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Dear Tony Kornheiser, You Don’t Know What You Are Talking About When it Comes to Josh Duggar

tony kornheiser
ESPN Pardon the Interruption Host Tony Kornheiser

I am a long time viewer of sports show Pardon the Interruption (PTI), hosted by Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser. Kornheiser also has a daily radio program. For some inexplicable reason, Kornheiser decided to address the Josh Duggar case. Here’s part of what he said:

“Wasn’t it addressed awhile back? And the only reason he’s quitting his job now is because it became public. […] You have the right to address it privately. […] He was a kid!”

Really? He was a kid? You have the right to address it privately? Why is Kornheiser making light of Duggar molesting five little girls? Does he really know anything about the Duggar family, Josh Duggar, and their fundamentalist religion? I doubt it. This is a clear case of Kornheiser opening his mouth without having any understanding of the matter.

If, at age 14 (almost 15), Josh had raped one of his sisters, would Kornheiser respond the same way? Hey, he was a kid, he didn’t understand the seriousness of what he was doing. Is this what Kornheiser would say? I doubt it. But, maybe he would. Maybe he thinks 14-year-old boys should get a pass for what is done in their youth. Perhaps his comments are a reflection of his age, hailing from a generation that routinely turned a blind eye to sexual abuse and rape. Well Tony, it’s 2015 not 1950.

And here’s what I do know. If Josh Duggar had molested Tony Kornheiser’s daughters, I guarantee you he wouldn’t be so understanding.


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      Ron Robles

      Tony comments on the release of video of Draymond video. His outrage of said release. Where was his outrage of release of the tape of Rachel Nichols? Didn’t say much!!!

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