vanderlip

    It is sad when the light is so dim, the wit dim, the content muddy, dim… The Babble is a kind of shock-treatment: Johnny got his shock and now, well, hey, what happened to the lights?

  28. Avatar
    Kelly Reigle

    I have thought about Ray Boltz off and on over the years and have been wondering how he’s doing. I first heard of Ray because my former Pastor would sing his song Feel The Nails. When I heard of Ray coming out I figured other Christians would probably turn their backs on him. I still love Ray’s music. I grew up listening to Cat Steven’s music. he converted to Islam some years ago and I still love his music too. One of the funniest shows on tv is (was) The Big Bang Theory, the lead actor Jim Parsons is gay. Who others decide to set up house with or believe/not believe has no bearing on whether or not you can enjoy their talents or have a human connection with.

  29. Avatar

    Sad… just sad… he will not only answer for his own choice to give in to homosexuality but he will also answer for all those people who trust him when he promotes the lie of the devil that you can live that way and still go to heaven. Read your Bible. Homosexuality has always been a sin, is still a sin, and will always be a sin. You cant live in sin and go to heaven. Anyone that tells you otherwise is sadly mistaken.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Oh my, I’ve never read the Bible. Is incest a sin? Was incest always a sin? Is polygamy a sin? Was polygamy always a sin? Shall I go on, Aaron? I know the Bible inside and out. I’m certain I know it better than you do. The Bible approves of, endorses, or commands all sorts of “immorality.” Yet, you pick out homosexuality as some sort of special, evil sin — not that any consensual sexual conduct is “sin.”

      You want to live by the teachings of a contradictory, ancient religious text, have at it. To suggest others must do the same is absurd. Have you ever masturbated? If married, did you engage in sexual activity before marriage—including kissing? Have you ever looked at a woman and lusted? Have you ever viewed pornography? What does the Bible say about these things, Aaron? I suspect that you are every bit of a “sinner” as Ray Boltz. In other words, you are a hypocrite.

      You might want to think about “You cant live in sin and go to heaven.” I suspect you are a homophobic, self-righteous hypocrite when it comes to “sinful” behavior. Yet, you ignore your own behavior and focus on Boltz having sex with the man he loves. Why is that, Aaron? I mean, really…

  30. Avatar

    Having a difficult time finding where to post my initial comment, I clicked onto yours…The seasons for ministry, during the entire life of a Believer in Jesus, can change like the WIND. Not all serve in one specific area or style their entire life. Based on my knowledge of the Bible [CJB] [Yes, I read it, and have done so for 38 years] and based on experiential – observational circumstances, Ray is still a Christian and he will go to Heaven. I am not endorsing sin; not my own or anyone else’s; I am speaking from the perspective of the complete and totally unbreakable covenant God cut with His Son. What distresses me the most is; 1) A Gay person insisting God created them that way and God will not fix it. If it takes the person’s lifetime to turn, God wants them to turn and will help them to turn. We are constantly being redeemed. That goes for all of us. 2) Christians condemning their fellow Believers to the point of causing that Believer to leave Jesus. Satan is extremely cunning and wicked wise; the confusion he can cause in the heart and mind of a Christian is evident everywhere. 3) The condemned Believer leaving the “body” and finding “worldly” comfort as to continue in their ministry. But the anointing is gone. Not for Salvation, but for true breakthrough ministry. God does not remove a person’s talents and gifts. They are theirs to enjoy and to share. But when we never turn, how are we using those gifts. Yes, non-christian music does not nullify a Believer’s salvation, and Christian Music does not make them a Christian. But I tell you a mystery. Some are called as Psalmists unto the Lord; much different than music to be casually enjoyed. In the 80’s, miracles took place in my life while listening to Ray’s music. Perhaps I should have tried to contact him and tell him. I figured he knew. I figured he knew God was heavily anointing him, even in his Gay state. But what changed? Condemnation. It steals, it kills and it destroys. I would be extremely distressed to think that Ray will lose his rewards in Heaven because he NEVER TURNS. Not that he ministered for rewards, that just happens to be part of God’s blessings. Allow me to share a horrific supernatural powerful story that seems like the twilight zone. Briefly: God sends me to a home. During my visit the gift of discerning of spirits begins to operate. God shows me that this house is loaded with devils; that the lady is a liar and her family are seriously fake lying “Christians”; and she blames her sexual sins on the devil; The devil made me do it syndrome. I leave the house and for the next 29 hours I am electrified, can’t sleep, and I can’t tell if it is fear or God’s anointing. At 8am the next morning I am driving to work having not slept. I begin to play Ray Boltz’s “Here comes a miracle.” I had to quickly pull my car over. Heaven opened up over me and a spirit of intercession descended upon me and through me. I began to cry out, “Give them one more chance. God give them one more chance.” Then it lifted. I was sent there as a sign and as an intercessor for people who were on their way to hell. So, who is praying for me; for you; for others; for Ray? It’s not over till it’s over.

