I received the following email today:
Our assessment of BG. We are not going to post this publicly so do not worry about being humiliated or embarrassed.
We have analyzed BG’s behavior and words for some time now and we see a developing identity. He is a person who was a low-level obscure independent Baptist preacher who certainly gets jealous and envious of others.
His Christian work seems to have been motivated by these desires as he used his own will and not Jesus’ in his ministry as well as his being critical of those more successful, popular, and less obscure counterparts.
Instead of humbling himself and correctly following Jesus, he followed his character trait and quit. That is not a sign of a good servant of God. He likes to stand in judgment of others grading their level of spirituality with a subjective ruler judging that those observed were not practicing the faith properly.
What exact standard he used is not known, but it was his own making and not God’s. Then instead of being the example, he walks away and condemns every Christin [sic] and God for failing to meet his ideals.
Now he is just a narcissist who hopes he gains the fame and popularity that escaped him when he was a Christian. he wants to leave a negative legacy behind so that people will think he was a great preacher and now a great blogger.
In reality, he remains obscure, uninfluential , and wants to be the center of attention like he has found something new and wonderful for the world, when he is just another unbeliever in a line filled with billions of unbelievers saying the exact same thing as every other unbeliever has said or is saying.
He is a sad and pathetic figure who needs to broadcast his failure to follow Christ to the end of the world and instead of being great, he makes himself a laughingstock. Someone who could not cut it.
And yes we are still sad that you walked away from your faith.
— end of email —
I will not mention this man by name nor will I link to his website. Long-time readers will know exactly who this small-minded, pathetic man is. He wrongly thinks that his words, if made public, will humiliate and embarrass me. Why? His email tells readers more about him than it does me, and readers will see it for what it is: an email from a man who is jealous that I have found happiness and peace without Jesus and the strictures of Fundamentalist Christianity. He wishes he could have what I have, and because his religion keeps him from entering the Promised Land and enjoying its fruits, he stands outside chucking rocks and hurling epithets at me, much like the playground bully.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
When I read the title, I thought the word “ass” was in it. Well, I guess it actually was by your description. He just can’t stop with the smug judgmentalism, can he?
If that’s who I think, they remain unable to do what you did and move on!
Good point, Ben.
He’s written ten posts about you or me the first two weeks of 2022.
I’ve dealt with all sorts of Evangelical critics over the years. He definitely takes the cake.
Hopefully the cake is one of those masterpieces from nailed it! 😂
“Our assessment of BG…”
The first short sentence reveals the identity. It’s obviously Her Majesty!
Ha ha “Her Majesty”. They obviously can’t give up the attention they enjoyed from your readers.
ah, I do love the impotent threats.
We think we know who this is.
The enormous whack-a-mole shall not bludgeon nincompoops. Anyone got anything better for our dear little friend who probably should have read the email policy before hitting send. Then again reading comprehension seems to be a problem considering the opaque bible shaped glasses he seems to be wearing all the time
As my sainted Irish mom used to say: Fuck him, he’s garbage.
When people pronounce judgments on people they don’t know, they reveal far more about themselves than those they presume to judge.
We know you better, Bruce!
“In reality, he remains obscure, uninfluential…” I wouldn’t call 750,000 blog views in a year the track record of an uninfluential person. Poor fundagelical guy! He is reading every post on this blog along with all of these comments and, I’ll guarantee it, he knows how many people Bruce reaches every year or he wouldn’t spend so much time feeding his obsession with Bruce. Given the amount of time this man spends talking about and disparaging BG, the success of this blog must be eating him alive.
Just to clear this up a little.
A young pilot (Victor Belenko), who spent his entire life in the service of communism (Soviet Union – deceased) was so well liked that he was made a test pilot for their most advanced weapons systems … did the unthinkable. He had a revelation. He started to slowly question the system he was brought up in. So. He stole the most feared weapon system that N.A.T.O. was really alarmed about. …. a MiG-25 Foxbat and raced out of the Soviet Union to Japan with the machine. Americans took it apart and sent it back to Russia (1972).
What I find interesting is that Soviet bureaucrats couldn’t praise the pilot more. They say he was forced down against his will, captured and tortured. They tried for a year to entice him back. They lined up people whom he worked with and family members whom he hardly knew to give testimony to how proud they were of him (tears included). They said his life was now empty. That he simply wasn’t strong enough. That the outside world would simply toss him aside if he didn’t return to the bosom of his communist family (Soviet people). They said that all would be forgiven.
When they realized, he was no longer one of them, their tactics changed. Now he was described to the Soviet people as deranged. Not a true communist. Never was. He was angry with family problems. He had secretly tasted the outside world. He hated his care givers (the Soviet people) after all they had done for him. Now he was being described as an egocentric, small, pathetic criminal who only pretended to love his people.
The man who called you pathetic would, if fortunes had been different, would have been one of the Soviet officials (probably KGB) assigned to tear down your character. So be aware of these communist-styled Christians. They’re Fundamentalist Christian KGB officers. No one cares what happens to them. They are just doing their job of disinformation.
To add just a bit: The American engineers who took the MIG-25 Foxbat apart discovered that its supposedly great capabilities were actually a bunch of bullshit. The plane turned out to be a mere ghost of its vaunted hype among the Soviet establishment and American “intelligence.”
From the email: “Our assessment”. Reminds me of an oft repeated David Letterman joke when he’d get vapid letters signed by more than one person: “Wow, it took more than one person to write that letter!”