Women have often asked me about oral and anal sex. Most young women now shave their pubic hair. Some are into violent acts in the bedroom. Pornography has invaded the marriage bed. God commands that we keep the marriage bed undefiled.
Mark Driscoll is the one who reinterpreted Song of Songs to describe oral sex. He promotes anal sex in his marriage book too. No other theologian has ever interpreted oral sex in the Song of Songs until him. I know many women participate in anal sex with their husbands too. This is a dangerous practice. My dad who was a doctor his entire career said that it was like playing in the sewer. Why do you think homosexual men have so many diseases?
Oral sex was never talked about openly until President Clinton claimed that oral sex was not sex. After this, oral sex became rampant in the high schools. Now, young women shave their pubic hair. Why? Porn stars do and this is what men want.
Let’s STOP doing what porn stars do, women! No, you don’t have to submit to anal sex or anything sexually that you feel uncomfortable with or that is painful. Sex is supposed to be a beautiful exchange between a husband and his wife, not a mimicking of pornography. Even lingerie isn’t a biblical fact that women must wear even though it sure seemed like it to me when I was getting married. Most women who have ever existed never wore lingerie and had no problems with their sex lives.
Sex is supposed to be mutually enjoyed by the husband and his wife. No one needs lessons from porn stars. It’s should be a private activity where a couple learns together how to please the other and not talked about with anyone else. If a young woman is having trouble, she could consult an older, wise married woman for counsel.
It’s tragic how porn has infiltrated even Christian’s beds. Teach your sons to FLEE pornography. It’s a twisted evil that has invaded this land to destroy men, women, and marriages.
— Lori Alexander, The Transformed Wife, Pornography Has Invaded the Marriage Bed, May 31, 2022
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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What a load of old codswallop as my yorkshire mum would have said. I think the fact Lori has or had a brain tumour is showing! Re:Lingerie. Friend and I used to have a laugh over some of the crazy QF-ers on FB. A Duggar daughter, grifting no doubt cos she had no skills to enter the jobs market, and hoping to become an internet Influencer, promoted a line in sexy lingerie for one’s hubby. It was OK though, it was x-tian. Its website displayed the garments on ‘plastic torsos’ not real females. And the items had bible verses sewn into them. I almost cried with laughter when my friend commented, ‘So if a wife wears these, hubby need never read his bible again, he can just read her boobs or her crotch and the lawd will make sure these are the verses he needs for his daily walk with him’. Imagine that at your next group bible study, sharing where you found that inspirational verse…..on your wife’s naughty bits!
She must have a very vanilla life. Does Lori not realise that mutual enjoyment for some couples will differ to what she finds enjoyable (assuming she actually finds it enjoyable?)
She keeps writing ✍️ posts like this. Makes me wonder if Ken is asking her to do “nasty” stuff that she doesn’t want to do. And this is a problem for her in the patriarchal world 🌎 they live in. She’s supposed to submit to Ken in all things, as unto the Lord. Though, I don’t think Jesus said anything about blow jobs, anal sex, and shaving 🪒 pubic hair. 😂😂
You are right . . . couples can enjoy a variety of things sexually. As long as it’s consensual and everyone is a willing participant, whose business is it but theirs? ❤️
Polly and I came to sexual freedom rather late in our lives thanks to our Fundamentalist religion. Took us time to get over thinking we were sinning if we tried something knew. Now we just do lots of sinning. 😂😂
I wonder if, because she’s not actually enjoying herself, she doesn’t want anyone else to enjoy herself either?!
“ It’s should be a private activity where a couple learns together how to please the other and not talked about with anyone else.”
Wow, she sums it all up in one ironic sentence. Apparently she doesn’t follow,her own advise?
There’s just so much wrong with Lori’s reasoning here….but I suppose that should be expected from a woman who promotes that women should remain uneducated, shielded from the rest of the world, and serve as household sex slaves and breeders for their man, as her deity intended. Why is she even allowed to use a computer or access the internet (under her explanation of what proper Christian women should do – oh that’s right, her deity gave her an exception because this is her ministry….)?
I concur with other commenters on this and other posts about LA (She’s really in La-La Land, isn’t she?): either her husband is dictating her writing or she has the world’s most boring life but, to spare herself from that distinction, wants to deprive everyone else of pleasure and meaning.
Sage is, well, sage (as usual) in poiinting out her unintended irony. To that, I’d like to add that she doesn’t know the meaning of the word “lingerie.” Now, things might’ve changed since my brief time working in retail (the Alexander’s department store in the old Monmouth Mall, NJ in the 1970s), but as I recall, lingerie was a catch-all term for all women’s underthings. And when I shop for underthings today, I go to a “lingerie” department, even if I’m looking for plain, functional stuff to wear while working up a sweat outside my bedroom. Now, it’s true that most women–and men–through most of history probably didn’t wear lingerie or underwear or whatever you want to call it. But if you know anything about real history–not just the stuff Cicero could have been thinking of when he uttered, “Victor Imperatus”–you know that through history, even in the most staunchly Christian societies, people didn’t always follow their churches’ (or other religious institutions’) dictums about what we’re suppposed to do–or not do–when the door is shut and the lights are off.
Oh my goodness, save my children from Lori guidance…. she’s looped thrice over and then some!
What’s the problem with having lingerie ? It’s beautiful clothing, most of the time. Unless one is too scrawny( Lori) to carry it off. As for removing pubic hair, some will dye it, pluck it, make designs with the razor or laser it all off. Stuff sticks to it. Not all pubes are the same, 😂. Really, Lori. Who cares about pubes ??
Seriously, I feel sorry for Lori and for all the other Christian women who feel shame and discomfort and like they’re sinning if they enjoy sex. I can’t imagine having gone through life thinking that way. I was raised to think that way for the most part, church after church after church… but I escaped from religion and the bullshit thinking.
I do have to say, though, that lingerie just gets in the way. 🙂