Pastor JD [Farag] said something in this update that I’ll never forget. He said “We are not looking for Antichrist; we are looking for Jesus Christ.” And with that I agree 100%. But when world leader seemingly comes onto the world stage out of nowhere, we just can’t help but wonder: “Could this be him?”
Having said that, I am writing this article about a man who seems to possibly be that man of sin although we can only surmise this.
The readers are most likely wondering why I would want to take a hard look at this man. I will list my reasons. And before anyone proclaims that I am playing “Pin the tail on AC” let me just say that I am intrigued by Zelenskyy – not in a good way, but in a way which compels me to research him further.
- Zelenskyy came onto the world stage out of nowhere. Yes, he has been the president of Ukraine for a few years, but he was obscure and relatively unknown.
- Our World is preparing for Globalism and having sparked the Ukrainian/Russian war: it seems like a time for Satan to present his man (the beast) to the world. He will promise peace and security
- Overnight this man is known by the entire world and is being heralded as a hero.
- Zelenskyy is a puppet of George Soros who installed him in his position as president of Ukraine.
- Zelenskyy is a Jew and I do believe that Israel would receive him as messiah
- Zelenskyy graduated from Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School, so is officially on board with Globalism
- He has turned away from the God of his fathers – A Jew whose army has a great percentage of Neo Nazis!??
- He is a performer with a magnetism that draws people to him. His long running TV show was about a teacher who suddenly becomes President of his Republic
- **Read the article at the bottom of this piece to see the “Assyrians of Ukraine”
- He has no problem with violence as seen here in a campaign commercial
Brethren, we are just at the beginning of the story of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Please understand that I am not claiming that we are seeing AC in the flesh. Only God knows who the man of sin will be.
I am just telling my readership that I am taking a hard look at this man. I will continue to watch him in the midst of the Ukraine/Russian war. Many consider Zelenskyy to be a world class Hero.
— Geri Ungurean, Absolute Truth from the Word of God: JESUS HAS EVERY ANSWER, ANTICHRIST……COULD IT BE?, March 11, 2022
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
A puppet of George Soros? I heard the same thing about Obama. And the BLM protesters. And Antifa And Hilary Clinton.
I mean, if Geri Unger can’t base her arguments on facts, can’t she at least be original?
George Soros is very boastful about his work in Ukraine. And if you actually think and research it…you will see that it actually is very possible that the Three are related….if it wasn’t for George Soros’s insurrection against the President of Ukraine in 2014, and if it wasn’t for Obama helping perform a coup to get rid of that President in Ukraine in 2014 then Zelenskyy would not be President of Ukraine right now. George Soros and Obama are the reason Zelenskyy is the President of Ukraine.
Okay, so what? That makes him the AntiChrist?
–> I heard the same thing about Obama. And the BLM protesters. And Antifa And Hilary Clinton.
You heard correctly. Then and now
By some of the same criteria, one could suggest TFG, a.k.a the orange screwball, as the Antichrist. Before Putin made Zelenskyy a household name by invading his country, TFG was MUCH better known and tried to be in the headlines every day. Hey, wait… Putin… AntiChrist…. wait… governor of Florida… or Texas…. Why does the Antichrist have to be limited to only one person?
Seriously, there was a time when when most americans knew the russian govt was the bad guy and geri should be old enough to remember it.
indeed. We had the same lies told about every russian premier since the 50s. Poor dear Christians, they do love to contradict each other on who the “real” antichrist is. One might think that they are simply making nonsense up.
Perhaps the reason that Zelenskiy was unknown until recently is because Russia hadn’t invaded until recently!
I know that people have lost touch with reality when they mention George Soros. Everything bad in the world is because of Soros (though he’s actually a great benefactor) so how come he isn’t the Antichrist?
these people are complete idiots. They run around desperate for “evidence” their sadistic fantasies are coming true and they fail every single time. Nothing better demonstrates just how selfish, ignorant and greedy Christianity is.
Sweet f#$%ing Jesus, these people think just about everyone is their anti-Christ EXCEPT for obvious candidates like Trump or Putin….talk about wacky.
