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Black Collar Crime: Pastor Cameron Giovanelli Resurrects From the Dead, Found in Florida

cameron giovanelli

The Black Collar Crime Series relies on public news stories and publicly available information for its content. If any incorrect information is found, please contact Bruce Gerencser. Nothing in this post should be construed as an accusation of guilt. Those accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty.

In May 2018, Cameron Giovanelli, the president of Golden State Baptist College — an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) institution operated by Pastor Jack Trieber and North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California, was accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a church teenager when he was the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Dundalk, Maryland. Giovanelli denied the allegations and exited stage right to points unknown. ( Please read the previous post titled, Black Collar Crime: IFB Preacher Cameron Giovanelli Accused of Sexual Assault)

Today, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Giovanelli is now the associate pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. Giovanelli also plans to help Immanuel Baptist’s pastor, Greg Neal, start a new unaccredited IFB secondary institution called North Florida Baptist College. Neal, himself, was caught up in a sex scandal in 2011 when he was accused of video voyeurism. You can read more about Neal’s brush with the law here and here. Neal, unfortunately, escaped prosecution.

I have no doubt that a number IFB pastors and churches will recommend North Florida Baptist College to its students. Neal is a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College. Deeply influenced by disgraced pastor Jack Hyles, I am sure that both Neal and Giovanneli subscribe to the Hyles rule: If You Didn’t See It, It Didn’t Happen. (Please see Sexual Abuse and the Jack Hyles Rule: If You Didn’t See It, It Didn’t Happen)

Giovaneli’s college bio page states:

Cameron Giovanelli was born on June 29, 1977. He was saved on September 20, 1990, while living in Rohnert Park, CA. In 1994, he surrendered to preach while attending a youth conference in Santa Clara, California. Following his graduation, he attended Golden State Baptist College where he met his wife, Sarah, and they both graduated in 2000.

After graduating from Bible college, Cameron Giovanelli served as a youth pastor for several years in Napa, CA; as an associate pastor in Manteca, California; and then, as a pastor in the fall of 2003. He pastored a growing church on the east coast for eleven years before accepting a position at his alma mater as the president. In 2018, he and his family moved to Jacksonville, Florida, and began serving as an assistant pastor at the Immanuel Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Greg Neal. Now, with the announcement of North Florida Baptist College, Cameron Giovanelli has been asked and has accepted the role of president.

Cameron and Sarah Giovanelli have three children. Together, the Giovanelli family has seen the Lord work in remarkable ways, and they are excited about this next phase of their ministry life. Cameron Giovanelli is a seasoned servant and soldier of the cross, and it is with great excitement that North Florida Baptist College has called him to lead the way of training up the next generation of church leaders.

No mention of the allegations against him. I wonder why?  Sadly, the IFB church movement tends to be a shameless lot, and the latest escapades of Neal and Giovanelli only reinforce that notion. As I perused North Florida Baptist College’s twitter account, I noticed that IFB luminary Bob Gray, Sr. is a follower. No shock there. Gay is a Hyles loyalist, and has stood by several IFB preachers accused of sexual misconduct. I followed North Florida Baptist, and it took less than sixty-seconds for them to do the following:

north florida baptist college twitter

They also reported my account and got it temporarily blocked. I wonder what Giovanelli, Neal, and Company are trying to hide?

Sorry boys, but I ain’t going away.

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Avatar

    Everything Giovanelli does screams guilt to me. If he was innocent why in blazes resign??? Fight tooth and nail. I know if I was innocent I would be hell damned if I would slink off into the night.

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      Julie, I read that as well and was totally convinced of his innocence…NOT – Laugh – Snort – Snicker. But Dr. Brother Hyles would be proud because if there were no witnesses well then, It didn’t Happen!

  2. Avatar

    Hypocrisy makes me crazy. If a woman is sexually active, she is a slut who deserves to be punished. (Heartbeat bills, anyone?) If a man does it, well, boys will be boys.

  3. Avatar

    Not only is his grammar horrible; his writing style is disjointed to the point of being hard to understand. How could he be the head of any decent educational institution? And it is highly inappropriate for him to spew confidential information that was made available to him in a pastor/counselor role. He is not defending himself; he could do that through legal channels. Instead he is engaging in a pissing contest in the hopes of getting his accusers to back off. I get the sense that Sarah could be mentally or emotionally unhealthy. He is further compounding that condition.

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    Carlos Ken Caperton

    Innocent until proven guilty. People are so quick to be judge and jury and react to accusations without substance. The church should not be spreading anything without facts and proof. I am very disappointed in how we as Christians are so quick to react just like the world. I abhor those that will slander and destroy others without evidence

  5. Avatar
    Yulya. Sevelova

    Just reading about Giovanelli, whom I never heard of until now. Caperton, Rev. G pleaded guilty. He admitted to all of it. He has a compulsion to go for minors, rendering him unfit for ministry. It’s not slander to warn others about this person. How is it remotely helpful to God, then, to shield and make excuses for such people ??

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