  31. Avatar

    The Bible is just a book, Aaron. It contains multiple instances of mythological assertions that bear no resemblance to reality. It is not a valid source for truth. At best it offers an occasional suggestion on how to live one’s life, but one needs to already be in touch with the real world before it’s possible to know which suggestions to use and which to discard. (Your belief in a devil indicates you need to do a bit of work on that “in touch with the real world” stuff.)

    And no one gets to heaven — because it’s an imaginary place.

  32. sjnmom

    By your logic that, “one cannot help to whom one is attracted”, pedophilia, necrophilia and even beastiality could all be justified!
    Marriage, the context in which sexual relations are to occur, represents the relationship between Christ and the Church. Thus, I believe, the distortion of true marriage makes it more difficult for us human’s to realize our true relationship with God.
    All of us, if we are to be true disciples of Christ, must come to the point where we deny ourselves (that is our flesh and it’s lusts). Luke tells us that Christ says, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” Luke 9:23-24

    We all must learn to deny the flesh and it’s lust – not just the homosexual, but also the glutton, the liar, the adulterer, the fornicator, the prideful and so on. By the power of the Holy Spirit in our life we can all be overcomers of what ever causes us to be against the will of G-d.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      You do know that this is not a Christian site; that its owner is an atheist? So your masturbatory comment carries no weight here. Who cares what the Bible says? If Ray is happy, I am happy. Too bad your religious beliefs keep you from saying the same.

      The “will” of God … which is nothing more than the “will” of an imaginary being created by men centuries ago, as interrupted by you. The Bible contains all sorts of things we now consider immoral. I assume you think incest is okay, along with owning other people? Can’t have it both ways, YR.

  33. Avatar
    Karen the rock whisperer

    Sex with children and animals is wrong because they can’t give proper consent. That even includes horny mid-teens.

    I honestly don’t care about people who want to have sex with corpses, except that I suppose, since the original owner is gone, the body is the property of their heirs and they might prefer that you not masturbate with it.

    As a straight woman well into her fortieth year of a reasonably happy marriage, I believe that (truly) consenting adults who want to have sex should have sex. It’s good for their wellbeing. I don’t care about their sexual orientations, gender identities, or how many of them want to do it together at once. I will encourage them to pay adequate attention to birth control and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases.

    Marriage is an economic institution, and the early church didn’t even sanction marriages. They didn’t care. It took awhile to figure out that hey, here’s another way we can control people, induce misery with arbitrary rules, and thereby make them throw more money at the church to help assuage religion-instilled guilt.

    I happen to be a fan of marriage myself. I don’t believe in cheating on a spouse, either; honorable people keep promises when they can. I do believe that there is only one life and no afterlife, and sometimes it is necessary for the wellbeing of at least one of the individuals involved to dissolve a marriage. I’ve observed that people can divorce sensibly and civilly, or cruelly and divisively. People can work hard at their marriages and have them be successful, or stay in miserable ones because some evil holy book commands it…or because some societies (like in the US) inadequately support raising children, and so a family unit might be economically dependent on a right asshole working spouse.

    Oh, and if a group of people (which may include a married couple) decide to practice polyamory, and everyone involved truly consents to it (that means no coercion by anyone or any religion), nobody’s cheating.

    If your deity objects to any of this, I don’t care, until you show me some scientific evidence that they exist. Peer reviewed journal, at least second tier.

  34. Avatar
    Cyndi Williams

    Never liked his music don’t know him personally, all I can say is repent or perish. Sodomy is an abomination. Period, end of discussion.

  35. mtnjak

    Just because he has fallen away from Christ, doesn’t make his music pre-2005 any less spiritual or heart felt. I can still appreciate his early work as I do believe it was done in sincerity, as a believer. However, he made the choice to walk away from his marriage and I do believe he is lost. The Bible is very clear about this subject as with any sin.