And what Trenton said – most of us over age 50 remember when the Russians were the Bad Guys – didn’t anyone see “Rocky IV” or “Red Dawn” or “Hunt for Red October” or any number of movies from the 80s and earlier????? Yet here we have Trump having a bromance over Putin who used to be in the KG F#$%ing B……
Everyone is the Antichrist to them, except for the public figures who are the enablers for the believers’ own prejudices and vices. How, um, convenient for them.
Everyone who is against Jesus Christ is an antichrist. Everyone who denies Jesus Christ is from God is antichrist. 1 John.
It’s not convenient it’s a fact.
PS Jesus owns the Earth and everything in it on it above it below it…even you.
If you fight against Jesus…you will lose.
Most of the readers of this site are atheists/agnostics/non-Fundamentalist Christians. We reject your peculiar interpretation of the Bible out of hand. Until you provide empirical evidence for your claims, no one around here is going to believe you. Assertion is not fact. Surely you know this, right?
I will not accept anyone calling me the antichrist. Such audacity. In fact, I find it quite offensive.
You will address me by my proper title…SUROTU – Supreme Ultimate Ruler of the Universe.
I’m just BRUCE ALMIGHTY. They made a movie about me. 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻😂😂🤣🤣
I’m married to Polly. She just goes by one name. I worship her. And fear her too when she has a cast iron skillet in her hands.😂😂
And I’m the Goddess of the Vernal Equinox (but only in the Northern Hemisphere), punctuation, chocolate, and Random Equipment Malfunctions. (I also used to be Queen of Earth, but abdicated in favour of Tiamat because the hours sucked.)
Too late, Star – I’ve already won. By rejecting substitutionary atonement, and the heavily fictionalized Passover-long-weekend “sacrifice” of a man who may himself be a fictional character, I also avoided the real “Mark of the Beast”:
If you consent to letting “Jesus” die in your place to avoid punishment for something you never even did (unless you too ate a fruit snack at the behest of a Talking Snake™), you have committed an act of immorality so gross and disgusting that you have micturated all over your precious humanity. You have forfeited your own emotional and moral maturity. Some ancient fuckwits saw the political and social utility of jerking people around by their emotions and ruling over them by reducing them to a state of irrational terror, and you bought into it.
Thinking, feeling adults take responsibility for their own actions. They pay their own debts. They ask the big questions: Why believe in an undetectable god, just because a book claims that it exists? Why worship a god that thinks that an eternity in hell is “justice”? If you insist upon letting Jesus take the fall for you, you have succumbed to your base instinct for self-preservation and have walked away from the most precious part of being human – your reason.
Needless to say that I reject substitutionary atonement, and the bogus “gift” of salvation, unconditionally.
First off: I believe that Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son came to this earth to dies for our sins. I am quite disappointed by the lack of knowledge you have on the subject you are discussing. I believe wholeheartedly in the Holy Bible. The word is the truth and the truth is God. How could Putin be the Antichrist? It makes no sense. He is global enemy #1. Trump is hated too much. I bring this up because the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will appear as a man who is well liked by almost everybody. He will act as a peacemaker. He falls from Heaven like lightning. He will perform miracles. People have called Zelenskyy a saint already. Yea, the actor is the saint. Okay. I have been watching him because he is one of the top candidates for the Antichrist. Putin goes against everything the Bible says. He creates violence. He is not trying to trick anybody. Also people are not spelling his name correctly it is Volodymyr Zelenskyy (two yy’s) at the end of his name. His name equals six thrice in many ways. I don’t believe in sorcery which would include numerology so use an easier method to figure it out. He fits the bill. If you can’t see the evil of the world we live in right now then the veil is over your eyes. I tell you this with the hope that you will take it seriously and know that we are in a dangerous time. Take care.
Uh, please note the title uses yy.
What evidence do you have for your assertion that the 😈 AntiChrist 😈exists? Quoting Bible verses doesn’t count. The world is filled with good and bad people. I know some preachers who could be the 😈AntiChrist. 😈 Just saying … 😂😂😂
There seem to be different ways of translating the Zelenskiy name, and I’ve seen countless discussions about it. I’ve started using iy because that’s what the BBC initially used and that’s what my iPad has learnt. I agree that yy is now probably more common, but the BBC, for example, has dropped the second y.
