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The Sounds of Fundamentalism: We NEED Private Jets by Kenneth Copeland

kenneth copeland jesse duplantisThis is the forty-seventh installment in The Sounds of Fundamentalism series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a video clip that shows the crazy, cantankerous, or contradictory side of Evangelical Christianity, please send me an email with the name or link to the video. Please do not leave suggestions in the comment section.  Let’s have some fun!

Today’s Sound of Fundamentalism is a video of con-artists Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis justifying their need of multi-million dollar private jets.

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Series Navigation<< The Sounds of Fundamentalism: You Are Stupid and Don’t Know Your Bible by Perry NobleThe Sounds of Fundamentalism: Rock Music and Hell by David Benoit >>


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    You can’t use the airlines, indeed, Pastor Copeland… this dope-filled world and goin’ down those tubes with all those DEMONS! We just can’t do that… it would ruin our ministries… I think he said 90% of the ministry would have to be curtailed if he did not have the world’s fastest Cessna to fly…. He is right of course: I have walked in those tubes in this dope-filled world with a bunch of demons and that must be why I am an atheist now. I believe that if pastor Copeland would give me that plane of his, I could believe again and talk right to God while enroute. Why are you attacking these holy men of God, Bruce? Because you don’t have a Cessna? Have you not walked down an airport demon tube in this dope-filled world??? By golly, you are an intolerant man.

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    J.D. Matthews

    Well, of course, it’s not about him wanting to fly freely, though, because as he said, he could just go fly in his OTHER airplane if he wanted that. You, too, probably. Don’t you also have sacks full of cash sent in from poverty-stricken saints who are gullible enough to think you need their money? How will the Lord ever be taught if not for PLANES!!!

    Also, did he say he pulled that scripture out of the Book of his Anus?

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    I really want to ask them if jesus would take a private jet. Of course jesus might sully their spiritual energy with all the grime he picked up from helping the poor, the tax collectors, the prostitutes and the sick he seemed to hang around with constantly. Not that it matters to them as long as they can “talk” to god in privacy. What disgusting human beings

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    John Arthur

    Hi Bruce,

    Copeland and Duplantis are simply motivated by greed under the guise of their prosperity theology. These Word of Faith preachers are the ones who are getting rich at the expense of those who give to their ministry of greed. They prey on gullible,needy Christians who are swindled out of their hard earned money and fall for the nonsense that they are sowing seeds into the kingdom by their offerings to these purveyors of health and wealth theology. The lifestyles of the likes of Copeland and Duplantis are extravagant and as far away from good news to the poor as you can get..


    John Arthur

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