David Leach, a Fundamentalist Calvinist from Texas, recently left the following comment on a post titled Gone but Not Forgotten: 22 Years Later San Antonio Calvinists Still Preaching Against Bruce Gerencser:
That you consider me an “ill-informed judgmental ass” will not be keeping me up nights. The moral and spiritual assessments of reprobate, morally bankrupt, angry men never moves me much. You hate Christ, why would I expect better than abuse from you? In fact, I do not. The ugliness and darkness you hid as you feigned Christian faith is no longer concealed. You dropped your disguise when via some dark inner prompting, or preference you decided to quit pretending. So, you are free (for a season) to spew your absurd and putrid nonsense as pleases you.
You say ” I want the telling of my story to be a warning,” In a small, sad way your wish is granted. You do serve as a warning. Your departure is a grim reminder of the veracity of I John 2:19. You are a warning against spiritual smugness, pretentiousness and presumption. You are an object lesson of reprobation. I shall seize on your example, as God gives opportunity – of how deceived the human heart is capable of being. This is not gloating or some childish tit-for-tat – indeed, I am grieved for you, for your family, for the sin and destruction you leave in your unholy wake. Yours is a sad, tragic story. No matter how bitter, and mean-spirited and nasty you are – I am indeed sorry for you. How dreadful will eternity be for you.
Finally, you indicate you and your Jesus (whoever that “Jesus” might be) got a “divorce.” Well friend, it seems to me that you and the true Jesus were never married….no matter your complaint, objection and obfuscation to the contrary.
Now know I will not again reply. I will never again visit this creepy little anti-Christian, anti-God blog. Rail against me as pleases you. Mock me among your equally pathetic God-hating companions. It’s of no consequence.
The Lord have mercy on your blighted soul.
In 1994, I moved from Ohio to Texas to become the co-pastor of Community Baptist Church. You can read about my experiences at Community in the series titled I Am a Publican and a Heathen. Pat Horner, the founder of Community, was my fellow pastor. Joe Maldonado, a former member of Community, pastored nearby at Hillburn Drive Grace Baptist Church. Through Pat, I became friends with Joe. Tim Conway, a man who hailed from Michigan, was a fairly new member of Community. Tim, along with his fiancée Ruby, helped me start new churches in Floresville and Stockdale, Texas. I also encouraged Tim to start preaching. Tim is now the pastor of Grace Community Church in San Antonio.

David Leach is friends with the aforementioned pastors. Evidently, he is greatly offended by me daring to tell my story; daring to write about my experiences with Community Baptist Church, Pat Horner, Joe Maldonado, and Tim Conway. Leach also doesn’t like that I labeled him an “ill-informed judgmental ass.” I stand by my comment. Leach has made no effort to read my story or attempt to understand how someone such as myself might end up where I am today. Instead, Leach has taken the few facts he thinks “knows” about me and my time at Community and has judged me wanting. As Fundamentalists are wont to do, Leach takes his rigid theological dogma, adds what he has “heard” about me, sprinkles in a few posts on this site he has bothered to read, and out of the oven comes the bullshit pie comment above.
Posts that Mention Pat Horner, Jose Maldonado, or Tim Conway
I Am a Publican and a Heathen Series
Why I Became a Calvinist Series
Catch-All Bible Verses: I Will Set No Wicked Thing Before My Eyes
Taking Off the Sheep Clothes — the Musings of a Wolf
“This is not gloating or some childish tit-for-tat”
“I am grieved for you”
“I am indeed sorry for you”
and “The Lord have mercy on your blighted soul.”
All tied up with a lack of self-awareness on his part: he’s as angry as hell but doesn’t feel he can show it openly. So he falls back on pitying you with Christian-speak. There’s a lot to be said for the argument that religion (most religion, anyway) is, at base, neurotic.
His comment about “spiritual smugness” is classic projection! (How can you, Bruce, a former Christian who is now openly an atheist, be smug? Such a change involves a huge amount of self-questioning.)
how does one hate an entity or deity that simply does not exist and never did? pretty easy to hate the damage the damage the followers of zombie jeebus do. but zombie jeebus? he’s a fairy tale
“How dreadful eternity will be for you.” You can almost see him rubbing his hands together in glee when you read this line. This is a religion of love?
typical fundie reaction. he is still trying to shame you into silence and compliance just as he does his church members. keep telling your story. thanks for your writings.
Whew! That is some first-class, weapons-grade projection there, Mr. Leach. Too bad you can’t see it for yourself.
Leach is in reality a leech. A typical tyrant who controls others, and becomes angry when people catch on and abandon him. It’s a wonder more pastors are t shot ! Ding- dongs like these Texans are why so many are fleeing the flock. His salavering at the idea of ” eternity will be terrible for you”, is so damned obvious. These useless tests are the cause of atheism for many.