Ultimately I’m more concerned with the way in which some conservatives are trying to tar Zelenskiy with the Putin brush, that he’s controlled by Soros (isn’t everything!), that he’s corrupt (coming from Trump supporters!), and that he’s gone begging for billions of dollars in cash (which he was offered, he didn’t beg for).
Wow, Kira, that explains so much. I clearly see what you are saying. You break down such.a complex topic into a few simple words and paragraphs. Your depth of knowledge is quite evident.
There is a tv series called “Good Omens” that takes a fresh look at end times and really explains a lot of the complexities of end times, the antichrist, and Armageddon and the whole eternal battle of good versus evil. You might want to check it out. 😁😇
Obstaclechick and Astreja–Both of you are right. The Antichrist or the Devil are whatever stands in opposition to the God-of-the-moment, whoever or whatever it is. Like you and Trenton, I remember when the Soviet Union was “it” because, well, it was the opposite of Amurrikun capitulizm. But now Putain, I mean Putin, is the “good guy” to them.
What’s really ironic is that the Evangelical Right/White Nationalist embrace of Puto and Russia is based on as flawed an understanding of the country and its history as that of the old foes of the Soviet Union. Where the Old Guard Right saw an Evil Empire, if you will, they now view Russia as a paragon of racial and religious (i.e., White and Christian) purity. What they don’t realize is that, even though the Soviet Union no longer includes majority-Muslim republics like Kazakhstan, and Christianity is indeed the dominant religion, there are still significant parts of the country dominated by other religions, and the young, slowly but surely, are turning away from religion along with their peers in the West. Also, people in some of those areas are genetically and culturally related to people who aren’t white, unless you stretch the definition of that term.
I completely agree with your assessment: Volodymyr Zelenskyy deserves careful observation least we be deceived. He’s doing exactly what we would expect from a charasmatic leader, desperate to save his country. That’s all good.
Should he decisively defeat the Russians and unify Europe behind his leadership, all bets are off.
I’ve read the other comments to your posting: I’d say the deception has already begun. If there’s anything common between President Trump and President Putin, it is that they’re both anti-globalists, both believe that they’re putting their country first: A disqualify quality of the AC. President Zelenskyy also currently occupies this space. But unlike Trump and Putin, Zeleenskyy’s path to becoming a global leader is suddenly very short, very easy.
Uh, this is NOT my assessment. This is a quote from Geri Ungurean’s blog —- an Evangelical conspiracy theorist. I’m a liberal/progressive/socialist/atheist/pacifist/lefthanded Santa Claus. 😂😂
I see: You posted Geri’s article as click-bait. Well done!
President Zelenskyy has asked our leadership to directly confront Russia militarily. Even a left-handed Santa Claus might be a bit concerned about the consequences of US offensive involvement. What Christians may or may not believe ceases to be relevant once the confrontation turns nuclear – Captain Obvious.
Bruce titled the article with the following heading: “ Christians Say the Darnedest Things”. How one could misconstrue that as click-baits for Christians, I could never understand.
Thank you. Evidently, his lack of reading comprehension is my problem.
While this blog post was obvious that it was a crack pot quote, I have had trouble discerning if it is Bruce or someone else. It would be helpful to put the original author’s name at the beginning AND the end. Not getting deemed a crackpot…priceless.
Bruce, Kel,
It’s a fair observation: I’ll definitely work on my reading comprehension skills post haste!
Nevertheless, it is a compliment to report that the click-bait worked. That’s the best way to sum up all the comments that this post has already received. I don’t see that as a problem at all.
It has even provided an outlet for those who disdain the intellectual capacity of American Christians. Perhaps click-bait for those folks, too. I’m certain that’s what Bruce intended, now that I know more about his perspective.
Icepick, the reason that President Zelenskiy has asked NATO to declare and enforce a no fly zone over Ukraine is not because he has any expectation of it happening, but because it gives him the ability to be able to say that NATO is toothless, so he can offer Putin that he will agree not to become a member. He knows as well as anybody (because unlike for example Trump, he’s a competent diplomat and negotiator) that for NATO to concede his request would risk a world war.
I think that anti is worth more than you think. NATO isn’t toothless, especially after President Trump strong-armed most of the members to pay their fair share. NATO has never been stronger.
