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The Sounds of Fundamentalism: Michele Bachmann Preaches the Right-Wing Political Gospel

michele bachmann

This is the one hundred and eighty-eighth installment in The Sounds of Fundamentalism series. This is a series that I would like readers to help me with. If you know of a video clip that shows the crazy, cantankerous, or contradictory side of Evangelical Christianity, please send me an email with the name or link to the video. Please do not leave suggestions in the comment section.  Let’s have some fun!

Today’s Sound of Fundamentalism is a video clip of a campaign sermon by Michele Bachmann.

Video Link

Text Excerpt:

This isn’t about political parties. This is about whether or not we are going to yield ourselves to a mighty God—for his sovereignty, for his glory, for his power, and whether or not this nation will continue to reflect his biblical values from this shining city on the hill, all across the world. That’s the only reason that this nation has been singularly blessed throughout the entirety of its life.

We are privileged to be here in this city as proxies for his huge election that is about to happen. Because just like two years ago, when we asked God for a reprieve in this country, he gave us a reprieve. We’ve had unparalleled growth—never seen growth like we’ve seen over the last two years in this country. You’d never know it listening to the radio or looking at news sources, but it’s been unparalleled what’s happened.

Video Link

On Monday, Bachmann delivered a prayer at an event held at right-wing loon Harry Jackson, Jr’s Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland.

Here’s an excerpt:

Because, Lord, we ask that none but godly men and women would rule. We ask you for those godly men and women, oh Lord God almighty, we ask that you would do what no man thought could be done. Lord, they have started some of the voting in some of the states, but tomorrow is going to be the whole enchilada. And so, Father, we ask in the midst of that voting, that your will would prevail. …

You have a purpose and a plan for the United States of America. And we say nothing will thwart your plan for this country. And that’s why we come before you and say, ‘Satan, you will be bound in Jesus’ name. You will be bound, you and your minions, and you will not prevail in this election.’

We pray, oh God, against deception. We pray against delusion. We pray against every vile dart of the enemy that is thrown against the church of the Lord our God, and we say you will not prevail.

And instead we loose the holy angels of your kingdom to go about on assignment, to and fro across this nation, from Maine to International Falls, Minnesota, to Seattle, down to San Diego, and down to Miami, to Brownsville, Texas, all down the Mississippi, across this nation, that you would send your angels, Father, to bring about righteousness and holiness and justice.

And that you would confound the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. There will be no killing tomorrow. There will be no stealing tomorrow. There will be no destroying tomorrow.

We are reclaiming this nation for the kingdom of Almighty God. We reclaim this kingdom. You cannot have this kingdom, Satan, this is God’s kingdom. And we preach that into every voting booth in this nation. That is not your territory, Satan. Get your hands off of every ballot and every voting booth!

And instead, Lord, you go in there. You take your people in there. Take your holy people in there to cast a holy ballot, a ballot that would honor your name.

Series Navigation<< The Sounds of Fundamentalism: The Absurdity of Life Without God by William Lane CraigThe Sounds of Fundamentalism: Republicans Are More Godly Than Democrats Says Phil Robertson >>


  1. Avatar

    I can die now as I have always wanted to hear the word “enchilada” uttered in a prayer.

    I am reading ” The Evangelicals: the Struggle to Shape America ” by Frances Fitzgerald which lays down the historical and social background for the influence of evangelicals in politics since the founding of USA. It is eye opening.

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