  36. Avatar

    There’s a difference between doing something and feeling shame, and doing something (and to keep doing it) and expecting everybody to accept you and be okay with it. The first indicates you know you are sinning and have a want to change your ways. The latter is done by a selfish person who has left the faith behind in my opinion.

    But then again, the Bible also says don’t eat shellfish, and I just ate a mess of seafood last week. It also says to give away your possessions, and I certainly don’t do that very often. Should I feel ashamed? It’s between you and God, I guess. And I’m sure I’ll be judged for all of it. I think Mr. Boltz should repent and change his ways, and continue the good fight. As soon as you abandon that fight (and suffering) for your own happiness and desires is when things start to go south. But we all make our own choices, and I’m just as much a sinner as he is, so my opinion really isn’t worth much at all. Still enjoyable to debate, though. 🙂

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      TTR, sometimes one feels no shame because there is nothing wrong, and because one is surrounded by loving, accepting and supportive people rather than superstitious assholes who see “sin” in anything they don’t personally like.

      I really don’t know how to respond to your sentence “The latter is done by a selfish person who has left the faith behind in my opinion.” The more generous aspect of my nature is prepared to write that off to simple ignorance on your part. Prayer is utterly useless for changing one’s sexual orientation; at most, it drives it underground and causes psychological distress.

      Suffice to say that a god that has a problem with LGBTQ+ people is not a god worth worshipping.

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      TTR, you think it is an enjoyable debate?? I really don’t see this as an enjoyable debate, when people in the LGBTQ community are actively discriminated against, assaulted, and even murdered. There are much more serious things at stake here than you “debating” what is or is not sin. Christian churches are very well known for the mental abuse they inflict on people in the LGBTQ community, while turning a blind eye to their own bigotry and hate. So, TTR, its not “enjoyable to debate” when you have to be constantly wary of where the next assault on your existence.

      By all means, feel free to debate eating shellfish, but stop using “enjoyable debate” to marginalize and “other” people in the LGBTQ community.

  37. Avatar

    As God did not create men attracted sexually and giving in to that attraction to any beautiful woman they see outside of their own wife, He did not create people to have same sex relationships.

    This is sin’s contribution / contamination of God’s perfect creation: so everybody who keeps saying, stop saying that: If God created him with male sexual attraction it means God also sanctions the gay relationship”. NO, God gave us the new birth and the Holy Spirit to be able to resist any sinful attractions, and to snatch us from the domain of darkness and sinfulness.

    He defined sin (adultery, fornication, drunkenness, homosexuality, envy, jealousy, etc, and many like these) and this is the objective standard for good and evil, right and wrong, and it comes from the one who created nature and has the authority to define the standards of right and wrong but in HIs grace he also gave us 1) forgiveness from those cavings to sin and 2) a new nature that has the power to resist those sinful cravings.

    Now, even nature gives us strong indication what are sinful behaviors and what are not. And nature and biology speak loudly against homesexuality being an aberant, unnatural sexual relationship: one can also use an evolutionary atheistic argument against homsexuality: “Homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end”.

    So the arguments that homosexuality is sinful come from both 1) Christian faith through God the creator of nature and 2) nature.

    Have a blessed day

    Valentin, Brighton, MI

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Your spiel only “works” if we buy your presuppositions about God/Bible/Creation/Sin. I don’t. I’m an atheist. I don’t care in the least what God/Bible/Christians say about LGBTQ people and their sexual proclivities. Who consenting adults fuck, when, where, why, and how is none of my business. Why do you think it is yours? In what way does Ray Boltz’s sex life affect you?

    • Avatar

      Valentin, people love whom they love. A man who is in love with another man cannot just throw that away and fall in love with a woman, no matter how beautiful she is.

      This is not unique to same-sex attraction. It happens in heterosexual relationships too, and everything in between. (Speaking from my own experience, I don’t feel a thing for “manly men” or “super-feminine women”; my ideal partner is right in the middle, between male and female. I’ve been this way all my life, too.)

      And your imaginary friend “God” has nothing to do with it. I’ve been like this my whole life.

      As long as the relationship is consensual, between adults, and does not violate existing commitments to another person, there is no need and no reason to “resist any sinful attractions.” Everyone should have the opportunity to experience a fulfilling intimate life.

