A year ago, an Evangelical man using a fake name, Victor [Viktor] Justice, left two comments on this site. One, a vile comment about the death of my dear friend Steve Gupton (please see The Suddenness of Death) was immediately deleted. I did, however, approve the following comment. All spelling and grammar errors, of which there are many, belong to Justice.
Congratulations Little Bruce:
Boy, you’ve really become the embodiment of a woke old fool. I honestly feel shame and pain for what you have done to your children. It’s quite obvious that Polly was never saved, like yourself. This is evidenced by how quickly she turned into a typical, slobbish, western, bimbo. You could’ve joined the Harry Krishnas, and old, dumb, Polly woulda been right behind ya…what a dull, addled brained, dunce you married.
Your children hate your guts. You sound like half a fag, bellyaching night and day about how the whole world has been so cruel to Little Bruce.
The Judgement is closing in on you, son. Your body is falling apart fast and your debt is completely unplayable outside of the Cross of The Lord Jesus Christ Almighty!
Most sincerely,
A worm who Christ died for.
I immediately put Justice on the banned list, making him ineligible to comment. No one attacks my wife, children, grandchildren, or friends and gets by with it. As is my custom, I clear the banned list once a year. And sure as the sun comes up in the morning, Justice left another comment:
I’m not someone who just happened upon your blog. I’ve been reading it for a few years and I typically read for hours at a time.
We have a lot in common. OCPD/OCD, major back issues (crushed disk, advanced DDD, spinal stenosis), neck and head pain, with a extremely painful nerve disorders, etc, etc.
Where we differ from one another is my saving faith in the LORD Jesus Christ Almighty. What I see from you is someone that is the quintessential example of the former fake believer who’s consumed by bitterness, jealousy, and selfishness.
You were never saved. Jesus Christ Almighty is truly your only hope and your running out of time!
Most sincerely,
I banned Justice once again. He then left the following comment (which I deleted):
Little Bruce,
Well, there’s no fool — like an old fool. One thing that I can tell you is that you would never speak to me with anything but respect and reverence in person. You should only call me “Mr. Justice” from now on!
Anyway, getting back to what I was saying, before you “blocked and banned” me for what must be the fifth or sixth time. I HAVE read about 50% of what you have written on this blog over the years. I have several computers, computer locations, email addresses, and the aforementioned VPN. Nice try though…
I appreciated you republishing one of my prior letters to you. For the record, I meant every. Single. WORD. contained in it. Also, when you publish a blog on the World Wide Web, anyone has the ABSOLUTE right to join in on reading the content, making comments, and so forth. As long as they are aren’t doing anything illegal, making threats of violence, or using profanity (yes, you read that right), they have the right to full enjoyment of “your” website.
I rarely bring a man’s wife and family into these types of discussions, but I made an exception with Polly, because of how easily she dumped her “faith”, the faith of her fathers…what a jezebel spirit that lurks within her unregenerate soul.
You are truly one of the lowest, most selfish, Christ hating bigoted pieces of human garbage on the face of the earth! You preached over 4,000 sermons that you didn’t believe, while being paid, and thence went about ripping the heart out of those who you were sworn to minister to and love. You are slightly less abominable than Judas the Son of Perdition. AND NOW…you see yourself as the VICTIM!…Burn in Hell, Jack!
I’m angry about what you have said and done to my LORD and Savior — Jesus Christ Almighty! But, He is so loving that you could still possibly be forgiven and Saved! Hopefully, for your sake, Almighty GOD hasn’t completely turned you over to a reprobate mind. GOD’s grace, love, majesty, and mercy is truly a miracle! Praise His scared, holy, wonderful, and great Name! Glory to His righteous Name!
Most sincerely,
After Justice left this comment, I blocked him at the server level. Of course, this only works if he uses one of the IP addresses I have blocked. As expected, using a VPN, Justice evaded this block and sent me the following email:
I just read your last couple of posts (even though I’m supposed to be banned & blocked). You are really losing your stuff, son. I’ll admit that I find your writing style to be pretty good, albeit the content of what you write is particularly vile. That’s what I’m getting at, you are now producing retrograde, rehashed junk. You honestly have no more story to tell.
