An Evangelical Christian sent me the following Facebook message today:
I don’t know you Bruce but I feel like god wants me to message you. He loves you and turn back to him. Bless your heart Bruce.
I replied:
And God told me to tell you to fuck off.
End of discussion. 😂
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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LOL. You’re just cutting to the bone right away.
Good job, Bruce.
Having been raised in liberal, 60s/70s US West Coast Catholicism, the concept that God, Jesus, Mary, or any of the crowd of saints in heaven would sneak up and whisper in my ear, was totally foreign. I prayed, sure, but I didn’t expect a verbal response. The idea of telling someone, “God told me to message you…” would have blown me away. Really? Dude can’t say it himself? Isn’t this what middle-school kids do about their crushes, as in, “Hey, ask that cute guy if he likes me”?
Fundagelicalism seems like a very infantilizing faith in many ways. This is one of them.
Or pass notes:
Hi, I am God.
Do you like me? Circle one.
Best reply. Effective. To the point. BRAVO!
Bruce, you are getting verrry wordy! No need to overexplain! Sheesh…
What I fail to grasp is why anyone who doesn’t know you, would even come to your page, read what you have to say and then post some lame bullshit like that. I had my former Pastor write me a letter once and the thing was he never once mentioned any of the lies, racist bullshit, hypocrisy or phony people in the church. His only plea was “turn back to what you know.” And I was like “No thanks. I saw where that road was leading me and I’m much happier and at peace now.” I guess I’m black-balled now…whatever…like I give a shit.
The narcissism that becomes ingrained in these so-called “Christstains” is palpably vile & disgusting. I pity them.
All I can say is, most people know nagging doesn’t work at all. Anyone who ever returns to Christianity, especially that kind, is more than able to do such things without a barrage from the above who posted on the blog here or in person. Or in person. Take the hint !! In the U.S. most know of Jesus anyway. You never reach a person by bothering them !
Appropriate response to a dumba$$ statement.
I’m detecting burn-out here …….
Bruce, how about outsourcing some of your replies to us? We’d be happy to tell ’em to fuck off. 😀
Short discussions such as this are often the best way to go! LOL
Churches are one of the most abusive places. They psychologically, sadly physically as well for some people, and financially abuse you, and give nothing in return. Even if someone were to go back to Christianity the last place a person would want to go back to is church, to have some know nothing thinking he’s been appointed by God (no real qualifications or life experience to look up to) telling you what to do.
I know this person isn’t posting about church per se, but it sounds like the typical church going Evangelical, thinking that crassly imposing on someone’s space is the way to go about things.
LOL! Good response.
Succinct, but not inappropriate.
spot on. sky daddy and zombie jeebus are busy not helping anyone anywhere ever
Love this!
Bruce: “I replied: And God told me to tell you to fuck off.”
My fantasy reply (in hopes of seeing the other person get awkwardly tongue-tied) is: “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”
OT: Just discovered your blog and I LOVE IT! The downside is, more time taken away from my other daily activities. 😉
But Bruce, you know God didn’t tell you that! Now everybody jnows you are a liar.
Ah yes, another dumb ass Evangelical who doesn’t understand sarcasm.
Evangelicals with a functional sense of humour are rarer than unicorns.