      Finally, your comments on “nature” made me laugh. Apparently you know very, very little indeed about biology. In particular, you might be interested to know that same-sex attraction occurs regularly in nature, observed in over a thousand species.

  38. Avatar

    Since you mixed 2 topics in one breadths, for the clarity of the discussion I am going to detangle them and answer them separately:
    1. s homosexuality good or bad (1st topic) and I gave you 2 arguments that is bad
    a) Christian – I understand that you care less about this one
    b) but I also gave you the atheistic evolutionary / naturalistic argument: Homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end. Atheists
    have one simple evolutionary criterion of good / bad: does (good) or does not (bad) propagate the human species and
    homosexuality does not and consequently is bad
    2. how does a person’s gay lifestyle affects anybody else: and your point was that being a personal lifestyle choice, it does not
    affect anybody else. Beg to differ: legalization of gay marriage gave “respectability” to a naturally perverted way of sexual
    interaction and is now taught in the school starting at early grades; so it does affect all the kids in school.

    I urge you to note that in this last post I did not resort either explicitly or implicitly to any Christian support for my points.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      Yeah, but you’re a Christian, and, in your mind, homosexuality is a “sin.” So, nice try. You believe what you do for religious/Biblical reasons. Please don’t try to hide behind a warped understanding of biology.

      You might want to look up the definition of atheism. Atheism has nothing to do with evolution.

      What evidence do you have for your claim that homosexuality is “naturally” perverted? Leaving your Christianity out of the discussion, define “naturally” and “perverted.” What makes any sex act “perverted?” Is heterosexual anal sex or oral sex “perverted?”

      You say homosexuality is a biological dead end. I assume you object to childless heterosexual couples?

    • Avatar

      LGBT people are not an evolutionary dead end, Valentin. The vast majority are capable of procreation. They’re just not interested in spending their lives legally attached to the other chromosome donor, and if they don’t actually love that person I see no reason that they should.

      Life is not just about filling the world with children, either. There are myriad other jobs to fill that do not require parenthood, jobs that are essential to quality of life. That is not an evolutionary dead end; it facilitates the future of humanity by supporting the community as a whole, not just one’s own family.

      As for “respectability,” that can simply be dismissed as archaic, moralistic one-upmanship that the world doesn’t actually need.

    • Avatar

      Hi Valentin. I held off on replying to this, because my first inclination is to simply label you a bigot who wants the world to be as they define it. But I don’t think that really needs to be said here. If past history is any indication, assuming I did call you a bigot, you would simply defend this bigotry as being ordained by god as “right”. It worked for slavery, it worked for the Jim Crow era, it worked for all people of color and indigenous people. It even worked for a while with women. Why not apply the same standard of hate to the gay community.

      You like to say that homosexuality is unnatural and a “dead end.” I wonder if you do this because you feel your religious arguments sound bigoted, so to make if feel less so, you try to define this in non religious terms? Clearly it is natural, because it happens all through nature. Clearly then you calling something unnatural really means you personally dislike it. Your real thoughts are most clear when you used the term “naturally perverted way of sexual interaction”. Clearly you believe anything not between a man and woman (oh please, can we talk about what gender means..pretty please…) is “perverted”.

      But you have made your point clear here, so again, I see no need to say you are a bigot.

      How is homosexuality a “dead end”? A quick google search shows there are 385,000 babies born per day in the world, far out distancing deaths. It doesn’t appear that homosexuality is creating a “dead end”, does it? I would call this argument BS. Are you concerned that the entire human population will suddenly become gay and die out?

      Why is it so hard to allow other people to exist in the world that do not follow your particular christian dogma? Why can’t you just live your life, and leave everyone else alone? The reality is, despite your feeble attempt to say otherwise, anyone being gay, trans, non-binary, muslim, buddhist, jewish or pagan has no impact you.. zero..nada. However, your christianity impacts these groups every day, because you and your kind insist and legislate that everyone must live, behave, and appear as you desire. I would be happy just to let christians be christians if they would leave me alone. Christians are only 31% of the world population, meaning 69% do not believe in, or follow, the christian dogma. Yet christians have this idea that they should set the rules for everyone, and expect everyone to just be good and do as they are told. Do you see the problem here?

