Today, an Evangelical pastor left the following comment (using a fake email address) on the post titled How Dare I Talk Smack About IFB Evangelist C.T. Townsend (all grammar in the original):
To deny Heaven is to deny Jesus and that robs Christians of hope it is thievery it robs joy and it is slander because You call GOD a liar. One would have to wonder why would you fight so hard against something you don’t believe in ? And what gives you the right to tell others how they should believe ? It would be nice to be as smart as you think you are .Psalm 14-1 Roman’s 14 – 11 and 12 it is far better to do it now .
Why are Evangelicals so easily offended by my writing, thinking that I am directly and pointedly (and individually) writing about them? Instead of seeing my writing as a critique of Evangelical Christianity — its doctrines, practices, and influence on our society — many believers take my words as a personal affront or attack.
Why is it Evangelical churches, preachers, websites, blogs, and podcasts can rail against other religions, atheists, humanists, liberals, Democrats, abortion, LBGTQ people, etc., ad nauseam day and night, yet if non-believers dare challenge their assertions, Evangelicals take it personally? Why are there so many butthurt Evangelicals in the world, people easily offended by anything that disagrees with their worldview?
Evangelicals are fond of sharing their personal testimonies of salvation, deliverance, and new life in Christ. Yet, according to Evangelicals, skeptics, rationalists, atheists, agnostics, and humanists shouldn’t do the same. Why is that?
Here’s what I think . . . Evangelicals know the power of a good story. They know that people like myself telling our stories can and do lead people away from the One True Faith®. I have long said that I am one man with a story to tell. The foundation of this site is the trajectory of my life from an Evangelical pastor to an atheist. My goal has never been to evangelize for atheism. That scores of people have found my writing helpful in their journey away from Evangelicalism is not my fault (not that there is fault to be had). I write, tell my story, people read, and respond accordingly. In a free society, shouldn’t all of us be free to tell our stories and share them with whomever we want? My Gawd, Evangelicals go door to door attempting to spread the “good news” of their version of the Christian gospel. Let me tell you what Jesus did for me, and what he can do for you! Why do Evangelicals want atheists to shut up and mind their own business? Why, one would almost think that Evangelicals fear that our stories and critiques of Evangelicalism might quicken the exodus of people out of churches; that our words are, evidently, more powerful than the words of their God and his alleged messengers on earth: pastors, evangelists, and missionaries. Over 300,000 Christian churches dot the American landscape. I live within 25 miles of almost 300 churches. Evangelical Christianity dominates every aspect of local life. Yet, people like myself are viewed as a threat to Christianity. Really? I mean, really?
I would contend that the greatest threat to Evangelical Christianity is Evangelicals themselves. Eighty-two percent of white Evangelicals voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. An increasing number of Evangelicals have embraced conspiracy theories. Some are QAnon supporters or members of groups who advocate the overthrow of the United States government. Evangelicals are front and center in the culture war. Who are the people primarily behind attempts to criminalize abortion? Who are the people primarily behind attempts to demonize LGBTQ people and end same-sex marriage? Who are the people behind attempts to roll back social progress to the “good” old days of the 1950s? Evangelicals (and Mormons and conservative Roman Catholics). If Evangelicals want to see the greatest threat to the future of their religion, they need only look in the mirror.
The preacher who commented thinks that by me publicly denying the existence of Heaven, I am robbing Evangelicals of joy and hope. How is that possible? Evangelicals believe that they are indwelt by God, the Holy Spirit. He is their ever-present teacher and guide. He literally walks with them, talks with them, and tells them they are his own. Further, Evangelicals have the Bible, the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God that gives to them everything they need for life and godliness. Sunday after Sunday, millions and millions of Evangelicals gather together in houses of worship to sing praises to God, hear preaching from the Bible, and fellowship with like-minded people. Many of them attend services throughout the week, keeping their proverbial spiritual gas tanks filled. Yet, despite all this indoctrination and reinforcement, little ole atheist Bruce Gerencser is robbing some Evangelicals of their joy and hope. What does that say about God’s power if I can so easily rob Evangelicals of the fruit of the Spirit? Maybe I really am Bruce Almighty. 🙂
Let me address two claims the preacher makes in his comment:
- Why do I fight so hard against things I don’t believe in?
- What right do I have to tell others what to believe?
First, beliefs have consequences. That’s why I critique Evangelical beliefs and practices. If Evangelicals weren’t trying to take America back for God and force people to live according to their peculiar interpretations of the Bible, I might turn my attention to fighting against the designated hitter in Major League Baseball. However, Evangelical beliefs are causing harm to people, both believers and unbelievers alike. I am a father to six children, and grandfather to thirteen children. My time on earth is short, but my grandchildren could live for 60-80 more years. Their future matters to me. I see Evangelicalism as a threat to their present and future wellbeing. Look at the primary religious group behind the anti-vax movement and the January 6, 2021 insurrection. Liberal, progressive Christians aren’t the problem, Evangelicals are. Look at the nutjobs who control state governments and have ascended to the highest offices in our land. What are their religious beliefs? Primarily Evangelical, and to a lesser degree conservative Catholicism.
As long as this so, I intend to fight (and write). When this preacher and his fellow Evangelicals recant their theocratic ambitions and stop demonizing everyone different from the way they are, I might start writing about Lionel Trains, baseball, and kinky sex. Until then, I will continue to critique and challenge Evangelical beliefs. If Evangelicals continue to take my critiques personally, I suggest they ask themselves WHY they find my words so upsetting?
