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Christians Say The Darnedest Things: Destroying the Arguments of Atheists

atheist-hellThe atheist has been unleashed on the world as part of a planned attack on all religions of faith. The specific targets of the atheists are: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. When the man of sin shows up, he will destroy the atheists along with everyone else that does not accept his “pure luciferian” religion.


To illustrate how ridiculous the atheist argument is, consider this: Take any complex organism, or machine, or anything else in the world that has hundreds (if not thousands of parts) and shake them around in a box for thousands of years, and see what you get when you open the box. Somehow humans “evolved?” Well, great theory, but how? Who set the rules for that evolution? Who designed it all? The entire universe screams at the top of its lungs “RANDOM DOES’NT [sic] WORK HERE.”

Can you imagine how long an engineer would last at any company if they suggested the best way to create something new was to throw all kinds of pieces and parts in a box and shake them around for a long time? That is utterly, completely ridiculous, and its also the argument the atheist uses for the existence of everything we see.”

Atheist “it all “just happened, we don’t know how”
Christian: “oh, so your faith is in “I don’t know.”
Atheist “correct, “I don’t know” explains more than an intelligent designer.”
Christian “ummm, sorry, but I don’t know, explains nothing.”

The atheist worships math and science. Great! So who set the laws that govern math and science? Math and science are based on order, so who set the order? Oh yea, I remember, the order came from “i don’t know.”

The universe that we live in is the evidence that our God exists. All creation is evidence that he exists. The incredible complexity, order, and grandeur of creation is the evidence, but the atheist says that “I don’t know” makes more sense than a creator.


All creation is evidence for the existence of our God. Atheism explains nothing, so how exactly is that worldview helpful to mankind? The atheist is a spiritually bankrupt person, running around telling other people that somehow they have a superior spiritual view from those of us who believe in a Creator? We have answers for the creation, they have “I don’t know,” which is superior?

The atheist has no “deathblow” arguments for Christianity, which is why they have to setup never ending debates and monologues, write hundreds of books, etc etc etc. If they had some kind of “magic bullet” argument why don’t they just use it and be done with it? Since they have no “magic bullet” they go on, and on, and on, debating, writing, and rehashing the same arguments over and over again.

Here’s another vexing question for the atheist: What happens after you die? Now, can you guess what their answer is to that question? Try hard to guess now…. I DON’T KNOW!….there it is…again…the atheist answer for everything. For people who debate ad nauseum [sic], claiming the wisdom and brilliance of mankind over God, surely they have a better answer to the most important questions in life than “I don’t know?”


The atheist has much, much, MUCH more faith than any member of Islam, Judaism or Christianity, and their faith is in “I don’t know.” We will see here very soon how far “I don’t know” carries these men, as their world turns upside down on them, chews them up and spits them out. They will cry out to “I don’t know” for help when their hearts are failing them for fear, and “I don’t know” will watch their destruction passively with a grin on its face.


If the atheists were honestly inquiring in their hearts to determine if our God was real, they would find him. But they ask only to answer their own questions with their predetermined agendas, and their self satisfaction in giving canned answers that other men provided for them. The bible says if we seek him with all of our heart, we will find him. For men who call science and math their gods, I am amazed at how far they ride “I don’t know” when it comes to God.
The atheist’s faith in “I don’t know” is something to be marveled at. Time will soon tell who the wise and the foolish among us are. grace and peace

— Brother D, Christian Apostasy, Destroying the Arguments of Atheists, March 28, 2009


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    Wow, he seems certain about a lit of things including atheists having “faith” in I dont know. Sorry, but that isnt faith, just a fact. Also why should we seek god if we dont believe he exists, he can quote scripture all he wants but it holds no authority or meaning for those dont believe it.

    Lastly this guy has a serious problem with the psychological concept of projection. If you put christians wherever he says atheist and the bible wherever he says i dont know in his whole statement you will probably be much closer to reality than he will get inside that brain warping bubble of his.


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    As Trenton says, even if we accept the ludicrous reasoning displayed here, it still doesn’t get us to the Christian god. The trouble is, however, that the arguments made, when considered as a whole, have more holes than a sieve.

    It’s absurd to say that ‘I don’t know’ is a form of faith. It’s actually supremely honest, and is, in any case, what the writer himself will claim when pushed; at some point he will say that he doesn’t know god’s ways, because that’s all Christian’s can do. They always have to fall back on mystery; atheists simply concede the point earlier in the argument.

    Perhaps the big difference between an atheist saying ‘I don’t know’ and a believer saying it when referring to god’s ‘mysterious ways’ is that the atheist intends to find out more. Okay I don’t know how life came into being but there are many scientists investigating it, and we are getting closer to understanding the mechanisms. Believers don’t actually want to learn anything more, being happy to bask in their ignorance (I accept that this doesn’t apply by any means to all believers). They’re a little like the priests in medieval times, who condemned physicians who tried to learn the mysteries of medicine, saying that only god could heal the sick. Fortunately enlightened people ignored them.

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    It is impossible to have faith in ‘I don’t know’. I don’t know means just that. I don’t place any trust in my not knowing. I am open to one day ‘knowing’ but unlike blind faith I don’t presume to think I have all the answers.

    All progress is based on saying ‘I don’t know…. Let’s find out.’ At one time we didn’t know what stars are, how the solar system works, what makes people sick, how to harness energy, how to fly,where humans came from, how old the earth is. Oh yes ancient people did have answers – stars are holes in the sky or fixed lights that could fall to earth. But were these answers ‘superior’ to I don’t know??!

    The cry of human progress is ‘I DON’T KNOW’.

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