Professing atheists, especially those on social(ist) media, are exceptionally negative and bigoted. These do not strike me as the hallmarks of healthy minds:
- Denying or using the insipid “I lack belief” claim, then spending countless hours ridiculing Christians and mocking God
- Sharing posts by Christians (especially creationists) on social media for the purpose of mockery
- Demanding scientific proof of God’s existence (a fallacy known as the category error)
- Requiring evidence for creation and the Genesis Flood, then refusing to look at it
- Avoiding that evidence (even the basic argument that “a painting requires a painter, a building requires a builder”), then lying that we not only refuse to accede to their demands, but they also claim that we do not have evidence
- Leaving people of other religions alone, but focusing on Christians
- When a child wants a stuffed animal for comfort, what atheist will mock the child and say that there is no power in the animal? Yet even though they reject our beliefs, which they see giving us comfort, they are so angry and vile, they seek to take that away from us
- Giving negative reviews of Christian material on YouTube, Amazon, weblogs, social media, and other places because they are consumed with hate
- Trolling, getting banned, then coming back with a new identity
- They are exceptionally negative, and not trusted or even liked by most people
Atheists have no hope in the world. Foundational to their religious mythology is evolution, and they fight to keep it. While denying the fact that they believe everything came from nothing, they also believe that when people die, they’re worm food. There is no Judgment, no ultimate justice, no peace, no hope. No wonder atheists have a higher incidence of depression, as well as suicide.
There is a link between atheism and autism, and those feckless keyboard warriors as well as prominent high priests of atheism (there’s good money in selling books and giving lectures, right, Richard [Dawkins]?) exhibit traits of being narcissistic sociopaths. If you have problems with depression, you may want to stay away from people like that; they’ll bring you down.
I will take this further. While there is clearly mental illness galloping through the minds of professing atheists (Rom. 1:18-20), there are also indications of demonic oppression — possibly even possession in some cases.
Cowboy Bob Sorensen, Stormbringer’s Thunder, Atheism, Mental Health, and God, October 10, 2021
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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I’m noticing some patterns in folks who denigrate atheists: For one, their diatribes, which they mistake for arguments, almost invariably include false equivalencies. To wit, this guy cites children and their stuffed animals—which, actually, is pretty funny.
Also, this person and others like him accuse us of “category errors” in asking for scientific proof of God. There’s no “category error” : They claim they have “evidence “ or “proof “ to back up their belief. We are simply asking for it (though we may not call it “scientific”) but it is not forthcoming from them because, well, the only “evidence” most of them have is their Bible—and that they can’t explain some phenomena. (“It must be God.”)
Oh, and they accuse us of all manner of evil and meanness. Then they gloat about how we’re going to burn in the lake of fire or suffer some other punishment from their just and loving God.
Let me get this straight…people who don’t believe that your imaginary friend in the sky created everything and continues to monitor all of our thoughts and actions so he can decide whether we burn in a big lake of fire located somewhere indeterminate after we die are the mentally ill ones? And people who believe that they are so cosmically important that the creator of the universe pays attention to their every move aren’t the narcissistic ones? Welcome to opposite world, I suppose.
Uh . . . re “Avoiding that evidence (even the basic argument that “a painting requires a painter, a building requires a builder”), then lying that we not only refuse to accede to their demands, but they also claim that we do not have evidence.” I don’t think “a painting requires a painter, a building requires a builder” is considered evidence. It is as he says, an argument and an argument that is clearly false. Does a rock require a rocker? Or a landslide a landslider? What is he talking about?
Then there is “When a child wants a stuffed animal for comfort, what atheist will mock the child and say that there is no power in the animal? Yet even though they reject our beliefs, which they see giving us comfort, they are so angry and vile, they seek to take that away from us” Uh, yes, I would mock a person who wants a stuffed animal for comfort . . . once he has grown up.. (Maybe now if he is clearly mentally disabled.) Does not scripture say “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”
Clearly this man has his knickers in a twist for all kinds of reasons he apparently has just made up.
A link between atheism and autism? Where do they get that garbage?
I mean, I’m autistic but not actually atheist. Whereas my husband is atheist, and he’s NOT autistic. And he’s a better person than most Christians I know.
Their asses 😂
Who says that everything came from nothing?
Mr. Sorensen seems to have issues with atheists. He has a piece he calls “The Mighty Atheist” on his site, https://stormbringer005.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-amazing-super-powers-of-the-mighty-atheist.html, which is more world class protectionism. He doesn’t like that we’ve “changed” the definition of atheism and keep using “dated” arguments. Methinks he protests too much. Thanks for finding this clown, Bruce. He’s more good reasons to not be a Christian.
Gads, proofreading fail. Projectionism. He thinks we all see things the way he does. Sorensen obviously cannot think outside of his box at all.
For all his angry ranting, he still hasn’t given me a single piece of evidence for his particular deity. He’s too busy denigrating atheists.
I found myself rereading this post, since the message still doesn’t sit well with me. My atheism doesn’t implore me to try and take away the faith of any one individual. If you find comfort in believing that you are being guided and cared for by YHWH, Allah, Zeus, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, each of whom purportedly created the Earth 6000 years ago, that’s great…have at it. Where I take offense is in your proselytizing, in your condemnation of good people to hell for not sharing in your beliefs, for insisting that our public institutions mold themselves based on your belief structures, your insistence that disclaimers about evolutionary theory be placed on school biology textbooks, in your defense of criminals and deplorables because they happen to have some authority in your church hierarchy, in your claims that some political leaders are ordained by God while others are demon-possessed, and the list goes on. If you could quietly engage in your beliefs without all the impositions on my (and others’) non-belief, then I think we’d all be fine.