Second, I don’t tell anyone what to believe — ever. [Can any Evangelical preacher say the same?] You will look in vain on this site for a post that tells anyone what they must believe. Evangelicals are free to believe whatever they want. However, when Evangelicals drag those beliefs into the public square, they shouldn’t be surprised when non-believers challenge their assertions.
Finally, as Evangelical preachers are wont to do, this preacher ends his comment with insults, insulting my intelligence and calling me a fool. (To which the preacher will say, I didn’t call you a fool, GOD did!) I will spend the rest of the night all butthurt over an Evangelical preacher insulting me. 🙂 At least he didn’t tell me I am going to burn in Hell after I die. 🙂
I should note in passing that this preacher is commenting on a post about Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) pastor and evangelist C.T. Townsend. What is it with the friends and followers of Townsend that makes them so easily offended? Doesn’t the Bible say that those who love God and keep his laws shouldn’t be offended?
Previous posts about C.T. Townsend
- Emotionally Manipulating IFB Church Members through Music and Preaching Styles
- You Better be Mindful of Speaking Against a “Man of God”
- How Dare I Badmouth IFB Evangelist CT Townsend! Says Fundamentalist Christian
- How Dare I Talk Smack About IFB Evangelist C.T. Townsend
- C.T. Townsend Acolyte Says I’m a Follower of Joel Osteen — Yes, Really . . .
- My Response to an Assumption-Filled Email from an Evangelical
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
I agree Bruce, Evangelicals really are too quick to take things personally and you make a great point on how they don’t see that they themselves are the problem with their extreme views. That’s why I have stopped being biblical literalist and am now just one who has faith that helps get me through things, serious about correcting my flaws and asking for forgiveness from not just God but also the people affected but I don’t believe non-Christians and non-believers go to hell, I support LGBT, and I am perfectly ok with listening to music with explicit lyrics both by myself and with friends I bonded with over that music, drinking and telling bawdy jokes and I have a wonderful friend who feels the same way and she helped me with getting fully comfortable with this philosophy/belief.
Great piece Bruce. It’s been my first response to anyone who has said what this guy said, is your religion so fragile that any criticism to it can crush it? You should welcome the ‘attack’ and respond ‘nothing you say can put a dent in my belief’.
Why are they offended?
They are offended because they are losing, and they know that they are losing. So they blame Bruce, they blame atheists, they blame liberals, they blame scientists. What they won’t do, is look at the real cause of their problem, and that is themselves.
They could have taken the high road and rejected Trump. That would have been the Christian thing to do.
They could have taken the high road and rejected racism. That would have been the Christian thing to do.
They could have taken the high road and fought against global warming. That would have been the Christian thing to do.
If they had taken the high road, if they had followed the basic teachings of their professed religion, they would be much admired.
Instead, they are failures.
Evangelicals are losing followers because they are smug, self-righteous assholes teaching doctrines they don’t really follow, and hate is their thing. But if they can continue to subvert democracy they will turn this country into an authoritarian theocracy. They are all about power, glory and money, while claiming to be for their god.
“…You call GOD a liar…” I don’t recall you calling God a liar, because there is no God, and there is no Tooth Fairy, either.
You are upset with certain people and their bizarre behavior and influence over otherwise nice people. Why spend time criticizing a myth, when there is an endless supply of outraged Evangelicals shouting nonsense and sometimes engaging in sex with minors, and thus giving you fodder for another column?
I see a “circle of life” here. 🙂
And using a fake email address? He’s afraid of you! If his faith was strong, he could create an account for junk email and leave that address. What does he think you are able to do with his email address?
Using a fake e-mail address shows this man’s basic hypocrisy and dishonesty. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” So why should we take the letter writer’s words as “gospel truth”? His actions undermine his pious words.
KG, I agree. I’m inclined to think he’s a troll pretending to be a pastor, to give his words more meaning. Too bad, because he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about.
Re: insulting you and calling you a fool. As a fervent fundy for decades, involved in many types of evangelism, I can’t recall anyone converting cos a x-tian was gratuitously rude and offensive to them. I hate their arrogance that everyone else, any outsider, is inferior to their worldview and they’ll get a gazillion brownie points from their jesus for pointing this out by being offensive and disrespectful.
Doesn’t the Bible itself predict scoffers? If Christians belief can be derailed from one naysayer out there, that’s some weak sauce belief. If a belief can’t survive cross examination, perhaps the belief is unwarranted?
Calling God a liar…well he can easily correct the record Himself.
Evangelicals believe they have a mandate from the Supreme Deity Himself to proselytize to the entire world. You and I and others like us, however, who do not believe their story, are obviously under the auspices of Satan and should STFU. I mean, that’s basically what evangelicals believe.
They are desperate though because their numbers are dropping so dramatically. Without outright or social coercion, their ideas and rules aren’t God enough to keep butts in pews, especially not younger butts. Even older butts are making for the door.
The problem with evangelicals is they want to force their views and lifestyle on everyone else. They are what i call absolutists. They are not the only ones, look at the Islam Sunni-Shia mess. Look a Stalin’s communism.
However you are correct, you and people like you must keep talking about this problem to everyone who will listen. Otherwise we may end up being ruled by Trump and/or his followers forever.