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Songs of Sacrilege: He is by Ghost


Warning! Lyrics may contain offensive, vulgar language.

This is the one hundred and fifty-second installment in the Songs of Sacrilege series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a song that is irreverent towards religion, makes fun of religion, pokes fun at sincerely held religious beliefs, or challenges the firmly held religious beliefs of others, please send me an email.

Today’s Song of Sacrilege is He is by Ghost.

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We’re standing here by the abyss
And the world is in flames
Two star crossed lovers reaching out
To the beast with many names

He is
He’s the shining and the light without whom I cannot see
And He is Insurrection
He is spite
He’s the force that made me be
He is
Nostro Dispater
Nostr’Alma Mater
He is

We are hiding here inside a dream
And all our doubts are now destroyed
The guidance of the morning star
Will lead the way into the void

He is
He’s the shining in the light without whom I cannot see
And He is Insurrection
He is spite
He’s the force that made me be
He is
Nostro Dispater
Nostr’Alma Mater
He is

He is
He’s the shining and the light without whom I cannot seeAnd He is Insurrection

And He is Insurrection
He is spite
He’s the force that made me be
He is
He’s the shining in the light without whom I cannot see
And He is
The disobedience that holds us together
He is
Nostro Dispater
Nostr’Alma Mater
And we are falling over the precipice

Series Navigation<< Songs of Sacrilege: Reality Asylum by CrassSongs of Sacrilege: Oh Satellite (O Holy Night) by Natalie Windsor and The National Philharmonic Orchestra >>

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