I do agree that’s that exit ramp: President Zelenskyy negotiates away Putin’s primary fear. Scott Adams thought that should have been the initial offer from Mr. Biden six months ago when we first observed the Russians massing on Ukraine’s border.
So if President Zelenskyy wins this conflict, politically and militarily, how will the world view him? A hero, correct? Offer him European leadership perhaps?
I agree with you that it will be interesting to see how Zelenskyy is viewed post-war. I’ve never been on his bandwagon to start with. That said, I think it’s immoral to invade a sovereign state and kill innocent people. Thus, Russia’s behavior is immoral, but then so was/is America’s behavior in Iraq and Afghanistan— to name two of the many countries the U.S. has invaded to foment regime change, steal natural resources, of confiscate land.
After I heard his speech today I had the gift of discernment to think these exact things. I hadn’t thought of it before but it makes sense after all. We need to stay alert to truths. Pray for discernment!
I humbly submit that your “discerner” is broken. Please use reason, skepticism, and common sense to fix it.
These god-botherers can’t even “discern” that they’re on a non-believer’s blog. If accurately reading a web page is too hard for them, their Biblical knowledge is probably as shallow as a mud puddle in the sun, too. 😀
Bruce you’re going to eat your words
Is this a threat?
How do you even know that’s true,Star ? I’d say,just based on both travelling up and down California for years, too many Christians are so ugly tempered and cruel,that they drive those with whom they associate away from the Bible or a Christian witness. Some preachers even defend such behavior, as claiming that’s how God ” cleans house from to time.”. But, the youth of today, getting validated on the Internet,by seeing other’s stories, they are leaving abusive churches and their people. It’s the faults of both the abusive idiots and the God who even allows this to happen !
Comments like this demonstrate a lack of critical thinking skills. Conservative Christians as a group are somewhat less educated than the U.S. population as a whole, and it shows.
Whoo boy, how can we make sure that there’s no ” no fly zone,” because there’s going to be aerial dogfights between Russian and NATO pilots if THAT happens. Zelenskyy is married to a woman, and he’s older than 33, so technically speaking, he can’t be the Antichrist, who is supposed to be both Italian, Jewish,and gay. Ungurean didn’t do her research correctly.
A lot of people have been touted as Antichrist in the last couple of decades, each with their own group of accusers and all going unnoticed by the World. But, THIS man, Zelensky, call him the antichrist and there is instant uproar and an army of shills scurrying to his defence. I consider this further evidence.
You mean, like the instant uproar and army of shills who scurry to the defence of Jesus whenever someone dares say something less than civil about him? 😀 It’s “evidence,” all right – evidence that humans believe some pretty fucking barmy stuff.
Martin Luther called the Pope the Antichrist and the ensuing European Religious Wars resulted in the death of millions of people. The conflicts between Protestants and Catholics are some of the bloodiest in history. The Adventists, if I’m not mistaken, still believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon.
Isn’t that evidence that the Pope is the actual Antichrist or can there be multiple Antichrists at the same time?
Although I sympathize with Ukrainians and abhor one nation invading another to take its land and resources, or to commit genocide (What else can you call it when the leader of the invading country denies the existence of the people he’s invading?), I think that Americans and other Westerners have been a bit self-righteous, if not hypocritical, in their condemnation of Russia. After all, many Western countries have a history of colonialism. The thing is, we’re taught to see it as such when other countries did it but not to call our occupations of Guam, Puerto Rico and Samoa (which continue to this day) or Haiti (1915-1934), the Philippines (1898-1946: Their “independence” day is 4 July, no less!)—by their proper name. Nor are we taught to see our economic domination and, in some instances, exploitation of countries in the Global South as colonialism, let alone that we have military bases in 85 countries.
So, while their president (I don’t want to get into any debates about spelling his name!) may or may not live up to the hype, I don’t see how anyone—whatever his or her religious beliefs—can call him the “Antichrist,” any more than the Russian leader can be seen as anything more than a delusional thug. And it’s right to call him out on his imperialistic impulses and actions, I think we should see what’s happening as a mirror of what the US and other countries and look at it honestly rather than self-congratulatorily.
Excellent comment, MJ! 👏 Well done!