We are living in an increasingly pornographic age. The widespread accessibility of porn and the ability to be seemingly incognito leads to private addiction, marital destruction, and sexual abuse, all of it driving the horrific industry of sex trafficking. We know that pornography is damaging marriages, children, and churches. Statistics and anecdotes reveal the devastation. The connection with sexual exploitation and sex slavery is increasingly clear. The harm done to one’s community and spiritual life, while often subtle initially, is immeasurable over time.
And our society cheers us on in the gluttonous satisfaction of lust. Sexual immorality is repackaged as self-expression, liberation, and sexual enlightenment. Pornography is “normal,” and holiness is old-fashioned or even legalistic. Unfortunately, as prevalent as this poison is, pornography still isn’t talked about much in many of our churches [no, but it sure is watched].
— Steven Lee, Pastor of Preaching & Vision of the North Campus of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Desiring God, Anti-Porn is Not Enough, June 10, 2021
I may be in the minority, but porn does not arouse me.
Truth be told, I agree with the Christians regarding pornography and sex perversion. I think Elvis Presley’s daughter divorced her husband after she found child porn on his hard drive. Or something like that
I’m not trying to defend porn. But there is huge difference of porn of people who are consenting adults, and child porn. The first can be questionable, but child porn is a horror and evil. No one here would defend it.
Elliot has been permanently banned. I’ve determined he is either a troll or a clueless incel. While some men (and women) aren’t aroused by porn, it is quite normal for men to be sexually stirred when seeing naked women. I can’t speak for women, but I do know one woman who . . . That’s her story to tell.😂
I remember reading about a pornography study. Well, researchers couldn’t find a single male person who had never looked at porn. Not one. I wonder how all these self-righteous ministers are keeping themselves pure? (Actually, I don’t want to know.)
Why do I think this guy has trouble keeping himself from looking at porn?
Elliot–I am part of your miniority. I have not looked at porn in a long time because it did nothing for me the few times I saw it.
BJW–I agree with what you say about child vs adult porn. There is no defense for exploiting children in any way. (Perhaps I’m prejudiced by my experiences as a child sex abuse surviror.) As for adult porn, as long as the subjects consent and are compensated fairly, I am not against it, even if I don’t partake.
BJW and Obstacle–The nun who taught my sixth-grade class exhorted us not to see a certain movie because it was “dirty.” I asked how she knew. She delivered “the love of Jesus” with palm of her hand to my face.
MJ…I’m not Catholic and have been shocked by how bad nuns can be in school. Well, shocked until the torrent of abuse in the Catholic church became exposed. And Pope Francis still won’t apologize! He’s supposed to be the tolerant, accepting pope. He’s just a more pleasant face on the bigotry and abuse.
The old nerd trying to ask logical questions.
What is the definition of porn? Is it merely nudity? Some human societies allow nudity in their group.
Is it what these people do while they are nude? What if people play volley ball nude?
I agree child porn should not be allowed even showing children nude in our society because they are under the age of consent.
Please let me know.