Obviously you can’t just stop writing this blog, because it’s your source of hustling money outta those who are suckers for your sob stories. Just know that Victor Justice knows exactly how you’re conning, what I call, the deviant vulnerable.
I watched your clown show, supposedly speaking to the “humanist society.” Being such a “professional photographer” didn’t it dawn on you that it looked like you were talking to yourself in your dingy basement while Polly recorded. You look like a quintessential weakling with your filthy beard, jeans, and one of your grandmother’s old hats from her family’s civil war chest in the attic.
Yeah, being an atheist surely is a bundle of joy. Your nothing but a goofball clown with 10 or so sycophants lapping up your vomit. Good luck to your psychotherapist, who probably laughs you to scorn, the minute you waddle out the door. Good grief!
As you can see, Justice’s goal is to inflict psychological harm. Much like Dr. David Tee, Revival Fires, and other Evangelical zealots, Justice hopes his words will cause harm. He’s not interested in truth or evangelizing me. He’s a playground bully who spends his days verbally molesting and assaulting me, safely ensconced in his mommy’s basement without fear of responsibility and accountability.
It would be easy to dismiss Justice as someone who is mentally ill — and maybe he is. However, I am not willing to give him a pass. It is important for readers to see the connection between Justice’s Fundamentalist beliefs and practices and his behavior. (Justice’s use of certain words suggests he is a Calvinist.) Does anyone believe that Justice’s words are remotely Christian? I know I don’t. Had Justice been a member of one of the churches I pastored, and I learned he was viciously harassing people online, we would have excommunicated him. Such behavior is morally wrong regardless of religious affiliation. Yet, I suspect Justice is a member in good standing at an Evangelical church where he lives. His comments and emails reveal that Justice is a Bible believer. For all I know, he could be a preacher. Over the years, I have had Evangelical preachers take a similar approach. Hiding behind pseudonyms, these so-called men of God hurled all sorts of vile invectives my way. In two instances, I was eventually able to figure out who they were. I turned their comments into a post, and put their real name on the post. Now, that’s justice. 🙂 It is unlikely that I will be able to ferret out Victor Justice. All I can do is ban and block him. When he uses a VPN, I will block the VPN’s IP address bloc. Unfortunately, I run the risk of catching legitimate readers with this block. If that happens to you, please let me know.
A handful of readers (I see you Troy) think I should just delete comments from the Justices, Tees, and Revival Fires of the world. The reason I don’t is this: I want readers to see the ugly underbelly of Evangelical Christianity; that there are beliefs and practices that can and do turn people into vile, nasty, hateful human beings. Justice, Tee, and Revival Fires are not just a few bad apples in a barrel of pristine Red Delicious apples. My email, comments, and social media messages from Evangelicals suggest that a sizeable minority of God’s elect have no problem with viciously attacking anyone they disagree with — contrary to the teachings of Christ. These same people are MAGA and Qanon supporters. I fear these people, given the right circumstances, could be provoked to cause physical harm (as we saw in the 1/6/21 Insurrection).
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Bruce, in the past six months or so, when I first discovered your blog and started reading on a daily basis, I had never expected there to be so many Fred Phelps replacement clones out there in the religious blogosphere. Many of your blog’s Christian readers have proved me wrong. I can only hope that all of those narcissistic and vile Jesus-follower ass-hats will inspire more people to abandon the church because of the same certain disciples’ personal “Christian witness”.
That’s my wish as well, Benny – that the Victor Justices of the world sabotage their own congregations’ soul-winning by showing the outside world the kind of unkind people that their denomination produces. Bruce’s oxymoronic fanboi makes evangelical Christianity look less appealing than dog shit on the bottom of a shoe,
Apparently, Justice doesn’t care about the fruits of the spirit. He doesn’t believe that “the greatest of these is love.” Instead, the Christianity he spreads around is malevolent. I agree, Bruce, that these types are liable to decide to follow their Lord Trump and start killing the rest of us.