      Teaching homosexuality in schools?? Hmm, that wouldn’t be a misrepresentation, would it? Nah, not from a christian. Did someone teach you to be heterosexual?? I am very certain that anyone who is gay knows they are gay, and don’t need to be taught that they are gay. Perhaps, just maybe, schools are teaching children that there are many different kinds of people in the world, and we should strive to accept each person and coexist? It may also be worthwhile for you to ask why equality must be taught in school?? Hmm, I wonder….

      My suggestion? Just go live your life with the christians that hold your particular christian dogma, talk quietly among yourselves, live however you like in your own life, and leave the rest of the world alone. My life will be much better when you and your kind stop trying to control it.

  39. Avatar

    I tried Bruce. I gave you naturalistic arguments about homosexuality being un-natural not supported by biology.

    If yo you paid attention to the biology class and the sexual organs descriptions and functions and the reproductive mechanism you would not ask the questions you ask: the biological compatibility between females and males are self explanatory and evident.
    And yes homosexuality is by design a non-reproductive
    A heterosexual couple is by accident, malfunction non reproductive.

    I hope you have the capacity to discern between the two.

    But when the grim reaper start approaching you relentlessly, when you will face your mortality in painful ways, on a deathbed, very likely you will soften up.

    Smarter atheists than you like Jean Paul Sartre on his deathbed said that his atheistic worldview could not sustain him in that stance.

    This is not a threat, but a reality that you will face and not be able to avoid.

    Remember: I went an extra mile to separate moral Christian arguments agains homosxuality from secualr naturalistic ones. You did not listen to either. You still accused me of speaking against homosexuality from a Christian subjective perspective only.

    Our dialogue ends here: you seem to love your preferences so much that no argument, Christian or secular, will move you.

    You will probably feel compelled to reply to add a bit more justification to your lack of intellectual flexibility. That’s fine. I will not reply back.

    • Avatar

      Valentin, your ignorance is great I’m afraid. I don’t care how you try and structure your case to justify your instinctive need to dismiss homosexuality as unnatural, the fact is that your arguments are purely emotional.

      Let’s start with the word ‘unnatural’. What does it mean? I don’t like heights, I’m nervous of them, so if I were to take up rock climbing then that would be unnatural. I’m very clumsy and ungainly, so if I took up ballroom dancing that would be unnatural. I also happen to be a straight white guy, so if I had sex with another male then that would be unnatural.

      On the other hand, not everyone hates heights, and rock climbing to that person is ‘natural’. Same with dancing. Oh, and talking of unnatural, what’s more unnatural than smoking? Every smoker knows it’s probably killing them, and certainly damaging their health, yet they continue. So get this into your head. Read carefully and understand. Some people are born with a nature that attracts them to people of their own sex. That’s it. It’s not going to result in babies, but that doesn’t alter the nature of their underlying sexuality. To them, therefore, it’s natural, and so long as it does me no harm then I have no problem with it. What’s unnatural is when bigots come along telling them that they are behaving unnaturally, that they will be punished in eternity for something they have no control over, or that there’s some ‘cure’ for their affliction. They don’t have an affliction and nothing needs curing.

      The only problem is the, mainly religious, bigots who haven’t the intelligence to realise that they are the problem, not the people they attack.

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    Davie from Glasgow

    I wonder if the Christian God was to appear in the sky one day and announce for all to hear, “A new commandment I give unto ye, that you love the gay people; as I have loved ye, so you should love gayness”, how many of the religious right would rather give up their religion than they would their hatred of homosexuals? Because I don’t believe for one minute that the intolerance I have read here is truly “because God said “. I think the bigotry comes before the justifying Bible verse in many cases. Plus there are equally strong prohibitions against other currently harmless behaviours in the bible that we never seem to hear a word about from the hate-filled religious.

  41. Avatar
    Davie from Glasgow

    Actually if that happened the religious would probably just keep their religion and indulge in some complex mental contortions that prove to their satisfaction that what God MEANT was that homosexuality is a sin and that anyone indulging in it will be sadistically tortured for eternity.

  42. Avatar
    Craig and Karen Long

    Sowing and Reaping are YHWH our Creator’s order and command and . . . . May we die daily to carnal self, as we partake of the Aurim and Thummim of the High Priest which determines our destiny: His shed Blood and broken Body – Shalom iiiIiii

    Rest of long, rambling, “look at me, I’m smarter than you,” incoherent, “I can make the Bible say anything” sermon deleted.

