A Fake Name Evangelical Christian sent me an email that said:
Is it because of the relationship with your dad and what happened with your mother the reason you walked away from Jesus Christ?
I’m not trying to be ugly or cause painful memories and I know how you feel I know what it is like to lose a mother young. Mine was 51.
Before I could respond, he sent me another email:
One day you will stand before Jesus Christ and everything you ever did,said and even thought will be revealed!
The REAL questions are this:
Will you face him as Saviour or judge? You do not want to face him as your judge.
How much time do you have before this appointment?
Every person regardless of age,health,wealth and so on in only ONE UNO heartbeat away from death.
For the person who has trusted in Jesus Christ for eternal salvation and forgiveness of sins heaven awaits and eternal life with Christ and fellowship with believers from all time.
For the unbeliever who has chosen to reject his grace and opted to pay for their own sins they will be separated from Christ in the lake of fire for all eternity and will be in complete isolation.
Also the lost will remember every sin and every time they mocked and chose to reject the gospel for all eternity.
and . . . before I could reply to either of these emails, this AFJ (Asshole for Jesus) sent me this:
It is truly sad that anyone would reject the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ especially someone who “preached “ it once.
Let me sum up this AFJ’s emails:
Bruce, you are going to burn in Hell after you die unless you get saved.
Today, another AFJ sent me the following illustrated email:

You are not going to want this future my friend.
Day in day out, Evangelical zealots threaten me with eternal punishment, thinking that doing so will magically lead me to fall on my knees, repent of my sins, ask Jesus to save me, and return to Christianity — the one true faith.
Ain’t going to happen . . . but that won’t stop zealots from continuing to bombard me with threats of death, Hell, and eternal damnation. Evangelicals can’t help themselves. Bothering and badgering people about their “eternal destiny” is part of Evangelical DNA.
On to Monday Night Football . . .
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
I truly do not understand the evangelical mind, even after reading your stuff for years, Bruce. Explaining that I find hellfire as imaginary as Darth Vader or Hannibal Lector or Ming the Merciless doesn’t seem to discourage them. Maybe I’ll try using one of my phasers on them, as it lights up and makes noise.
And now the world is getting a new book from Eric Metaxas, “Is Atheism Dead?” Metaxas has decided that since we don’t understand much about how the brain works and “respectable” people have had “out of body” experiences during surgeries, it’s checkmate atheists. Sigh.
I think I’ll put in an episode of Trek and hope we can reach that future. It beats pondering the world your Jesus harasser wants to have.
Don’t you find it even a little bit curious that these “AFJ” always seem to indicate that Lucifer is doing their god’s bidding ?!? That Lucifer is His Right Hand Man ?!? That Lucifer is constantly sympathizing with the Evangelical god ?!? Do they both belong to the same divine Party ?!?
For instance …..
Both Himmler and Hitler belonged to the NAZI PARTY. If you were proclaimed as an undesirable, you would be thrown into a concentration camp (never to be seen again). Himmler ruled supreme over these hell holes. That’s where you’d find Himmler. He was never banished there. He was appointed. Wouldn’t it be better to attack the divine NAZI PARTY to which they all belonged ?!?
And what would you call that divine Party ?!?
Oh goody, a Chick tract! Just when I thought Jack Chick was passé… Also, I note that the Bengals won in OT yesterday, which provides strong evidence that the lord favors us miscreants, Bruce. At least this week.
O! for the power to curse these hell-botherers with nightmares of hell that persist nightly till they smarten the fuck up and stop threatening people…
These comments are past tired and into moronic. Same old, same old. I wonder how many of them are narcissists or sociopaths?
These are the Christians that I do hate, the jerking off to sadistic fantasy types. And the rest aren’t much better, just doing their best to ignore that their religion is based on sadistic fantasy.
Dear Fake Name,
Every knee will bow, including yours. Careful. Your approach here might lose you a jewel in your crown.
Blah blah blah, how boring, another evangelical who is threatening you with his religion’s torture chamber for those out of their little tribe. They sound so childish and ridiculous…
All those folks who threaten us with the fires of hell sound, to me, like children threatening to hold their breath when they don’t get their way.
It’s almost comical when they quote Bible verses–as if they’re showing Bruce what he doesn’t already know!
And when dealing with non-believers they should at least be dimly aware that non-believers don’t consider Bible verses to hold any authority.
What does that leave? Holier-than-thou bullies, plain and simple. They’re doing it for a surrogate sense of power over others after their religion reduced them to hapless little god-bots who believe that they’re the recipients of unmerited divine grace. Their moral compasses are broken, their common sense has been flushed, and all they have left is “Wait till Daddygod gets home – You’ll be sor-ree!”
One of the AFJs mentioned in this post sent me this:
“You are going to think “assholes for Jesus “. One day little buddy..
For those who have been redeemed by grace and mercy of Jesus Christ this world is the only hell they will ever see.
For those who are mocked and rejected his gift this world is the only heaven they will ever see. 😢
All I can do now is encourage you to do whatever it takes within your physical ability to stay alive in this world as long as you can.
Bro John”
And then he blocked me so I couldn’t respond to him. 😂😂