I have been blogging since 2007. When I started, I was still a Christian — barely. A year or so later, I finally admitted I was no longer a believer. This iteration of my blog went live in December 2014, over ten years ago. Over the years, millions of people have stopped by to read one or more pages on this site. Many readers are one-and-done. They read a few posts, get what they need, and move on, never to stop by again. Others become regular readers of this site, even if they don’t comment or email me. And then some are devoted readers; people who regularly comment on posts that interest them.
Lurkers are likely the largest groups of readers. I am encouraged when lurkers comment or email me, often saying that they have been reading my writing for years. Oftentimes, when I feel like throwing in the towel, I will get an email from a lurker thanking me for something I’ve written or sharing with me how my posts helped them “see the light.”
As I rework and repost old writing, I look at the comments to see who commented on the original post. Without fail, I find commenters who, at one time, were regular participants on this site, but no longer are. I wonder, What happened? Did I piss them off? Did they die? Did they return to the faith? Did they get what they needed from my writing, and move on? Did my political writing upset them? Did my writing become boring to them, or too repetitious?
While I would like every reader to stay with me until death do us part, I know that’s not how the Internet works. The goal, then, is to retain as many readers as possible, knowing that most readers will move in, out, and through this site. I am grateful for everyone who reads my writing, even if they disagree with me, are still Evangelical Christians, or voted for Donald Trump. The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser is a safe place for discussion for everyone, Christian or not. Yes, I have a comment policy, but everyone is given at least one opportunity to say whatever it is they want to say. If a commenter shows he or she can play well with others, they will be encouraged to continue commenting. Some people will frequently comment and then suddenly stop. I always wonder why they stopped commenting. Did I upset them? Did another commenter upset them? Did they say all they intended to say?
None of this troubles me much except for those who stopped reading because I upset them for some reason. I always want to know if something I’ve written upsets someone. Why? Sometimes, people get upset because I was not precise and they misunderstood me. I ALWAYS want to be understood. That’s why I hope people who are upset by something I wrote will contact me so I can clarify what I said — if possible. Sometimes, there’s no imprecision on my part. I do my best to say what I mean to say, so I don’t have to explain or apologize later. I am a plain-spoken writer, and I try to write in a way that everyone understands. Disagreements happen. When they do happen, I appreciate the opportunity, if possible, to clear the disagreement up. There will, of course, always be times when no amount of explanation and dialog will fix a disagreement. Sometimes, disagreements become so sharp that people (usually atheists) feel the need to “break fellowship” with me. Much like getting a divorce, this is their way of showing their disapproval of something I have written or said. These folks rarely return, though sometimes they lurk in the shadows, reading but not commenting. Such disagreements are rare, but they happen.
I know I am a niche blogger, a writer who focuses on Evangelicalism — particularly the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) church movement. Sure, I write on other topics, but I make sure I stay true to my calling. 🙂 I often wonder if I’ll reach a point in my writing where there’s nothing new or meaningful to say or if my words no longer are helpful, and it is time to hang up my spurs. With 1, 600 posts in my draft file, I’m certain I have enough fodder to last a long while.
Are there things you think I can do to improve reader engagement and encourage commenting? Please share your erudite thoughts in the comment section.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.