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Songs of Sacrilege: The God That Failed by Metallica


This is the two hundredth and sixth installment in the Songs of Sacrilege series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a song that is irreverent towards religion, makes fun of religion, pokes fun at sincerely held religious beliefs, or challenges the firmly held religious beliefs of others, please send me an email.

Today’s Song of Sacrilege is The God That Failed by Metallica.

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Pride you took, pride you feel
Pride that you felt when you’d kneel
Not the word, not the love
Not what you thought from above

It feeds, it grows
It clouds all that you will know
Deceit, deceive
Decide just what you believe

I see faith in your eyes
Never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries
Broken is the promise, betrayal
The healing hand held back by the deepened nail
Follow the god that failed

Find your peace, find your say
Find the smooth road in your way
Trust you gave, a child to save
Left you cold and him in grave

It feeds, it grows
It clouds all that you will know
Deceit, deceive
Decide just what you believe

I see faith in your eyes
Never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries
Broken is the promise, betrayal
The healing hand held back by the deepened nail
Follow the god that failed

Series Navigation<< Songs of Sacrilege: Sin Wagon by the Dixie ChicksSongs of Sacrilege: Shallow Be Thy Name by Red Hot Chili Peppers >>


  1. Avatar

    This song was inspired by singer James Hetfield’s mother dying of cancer because her Christian Science beliefs dictated that she shouldn’t see a doctor. Obviously she died, i believe when he was 16. AFAIK, he has reconciled with religion but definitely not that of his parents.
    Oh also
    Metallica rocks.

  2. Avatar

    Fight Song by Marilyn Manson
    Rock is Dead by Marilyn Manson
    Cake and Sodomy by Marilyn Manson
    The Love Song by Marilyn Manson
    (Yeah I know, Manson has a lot)
    South of Heaven by Slayer
    Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold

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