    Get a life, dude. 🙂

  43. Avatar

    Hi – I wanted to add another opinion lol. 10 Christians in a room will yield at least 20 opinions 🙂

    I’m one of those that believe once-saved-always saved! When I started noticing the irritation level of the Christian folks who want to come against, or adamantly attack other opposing personal Christian beliefs or theologies, I said to myself – let me in, I want a piece of that ha ha.

    I don’t think in Heaven there will be sorrows or “payments” of what we did wrong – that happens right here on earth. So remaining quiet because I don’t want to be controversial isn’t a good option in my opinion. Plus it flushes out those adamant in-your-face Christians that are my-way-or-the-hiway mentality.

    I just had a wonderful heated red faces argument about a cousin who has gone on to be with the Lord with a wonderfully large group of actual real life family members. He was baptized in the Greek Orthodox church (first point of a juicy argument – infant baptism) and then left that church to join a Baptist style church (knowing you can be saved – argument 2) and then left that for the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Oh my, what a wonderful buffet of choice heated arguments – it was wonderful heh heh.

    The unique thing I noticed was the fervor and passion so many people held that it was obvious the self righteousness people were holding on to looked like their lives depended on it. That was a big red flag right there. I’m sure that scripture about our righteousness that Jesus mentioned and the value of it being as filthy rags might pop into some minds right now.

    I was of the belief that gays are going to hell until I gained some close intimate friends who were gay and were in deep pain over it. Two of them committed suicide because they believed they were “damaged goods” that God would never accept. Those were very pain moments, the funerals were very emotional.

    I needed to apply some of my Biblical training from when I was in bible college and start fresh as I had 3 additional gay friends and my best consoling words to them were in the line of – change or you are going to hell.

    I went on the basis of reasonable doubt and giving the possibilities in favor of God’s personality.

    First, Christians ARE very condemning, God doesn’t seem to have that same personality. Actually I am quite wrong in the way I just stated that. God is VERY condemning but He put all of that condemnation on one single solitary person and destroyed Him as payment for all of us.

    God’s character was revealed pretty deeply inside the life of Himself as His Son Jesus. Feeding 5000 plus women and children with no filters on attendance. Dealing with all the folks that crossed his path without “price of admission” requirements and then proving their own price of admission would never do – the payment HAD to be Him. You can build quite a basis of a good argument on following that train of thought.

    As far as the writer of this argument, Bruce – the gentleman says he is no longer a believer, meaning he no longer believes in Jesus, His finished work, the new birth he went threw and so on. That’s okay, Bruce isn’t more powerful than God Himself and Bruce doesn’t have the unique abilities to make the jumps he things he can make. Bruce can’t jump from being a son to not being a son to his parents, he can’t jump from being a boy to being a girl, he can’t jump from being IN God’s family and out again.

    What Bruce CAN is change his relationship and disavow his parents, his sexual state, his relationship with God, his marriage and so on. But what Bruce cannot say is he was never born, he was never married (if he is or once was), that he WAS a boy if he changed to a girl, that he once believed in God and now he doesn’t. The one part out of our control is if we were part of Adams family and now a part of Jesus family – you can’t go back. The bible takes some pains to show the possibility that that one thing isn’t reversible under any condition and the reason being is God claims that is only in His power to do and made the statement that He would never (pretty strong word) allow or do that. So rather than building up rewards as the bible says, or what placement he will have in Gods government in the future, Bruce is basically marking time with no benefits coming to him for the things we build up here. But then, Bruce doesn’t believe anymore, and that is definitely is his choice. But Bruce or anyone else cannot wipe out the existence of God or His rights and powers. So if Bruce is wrong, then either way, to a believer or a non-believer there is a mighty powerful person out there that holds all the cards, makes all the rules, and enforces all Hi rules. Make God pretty dangerous being to some of us 🙂

      • Avatar
        Karuna Gal

        I like being part of The Adams Family. Gomez and I are eighth cousins once removed. Morticia was a great addition to the clan – her outfits are to die for!

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      Peter, I once was saved but have now committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming the holy spirit. Where am I going after I die?

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      Peter, considering that there is zero credible evidence for the existence of your god – just a bunch of childish hand-me-down stories about undead rabbis, magic boats and a helpful Talking Snake™ – everyone on planet Earth is more powerful that your god.

      Even you.

      Grow the fuck up and stop sacrificing the only life you will ever have to a tired old fiction.

