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Songs of Sacrilege: Did Jesus Have a Baby Sister? by Dory Previn

Today, I am starting a new series, Songs of Sacrilege. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a song that is irreverent towards religion, makes fun of religion, pokes fun at sincerely held religious beliefs, or challenges the firmly held religious beliefs of others, please leave the name the song in the comment section or send me an email.

Dory Previn was an Americans 20th century  song writer and poet. Previn’s fifth album, released in 1974 on the Warner Brothers label, featured a song titled, Did Jesus Have a Baby Sister?

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Did jesus have a baby sister?
Was she bitter?
Was she sweet?
Did she wind up in a convent?
Did she end up on the street?
On the run?
On the stage?
Did she dance?
Did he have a sister?
A little baby sister?
Did jesus have a sister?
Did they give her a chance?

Did he have a baby sister?
Could she speak out
By and large?
Or was she told by mother mary
Ask your brother he’s in charge
He’s the chief
He’s the whipped cream
On the cake
Did he have a sister?
A little baby sister?
Did jesus have a sister?
Did they give her a break?

Her brother’s
Birth announcement
Was pretty big
Pretty big
I guess
While she got precious
Little notice
In the local press
Her mother was the virgin
When she carried him
Carried him
If the little girl came later
Was she conceived in sin?
And in sorrow?
And in suffering?
And in shame?
Did jesus have a sister?
What was her name?

Did she long to be the saviour
Saving everyone
She me?
And in private to her mirror
Did she whisper
Save your breath!
Did he have a sister?
A little baby sister?
Did jesus have a sister?
Was she there at his death?

And did she cry for mary’s comfort
As she watched him
On the cross?
And was mary too despairing
Ask your brother
He’s the boss
He’s the chief
He’s the man
He’s the show
Did he have a sister?
A little baby sister?
Did jesus have a sister?
Doesn’t anyone know?

Series Navigation<< Songs of Sacrilege: Forgiven by Alanis Morissette<< Songs of Sacrilege: You Might Not Like Her by Maddie ZahmSongs of Sacrilege: Hand of the Almighty (God will F**k You Up) by John Butler >>


  1. Avatar
    Erin Word

    Maybe I’m weird, but my favorite is “I Believe in Father Christmas” by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Yes, it’s also an anti-traditional-Christmas song. I love tradition, but I dislike the “fairy story” that goes along with it.

  2. Avatar
    Brian T

    I always liked “God Shuffled His Feet” by the Crash Test Dummies. The last verse would have the fundies fuming no doubt:
    The people sat waiting
    Out on their blankets in the garden
    But God said nothing
    So someone asked him:”I beg your pardon:
    I’m not quite clear about what you just spoke
    What that a parable, or a very subtle joke?”

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