Recently, a reader using the fake name Teal Tunes (TT) left a comment on Who’s to Blame For the Tragic Death of IFB Missionary Charles Wesco? Best I can tell, this post and Ron and Patti Williams, Hephzibah House and Schizophrenic Women were shared by someone today on Facebook, resulting in hundreds of people coming to this site to read these posts.
Here’s what TT had to say:
Tragedy strikes all kinds of people in all kinds of vocations all day every day. So what???? This is really not anyone’s business or concern. These people were free to do as they please and it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Some of the nasty, nosey comments in here about what they were doing with their lives and in their home are just frankly sickening. Its sad and frustrating to see this kind of unkindness and nonessential rhetoric. If your life was made public, there would be others that would “throw stones at YOU” because you’re an idiot. From one idiot to all the rest of you idiots!! Try being KIND and minding your own freakin’ business!! You’ll never understand every one else….so stop trying to manage them!!!
As regular readers know, I am lounging at home recovering from gallbladder surgery. I decided to give TT a short, pithy response:
Yet, you do that which you rage against. Hypocrite.
My comment rubbed the proverbial fur of this Jesus-loving cat the wrong way. TT sent me a blistering email that said:
What a load of crap. I just wasted the last 30 minutes looking over your comments and supposed “beliefs”. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I HAD to stop. For as much as you say you hate religions/religious people/fundamentalists/church-goers/pastors or church leaders/etc—anyone affiliated and living/promoting the opposite of your rhetoric…you’re just as bad at the other end of the “spectrum”. Ugh! Seems you live your life to only call out those kinds of people now. What a waste of everyone’s time!
I am sure you can’t wait to tell the world that I’m the ignorant one. But you “SCREAM” idiot-psycho ignoramus trying to disguise yourself as a better person than anyone else who believes differently from you. You’re an intolerant, prejudiced bigot. No one is better than another just because they don’t believe the same ‘spiritually’.
Get a real hobby and stop playing dirty. Mind your own freakin’ business, dude and stop trying to convince anyone else that “now you’ve been enlightened to the REAL truth now that you don’t believe in a God.” No one really wants or needs to hear your psychological hang-ups. We are all free to do as we please. And anyway, some people are better for following religious ‘rules’ or half-way decent forms of behavior based on Christian principles—otherwise they “might be tempted” to hunt you down and kill you for being such an idiot. Maybe the whole world would have better off if you had never been born. Too bad……hmmm Don’t cry, big boy. Go get counselling to learn to love yourself so you can truly learn to have respect for another human being that finds help/encouragement/deliverence/etc….whatever it does for them….in following Christianity. Leave them alone to believe their “lies”. Whoop de dooo!! It’s not hurting you. It’s actually ensuring that you live in a more decent society and world. People that say that they believe in God and His ‘rules’ are nicer people. Duh. I’ll take that all day….especially compared to what you’re purporting being a humanist/socialist….Hack—-those are selfish people to the max!! That’s what I think of you and what you believe.
No need to respond. You will NOT change my mind about what/who you are. It would just be an outlet for you to vent your obvious anger and self-hatred that is consuming you. Ugh AGAIN!
I’m embarrased for your words!
Damn, so many words expended by TT, just to tell me that she thinks I’m an asshole. You would have thought she would have stopped reading after a post or two. Instead, she continued to read for 30 minutes before determining to threaten me with murder and suggest that I was such a worthless person that the world would have been better off if I had never been born. It always amazes me how hostile some Christians can get towards me, even wishing God’s hit squad would snuff me out.
TT told me there’s no need for me to respond. I won’t, but I thought some of you might want to respond to her thoughtful, kind, loving, Christ-honoring prose.
As far as what she read on this site? TT read:
- Who’s to Blame For the Tragic Death of IFB Missionary Charles Wesco?
- Why?
- About
- Dear Jesus
- Why I Hate Jesus
- Dear Evangelical
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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