I find the Victors of this world to be, at a fundamental level, cowards. They skulk in the shadows, doing what they can to be as cruel and vindictive as possible, and they probably do it because they get off on it. It’s very clear that Victor doesn’t actually give a damn about Jesus, God, or his faith, for his statements go completely against the grain of everything I was led to believe Christ stood for.
Victor, if you are reading this, what makes you think you have the right to comment on anyone’s blog? You don’t. Oh, you can read what you want, but comment? Everyone sets the controls of their sites to suit their own needs. It’s arrogant in the extreme to think Bruce owes you airtime, and arrogance isn’t a very good Christian trait. 1 Samuel 2:3…
Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
Dear Victor, please allow me to tell you of the piece of profound wisdom I heard last week. It was just 3 words. My knitting group of wrinkly old grannies here in the backwoods of Wales, doesn’t discuss religion much. But a member recounted going to cook on a summer camp not long ago in E Europe. She’s not religious, but newly-retired wanted to do a charity project and didn’t realise it was baptist camp with pressure put on her to join in all the bible stuff. She then said ‘When I did, they were very bigotted against the local catholics and Roma people.’ Quick as a flash, another member jumped into the conversation. She’s a baptist, but very quiet, doesn’t speak much. She said ‘The bible says Love Thy Neighbour,’ it doesn’t add ‘but only those who I approve of or think like me, and agree with me, it says ‘love everyone.’
Don’t you agree, Victor, that was so deep, so profound, yet such a simple directive from your jesus? If you lived by that command, you might have just a teensy bit of credibility with heathen folks. I am appalled by your repulsive nasty comments. Do you speak to your fellow-church members like this? Or are you all sweetness and light, all loving and kind to them so they think you’re an amazing x-tian and they want to be like you? Mmm, I wonder! Do tell…….!!!!!
It’s impossible for a religious outsider to understand the mindset of Victor. He’s clearly full of hate, has a chip on his shoulder that’s bigger than London Bridge, perceives himself a loser, almost certainly has a job with low self esteem, yet he attempts to sell a product in a way that exposes all of these features, namely his religion. Is there something worthwhile to his belief? Even he must know, deep down, that there’s no afterlife, that this life is all you’ve got, but even in maintaining the fiction you’d think he would want to try and attract people in, not to offend them with his vitriolic hatred.
Your statement … “He’s a playground bully who spends his days verbally molesting and assaulting” is spot on. He is not in any measure an example of the love of God.
considering what this god is said to have done, this god also not in any measure an example of the love of God that christians make up.
It is amazing how the Victors of religious fundamentalism throw out the parts about loving people, helping others, not judging, etc, and instead choose to spew vice hatred at those they don’t like. There were several stories in the gospels in which the Jewish Pharosees – the religious fundamentalists that Jesus encountered – heaped their vitriol upon Jesus. Yet the Victors prefer to identify with Jesus than with the Pharisees because they don’t understand the message.
Wow. Yeah, I remember Victor ” Injustice” Justice. He and his fellow abusers should at least remember the verse from Hebrews 3:11, the last paragraph, when it comes ” that you do not fall away from the living god” or depart from the living god.” This is regarding an evil heart of unbelief. This warning is for actual believers here. Just thought I’d get that out of the way. Victor’s syntax sounds Latino to me, maybe he’s from Victory Outreach. They are a fanatical cult. Engage in pastor worship, and they worship ” bling” as well. Just as toxic in their way as the IFB. So when such people harp about whether you got saved at one point, there’s Hebrew 3:11 to throw at them. Funny, he moans about ” what you said and did against my Lord and Savior,” yet he doesn’t have a ounce of indignation against those in the Black Collar roster, nor pity for their victims, for example. Where’s you outrage, ” Victor ?”. These criminals. You are obviously twisted and predators make Jesus look very bad indeed !
You are obviously twisted inside, with that colonial mindset. That is where such cruel delight over Hell comes from. Probably abused as a child, no doubt. But your settler mentality ruins everything.