  44. unlost1

    Many times Christians have bad habits. but nobody can really settle this issue. Starting with love is a good idea, since that’s really the only thing that makes people change for the better. Kinda like Jesus. Even unbelief can be forgiven 🙂

  45. Avatar

    It is not for me to say that an individual is a Christian – that is between that person and His Lord. As a Christian myself I know that in my own life the Holy Spirit gently speaks to me about sin in my life and confessing my sin is also between my and God. It is only through His Grace that we are worthy to walk the Christian life – and the Holy Spirit constantly reminds me that I am accountable ultimately to God. I should live my life accordingly.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      So, your subjective personal experience with a being no one has ever seen is the standard by which Ray and others should judge and govern their lives. Is that what you are saying?

      Ray claims to be a Christian. Why not just let him live his life as he sees fit. After all, he’s not hurting you in any way.

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        Jerry Murray

        Ray’s eternal soul is at stake. I love people and Jesus did not sacrifice himself as the ultimate and final sin offering to send folks to Hell. Therefore, Jesus says to all people, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near!”

        • Bruce Gerencser

          You don’t love ❤️ people, as your comments clearly show.

          Are you saving salvation is works-based, dependent on us making a choice of whether or not to believe? I thought salvation is dependent on God choosing, electing, calling, and regenerating a person; that whether a person goes to Hell is solely determined by God.

          You are in over your head, Jerry. This atheist know a thing, or two, or 666, 666 things about theology. If there are certain “sins” that send people to Hell, that means avoiding these “sins” lands people in Heaven. Please provide a list of sins that send people to Hell. How many times does a sin have to be committed to send someone to the Lake of 🔥? One, two, seventy times seven (trap set)?

          Jerry, have you never looked at a woman and lusted? If you say no, I’ll assume you are lying. Jesus said looking at a woman and lusting is committing adultery in your heart. When’s the last time committed adultery in your heart? How many times can someone commit such a sin and still go to Heaven? What number of “lusts” sends a person to Hell? Oh wait, the Bible says adulterers — that’s you and me Jerry — shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Seems you, me, and Ray are headed for Hell. Or does Jesus give you a pass on your sexual “sins,” but not Ray, Bruce, and billions on non-Jerrys?

        • Avatar

          Jerry, grow the fuck up. There’s no evidence for eternal souls, no evidence for hell, and no reason to think that the long-weekend temporary “sacrifice” of a heavily mythologized rabbi has any value at all.

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      How do you know it’s the “Holy Spirit” speaking to you, CJD? In Christian mythology I see no functional difference whatsoever between The Holy Spirit and Satan. They’re both just sock puppets that the god of the Bible uses to fuck around with humans’ free will, tinkering with their thoughts and behaviours to bring them in line with whatever cockamamie plan Biblegod has concocted. (q.v. “hardening the heart” of Pharaoh to provide an excuse for the remaining plagues to be inflicted on the hapless Egyptians.)

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    Janice Fortney

    GeoffT, There is a material realm as well as a spiritual realm. The spiritual one cannot be proven by science or things that can be physically seen. I understand what you are saying and I thank you for your courteous response. To Bruce. . .yes the Bible speaks of predestination, but your interpretation is different from what I believe it means. God, being omniscient, predestined THOSE WHO WOULD BELIEVE in Jesus to eternal life in Heaven. God is all knowing and so He knew who would choose to put their faith in Jesus before even the foundations of the world were laid. He also knew who would choose NOT TO BELIEVE and has predestined them to eternal death. He has foreknowledge so He must know who chooses to receive the gift of salvation and who doesn’t and He doesn’t interfere with their free will to choose one way or the other. A book that makes a strong case for this view is called The Potter’s Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology by Leighton Flowers, a former Calvinist. BTW, Judas chose money over God. He did not believe Jesus to be who He claimed to be. Had he, God would have used another unbeliever to fulfill His plan for salvation. Now I will defer to your wish to move on. Goodbye.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      The bottom line is that God predestines ALL things. Either he is sovereign, or he is not.

      Free will is a myth, as in the libertarian free will you are speaking of. Every choice we make is influenced. There is no such thing as naked free will. Outside of Pelagian sects, I don’t know of a sect whose official doctrinal statement promotes libertarian free will.

      As far as Judas is concerned, the Bible says he was the son perdition. His path was predetermined before he was a fertilized egg in his mother’s womb. There is no possibility that Judas could be saved. Otherwise he could have thwarted the eternal plan of God.

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