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Songs of Sacrilege: Open Letter by The Amity Affliction

This is the sixty-third installment in the Songs of Sacrilege series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a song that is irreverent towards religion, makes fun of religion, pokes fun at sincerely held religious beliefs, or challenges the firmly held religious beliefs of others, please send me an email.

Today’s Song of Sacrilege is Open Letter by The Amity Affliction.

 Video Link


This is my open letter,
this is something to remember,
I won’t be buried before my time,
I’m not searching for forever.
I’ve got my eyes opened wide.

I’ve been searching under rubble from the past,
just looking for a reason to make your life last,
No need to look skyward for you to find hope,
no need for redemption to be saved from the rope,
fuck no.

I’m not searching the sky for a reason
to live ’cause I found beauty right here
and found the passion to give,
so let me give you my heart,
let me give you my tears,
let me give you my life,
let me give you my fears.

Just so you can hold on and sing while I do,
sing these words out so loud,
like I sing them for you.

This is your open letter,
something to remember,
we can still keep on fighting
even though life is not forever.

This is my open letter,
this is something to remember,
this is my open letter,
I’m not searching for forever.

Series Navigation<< Songs of Sacrilege: The Preacher and the Slave (Pie in the Sky) by Pete SeegerSongs of Sacrilege: Stardust by Monster on Sunday >>

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