Victor not-Victorious: “I’m angry about what you have said and done to my LORD and Savior — Jesus Christ Almighty!”
Zoe: Do you think Victor that your Lord and Savior can’t handle it?
Yes, you’re correct, I do think this sadistic troll should be denied his delight in not only getting his comment through, but a full blog post. I admit though, I did enjoy reading it, especially the “Harry” Krishna bit. The utter desperation to push every button.
I’m wondering is there such thing as an anti-fan? (In the context of “fan” being short for “fanatic”). This guy is an anti-fanatic of sorts, marking his calendar for the Bruce almighty amnesty program, and more than a casual reading of the blog if not obsession. Hey Victor, join the Methodists, at least they are out helping the community, not sitting in their parent’s basement trolling.
(P.S. I miss Steve too)
Wow, what an asshole. And he’s being so dickishly personal about your family that I gotta wonder if he’s someone who you know or knew IRL, thus his obsessive trail-hiding with the VPN, etc. His vitriol makes it pretty clear he’s not a Christian in any sense of the word that I recognize.
I wonder if he shows this side of himself because of the anonymity the Internet offers, or simply just being himself and treats people offline even worse.
What a vile character. Anyone can see from his own words what kind of person he is.
And this part:
“Also, when you publish a blog on the World Wide Web, anyone has the ABSOLUTE right to join in on reading the content, making comments, and so forth”
…..is just nonsense. A blog doesn’t have the same function as a discussion forum. A blog is a soapbox for one person, the author. Sure, the author may choose to allow other people to comment, or not, based on whatever standards he chooses, but nobody can claim a right to do so.
It’s your blog. He has an “absolute right” to put a bumper sticker expressing his views on his car. He doesn’t have a right to put that same bumper sticker on your car. It’s up to you whether you choose to let him.
And the churchies wonder why attendance is plummeting. All one has to do is look around and realize the Victor is the typical christian today, not the exception. Thanks for sharing Bruce – I forwarded a link to my mother though I doubt she will read your post.
The great message of love is about an all-powerful sky-man letting his son be tortured by pricks and duds eat up the abusive scenario like it is a wonderful gift. Truly it remains one of the saddest, horrific tales ever told. Victor is a goner in this regard and loves to hate for Jesus, again proving the rule. But he continues to read your writing because it challenges his self-hatred, his worm-ness. Imagine the shame and blame this guy heaps on his unfortunate children, if he has any… I always feel such sadness knowing that this kind of sickness still thrives in a tax-free manner in churches.
@Brian I picked up on that “worm” identity as well. While “Victor Justice” is displaying false humility, rather like Mother Theresa wearing a 2 rupee sari. This reminds me of a Pharyngula blog post about the versatility and success of “worms”, pretty much the basis for the body plan of the majority of the animal kingdom.
Troy — that was a great article. Thanks for the link. 🙏 I never realized how much worms did a lot of the preliminary evolving for later life forms. My reading on evolution focused more on the Jurassic and beyond as a kid. (Bought myself a T-Rex 🦖 plastic statue from the Natural History Museum at nine. Nice little Catholic girl doing some projecting there, huh?)
@KARUNA GAL I like that article, as it succinctly shows 3 lanes in the history of life and a good overview of the main players. It is from 2016 and unfortunately the image links have faced extinction.
I find it fascinating that these supposed “true believers” are so fierce in their beliefs but hide behind pseudonyms. You would think that they would proudly be out and bold about proclaiming their beliefs instead of hiding. I have no reason to treat them with anymore credibility than the dog poop I accidentally get on my shoe. “Victor, “Dr Tee”, and Rivial stupidity” are just bad noises to be ignored.
I like that ‘ dog poop’ metaphor,hee- hee. It sure does apply when it comes to those nefarious three ! Because with people like that, th cruelty IS the point, to begin with.💩
My comment is simple. Obviously Victor is good at hating. He is an example of people using the bible to prove their positions no matter how awful or ridiculous they are. This has been done many times in history.
Victor, try to let other people be different from you without hating them.