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Songs of Sacrilege: Eve by Shelley Segal

This is the thirtieth installment in the Songs of Sacrilege series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a song that is irreverent towards religion, makes fun of religion, pokes fun at sincerely held religious beliefs, or challenges the firmly held religious beliefs of others, please send me an email.

Today’s Song of Sacrilege is Eve by Shelley Segal, an Australian musician.

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The bible tells me I was made for and from man
And I must do for him everything that I can
I must surrender to his will, yeah I must submit
I can’t make the household decisions coz I am unfit
It tells me my place
With ever-lasting grace

The bible tells me I must be silent you can’t hear my voice
My role has been divinely defined and I have no other choice
I may not be a teacher of man, I must cover up my shame
These are the laws of the one who in vain I cannot name
He tells me my place
With ever-lasting grace

And my punishment for wanting to learn
Is a painful birth from which I may not return

The bible tells me that I am unclean
I am impure you cannot touch me and it has nothing to do with where I’ve been
It is part of who I am, It is because I corrupt man
I was asking for it just by being a woman
He tells me my place
With ever-lasting grace

And my punishment for wanting to learn
Is a painful birth from which I may not return

The bible tells me I was made for and from man
And I must do for him everything that I can
I must surrender to his will, yeah I must submit
I can’t make the household decisions coz I am unfit
It tells me my place
With ever-lasting grace

Series Navigation<< Songs of Sacrilege: Saved by Shelley SegalSongs of Sacrilege: Glory Hallelujah by Frank Turner >>


  1. Avatar

    Wow, she has it all: interesting guitar sound, cool voice, wonderful eyes! and poetic lyric…. thank-you, Bruce. Had not heard her before.

  2. Avatar

    Nice! I wasn’t familiar with her until today. Have you checked out her website? She has a whole album called “An Atheist Album.”
    Your text above the photo says the name of the song is “Evil.” But I believe your headline is correct – it is “Eve.”

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